The authors listed below have all achieved, at least one four star review, from one of the reviewers listed on the Indie Reviewers List.
Links to the author’s reviews, books, samples and press clippings accompany a short Bio for each author. Also provided is a link to their websites.
Name | Genre/s |
A. L. Bridges | Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Romance, Humor, New Adult |
Alan Robertshaw | Adventure, political thriller |
Angela Myron | YA Fantasy |
Angelika Rust | Fantasy |
Ash Krafton | urban fantasy, paranormal romance, speculative fiction and poetry |
Barbara Watkins | Horror: Paranormal/Suspense: Psychological/Suspense: |
Becca J. Campbell | New Adult: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Thriller, Science Fiction |
Benjamin Dancer | Literary, Thriller, Suspense, Action Adventure |
Bev Stout | Young Adult Historical Fiction |
Bill See | Non Fiction Rock Band |
Bradford Wheler | Archaeological, mystery, thriller novels and Art quotation books |
C.D. Verhoff | Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal and Young Adult |
C.E. Martin | Pulp, Men's Adventure, Military Science Fiction, Dark Fantasy, Horror |
Carla J. Hanna | Young adult, teen love and romance, coming of age, new adult, new adult romance, inspirational romance, contemporary fiction |
Charlie Boucher | Horror |
Chris Wimpress | Speculative Fiction, Political Fiction, Literary Fiction, Thrillers, Mystery |
Christopher Stookey | Fiction and nonfiction |
Christy Dorrity | Young Adult, mythic fantasy, nonfiction, cookbooks |
David Anderson | Children's, Kid Lit, Chapter book |
D. B. Silvis | Various genres |
Dee DeTarsio | Women's Fiction, Contemporary, Chick-Lit, Mystery, Fantasy |
Denise L Jenne | Children's & Young Adult |
DV Berkom | thriller/suspense |
Elle Jacklee | Middle Grade/Young Adult fantasy |
Ellie Campbell | Chicklit, contemporary romance |
Erin Gitchell | Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and romance. |
Frank Mundo | General, Fantasy and Poetry |
Gary Marshall | Humour, Thriller |
Hanna Peach | antasy, Romance (Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Thrillers, Erotic Romance) |
Helen Hanson | Thriller |
J.A. Cipriano | YA/NA Paranormal, Urban Fantasy |
JA Clement | Fantasy |
J. L. McCreedy | Middle Grade Fantasy |
J Thomas Beaton | Science Fiction, Action & Adventure |
Jacob Prytherch | Horror |
Jaime Buckley | YA Fiction, Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Humor |
Jan Hurst-Nicholson | Humor, Children's Books, Other |
Jeff Thomason | Young Adult Science Fiction |
Jeffrey Cook | Science fiction, Fantasy, YA, and Steampunk/alt-history. |
Jess C Scott | Urban Fantasy / Cyberpunk / YA with adult crossover appeal |
Jill Menketti | Contemporary Fiction |
Jodi Sampson | Memoir- non- fiction |
John A. Heldt | Historical fiction, romance, new adult, young adult, time travel, coming of age |
John C Hamilton | Young Adult, Thrillers |
John Triptych | Crime Thrillers, Post-apocalyptic |
Jonathan-David Jackson | Contemporary, Humor |
Judi Moore | Historical Fiction, Science fiction |
Julie Frayn | General Fiction, Literary Fiction, Women's Fiction, Edgy YA |
K.M. Alexander | weird fiction, urban fantasy, sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian thriller |
Karen Wojcik Berner | Women's Fiction, Contemporary Fiction |
Kasim Kaey | Sci-fi, Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Romance |
Kiera Michelle Telford | Science fiction, post-apocalyptic, dystopian. |
Keta Diablo | Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Gay Fiction |
Kristie Leigh Maguire | Romance |
Laurie Boris | Contemporary fiction |
Leonard Little | Fantasy, Paranormal, Western, Fairy Tales, Short stories, General Fiction |
Leslie Huggans | Women's Fiction, Chick Lit, Romantic Comedy, Romance, Mystery |
Lexi Revellian | Mystery |
Lily Temperley | Romantic Fiction Women's Fiction |
