We’re always looking for authors who are interested in doing an interview, either an IndieView or, for authors who have already done an IndieView who would like to promote a different book than the one featured in their IndieView, a BookView. Email admin@theindieview.com to let us know you’re interested and we’ll send you the details.
Reviewers who are interested in doing an IndieView should first get on The Indie Reviewer List if they haven’t already done so. Then email admin@theindieview.com to express your interest.
Hi Simon,
I think one of our authors, Judith L McNeil, would be a great one for you to interview for the Indie View. I’m from Interactive Publications, a tiny independent publisher, a 5-man operation in fact, so hopefully that’s indie enough.
Judith has just released two stunning memoirs; her story is one of survival through harrowing experiences of child abuse and domestic violence. But her story isn’t doom and gloom – it’s about survival and hope, and the perseverance of the human will to survive. She is great for interviews; she’s often been asked to speak on radio and at International Women’s Day events on self-help for sufferers of similar trauma.
As for the books themselves, ‘No One’s Child’ tells of her childhood growing up as a railway brat in 1950s Australia, enriched with memorable characters and incredible scenery. Its sequel, ‘The Girl with the Cardboard Port’, is the shocking tale of one young woman’s fight for survival and connection in Australia and Singapore.
A book review including an interview with Judith would be well timed now, with the news full of debates over domestic violence in different cultures.
Please let us know if you have any interest. You can also find more information about the books at http://ipoz.biz/Titles/NOC.htm and http://ipoz.biz/Titles/GCP.htm.
Kind regards and happy new year –
Miss TJ Withers
Assistant Marketing and Promotions
IP – Interactive Publications Pty Ltd
Treetop Studio – 9 Kuhler Court
Carindale, QLD AUSTRALIA 4152
T: +61 07 3324 9319
E: tirzah@ipoz.biz
W: http://ipoz.biz
Email admin@theindieview.com to schedule an interview. We don’t do reviews here, but have a long list of potential reviewers listed on the reviewers page to peruse and contact.
Al (the new Simon)
Thanks, Al, sorry to bother you! I have been contacting the reviewers I thought relevant; it’s a very useful list you have here!
I am a self-published author and I came here for reviews. However, I noticed that you seem to only do reviews for books that are in KDP select. Although my works are available on Amazon and Kindle, I am not enrolled in KDP select, because they stipulate that your books cannot be published anywhere else. Personally, I find this restrictive.
I publish on http://www.smashwords.com – as well as Amazon – and I can choose the price of my e-books, including making my e-books FREE. I can also gift e-books, so there is no need for me to be in a KDP select program in order to make books available for review.
I would like to be a part of Indie Review, but I do not know how to start. The list of reviewers does not specify what genre they specialise in, and I do not want to contact random strangers. Then there is the KDP select issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The IndieView site itself doesn’t do reviews. However, we do author interviews (what we call an IndieView) and if you’d be interested in doing that send an email to admin (at) theindieview (dot) com expressing interest and I’ll email you more details.
We do a weekly post of books that are free via KDP Select, which is what I think you must be referring to there. This mentions KDP Select because that is the only method for a self-published author to make their book free for a limited time and able to control the timing.
The list of reviewers we maintain are separate sites (so not really getting a “review” from the IndieView). There is a short list at the top of the page of “prolific reviewers” (with an explanation of why they are listed there). But there is a table immediately below that that you can search (see the search box just above the table) or page through (using the previous and next list just under the bottom of the table) with almost 300 indie friendly review sites. That table DOES list genre (the 3rd column of the table). This list also has a link to the submission page of each site for further investigation. To make sure you’re getting to the right place, this is a direct link to that page: http://www.theindieview.com/indie-reviewers/
I am new to “the indie view” so need a bit of help. I have published 14 books, my latest is “Sketches of a Small Town…circa 1940. A Memoir”. I have many reviews listed on my books on Amazon and Kindle (kdp select) Gary Harp reviewed and he is listed on amazon as top 50. My Kirkus reviews are are quite good. Tell me how to get listed as an author in your system. I failed to find the cyber site for my reviewers
thank you.
Clifton K. Meador,MD, professor of medicine, emeritus,
Vanderbilt University
Clifton, one of the requirements is to have been reviewed by one of the sites in our database of reviewers (see the link at the top) and have received at least a 4 out of 5 stars or equivalent. (That means those that don’t give a grade don’t qualify.)
So if I have no review from your list I can’t submit my book for a review.
But I can apply for an interview–is that correct?
Is that all I can do?
Thank you
Morpheus, we don’t do reviews on this site. Any indie author can request and interview. To get an author page you must have a 4 or 5 star review from one of the reviewers on the reviewer list.
Isn’t that a catch 22–if I can’t get on the list how do I get a review?
I must be missing something.
The list of reviewers (see the link at the top of the page) are all independent. You can approach any of them for reviews.
Different subject: I’m all set to send a request to A.Fae, the first reviewer in the list, but I can find no email address on their website.
Would you have it?
Thank you.
I would love to be interviewed. I’m a new indie author, my book, “She Cried Wolf” just came out. I love being in control just wish I had a bigger audience.
I am interested in doing an author interview.
Follow the instructions on this page.
I would love for an