Linda Hall | mystery, thriller, suspense, women's fiction |
Lynne Cantwell | Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance |
Lynne Murray | Science Fiction/Fantasy |
M T McGuire | Humour, Fantasy |
Malcolm Campbell | Magical realism and fantasy |
Mari Hamill | Romantic Suspense, Horror, Paranormal |
Marie Drake | Fiction |
Mark W Sasse | general fiction/contemporary/historical fiction/romance/adventure/literary fiction |
Martin Cooper | Mystery, Crime |
Massimo Marino | Sci-fi, post-apocalypse, dystopian and short crime drama stories. |
Melanie Nowak | Paranormal Romance |
Melinda Clayton | Southern fiction, contemporary fiction |
Michael Tobias | Literary fiction, science-fiction, metaphysical & visionary, fantasy |
Michelle Knight | Erotica, Science-Fiction |
Nadia Gerassimenko | Poetry |
Paul Collis | Humour |
Renee Travis | YA, Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy, Erotica |
Robert Cowan | Urban / Contemporary Fiction, Dark Humour |
Rose Anderson | Contemporary Romance |
Ryan Bracha | Darkly comic satirical thrillers, Surreal comedy. |
SA Mathieson | Non-Fiction |
Scott Spotson | Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Humour |
Shari Sakurai | Horror, Science Fiction |
Shaun Jeffrey | Horror and Thriller |
Sibel Hodge | Chick Lit |
Simon Royle | Technothriller, Science Fiction, thriller, futuristic |
Simon Townley | Psychological thrillers, Historical Fiction, Speculative and Science Fiction, YA, Fantasy and cross-genre adventure. |
Smoky Zeidel | literary/historical fiction/magical realism |
Stacy Juba | Adult mysteries, (also authored books for children and young adults) |
Stephanie Rolls | New Adult Romance |
Stevie Kopas | Horror, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie |
Susanne O'Leary | Chick lit, Contemporary romance, historical fiction, crime |
Sylvia Engdahl | Science fiction |
Theresa DaLayne | Young adult paranormal romance and new adult contemporary romance. |
Thomas Lopinski | Literary Fiction/Young Adult/Action Adventure |
T L Alexander | Romance, Mystery |
Toni Dwiggins | Thriller |
Vicki Tyley | Mystery, Suspense, Australian fiction |
I have written a YA Romantic Thriller titled UNLOVABLE. I would love to be added to this list!
THank you!
I would like to submit The Path Book I: Spirit and Mind for review. Cheers!
Hi Eric,
We don’t review books here but there are over 100 reviewers on the Indie Reviewers List that do.
I would like to set up an author page and know I must find out if any of your reviewers have already reviewed some of my work. I subscribed but I still can’t access the list to find out if I already have that all important 3+star review. Can you help? I’m so sorry if the answer is right under my nose. Great site and I’m very excited about participating.
Hi Rebecca,
To view the Indie Reviewers list you must be registered to the site (please note subscribing to the Newsletter and registering with the site are two different things). Once you have registered with the site you will see the menu for the Indie Reviewers List.
hi – i’m getting 404 error comment from the authors page links just thought i’d let you know in case you’re unaware.
Do you still get that Jeannie? I tried it and didn’t have a problem.
I’m also getting a “404 Error File Not Found” when I try to access any of the links, including the sign-up link.
Thanks Christine. I’ve fixed the problem with the 404 errors you were getting on this page for the individual author pages. I’m not sure what sign-up link you’re referring to though. There isn’t one on this page.
I would like to know if you offer reviews for general fiction.
We don’t do reviews here, Temba. If you look at the Indie Reviewer list (one of the items across the very top of the page or also a link on the right side in the section labeled “for authors”) you’ll find a large database with links to sites that do.
I would like to be added to the list of authors submitting eBooks for review.
I am a book manager for Booktrope Publishing. I am excited to be working with a talented author who has already received outstanding reviews. She is on her fourth book. How do we get on to your list to be reviewed? I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kindest regards,
Penelope Brown
Each of the listed sites are independent and have their individual submission policies. Use the list to find those that look like a good fit for genre, check out their site to verify that they seem a good fit, and follow their submission instrucitons.
Hi Everyone, my new book “Stand For Something or Stand For Nothing” released on July 27th, 2015 on Amazon. Here is the story background…In 2002, Former NBA owner Donald Sterling acquired the Ardmore Apartments in mid-Wilshire Los Angeles, California where Kandynce Jones was living for many years before the acquisition. Kandynce Jones, a Black woman who was legally blind, right side paralyzed due to a bad spinal fusion surgery, and suffered with Sickle Cell Anemia. As the building management started to change due to the acquisition, overt cruelty towards African-American and Latino tenants began to be undeniable. News websites like,, and, later shared that when Donald Sterling had first purchased the complex, he made mention of an order, stating that it was “because all the blacks in the building; they smell, they’re not clean…and, it’s because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day” After this, he said, “So, we have to get them out of here.”
Kandynce Jones and her daughter, Ebony Jones had to stand up and fight against one of the most richest and most prominent men in the world with no money or big time Attorneys that Donald Sterling had in his pockets, they took a strong stand against the opposition that threatened to make them feel small and invisible. This is a true story of how a mother and daughter prove that even in the face of insurmountable circumstances; proving that it doesn’t really matter who you are or where you come from…Only that you continue to stand!
I would love someone to read my book and give a book rview. I have received ten excellent reviews on Amazon and eight on Goodreads. I am trying to take my book to the next level and get the word out there while working on my second book which will be about my experiences as an African-American woman traveling to West Africa. My email address is
I have researched your Reviewers List. There were only 23 listed not hundreds as promised. Many of those 23 listed were no longer reviewing. This list is not updated for recent submissions, as promised. How can I access an UPDATED LONGER LIST OF REVIEWERS?
This list is of review sites that will accept indie books for review. If the site has shut down entirely (are no longer writing and publishing reviews) or they’ve changed their policy so that they will not longer accept indie books and don’t plan to in the future, we will remove them from the list if we find out. The owners of the sites seldom tell us when this happens, so we depend on authors passing that along if they discover a site is no longer operating.
However, not currently open for submission is not the same. Sites open and close to submissions constantly. We couldn’t keep up with that and don’t attempt to do so. If you find a site in that situation, check back every few weeks to see if their status has changed.
As for the number of sites, I see 294. I had no idea where the 23 number you got came from, but from poking around I found that it is a list of interviews we’ve ran with reviewers. That list would not be maintained in any way, dropping off sites that no longer operate, etc. If you look at the top of the home page or any other page on the site you’ll see a menu across the top that says “The Indie Reviewer List.” Click on that to go to the page you want.
Good luck,
Dear Admin
Please check your comment regularly. I asked to be removed from the reviewer list on 19 Nov 2015 commented under reviewer list.
Please confirm by email that I am not longer listed on this site.
Dear Admin,
I have received 3 four/five star reviews from reviewers on your list. I would like to be added for my book “the Split” seen here on Amazon:
Thank you!
Good day, I am just wondering what I need to do to be added to the Indie Authors List? I am very eager to share my well received Urban Fantasy novels with your readers and reviewers and of course my fellow authors.
Please find links to my books here. I Look forward to your response.
Great information here. They are very useful.
Thanks for sharing.
I would like to know if reviewers on your list review Christian books. Thanks.
I’m sure that some do and some don’t.
Hi there,
I am an indie author!
Debut novel -Hot Toddy by T.C. Collins . How do I get on your list?
Get some awesome reviews from you guys?
Thank you very much.
Have a spectacular evening!
-T.C. Collins
Tina, We’re no longer adding new authors to this list.
Is it still possible to get Indie books reviewed if you are not adding new authors?
Of course. The sites on our list of reviewers are all independent and all still reviewing. We’re continuing to maintain the list. The author list was always a small part of what we did and is only being discontinued because it wasn’t attracting readers on behalf of the authors.
How do I go about offering my books to you? Or do I refer them to specific reviewers?
Contact specific reviewers.
I am interested in having my latest children’s picture book, FOR NO REASON, ( reviewed by one of your Indie Reviewers. FOR NO REASON is a story about Jamie Higgins who comes up with a clever way to deal with a classroom bully, Brad Lugsley, without getting into trouble or being mean. At the back of the book, there are fun, creative and educational activities to get children thinking about their own experiences and how they would handle a bullying situation. FOR NO REASON has recently been acquired by libraries across Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
We are no longer adding to this list and the pages they link to.
Sorry for the previous question. I want to get my book reviewed, please let me know about the process? And is it free or paid review process?
We don’t do reviews here, but we maintain a list of reviewers who meet certain qualifications. One of those is that they don’t charge for reviews. Each is independent and have their own rules to follow which are on the submission page linked from the list. (The list is on the page you’ll get to using the link for “The Indie Reviewers List” at the top of the page.
Hi! I’m an historical fiction author and trying to get to The Indie Reviewers List but am having a heck of a time (sorry, but the site structure here is a bit confusing). I’m looking for Historical Fiction reviewers. How would I find them here?
Thanks for your help!
Click on the link that says “The Indie Reviewers List”. That is across the top of the page on any page. You’ll also see this linked in a section with a label of “For Authors” that is down the right side of the home page.
Hi Harald, I saw your comment and want to reach out. If you are still looking for someone to review historical fiction please see my website:
I love to read historical fiction! Hope to hear from you.
Hi ,
I would like to be featured as a indie author
this is my page
We are no longer adding to this list.
Hello IndieView,
I am just finishing my first book, ‘The CURSE – the Real Story of Jack & The Beanstalk. Tellwell Publishing is sending my manuscript to your site. Can you tell me what I need to know about this process?
Mike, you shouldn’t send your book to us. We don’t review books here. Look at the list of reviewers and send your book to each of them following the instructions on their site (linked to in the list).
Can you please remove me from the list? I am no longer doing reviews. Thank you.
This site was recommended to me for free author reviews. I am a new children’s PB author. Does this group review children’s picture books? If so, how does I go about submitting for a review?
Many Thanks for your help!
Marianne Blackstone Tabner
This site doesn’t do reviews at all. What we do is maintain a list of people who have their own website that does reviews who meet certain criteria. If you click the link (among those along the top of the page) that says “Indie Reviewers List” that outlines the requirements to be on the list and then has the list. All the sites are completely independent from this site. Each has their own rules for submission. Look for sites that appear to be good fits for you (I’d look for those that specific mention children’s books as well as those that seem to be wide open for most genres and types of books.) For each site that appears to be a potential good fit, look at their submission requirements (one of the links in the list) and follow their instructions.
We don’t do the reviews here, nor really have anything to do with them, we only help point the way.
I looked at this link and it looks iffy. It auto fills some things (don’t know where it’s pulling from) and no place to “submit” the form. Then in some places they ask you to email your manuscript. I don’t see any reviews posted. The comments seem to be 2017.
You asked for input for updates.
Thanks for this site.
Thanks, Dawn.
I recently self published a poetry book called 1600 Days of Moving On: Explorations of Love, Grief, and Acceptance through Poetry. How can I get reviewers to review my book? I would love to give away my e-books for this.
please advise.
Look at those entries on this list that appear as thought they might review poetry, then check and follow their submission rules as defined on the page linked in the listing.
How can I get my name added to the Indie author list?
I’m no longer adding to this list.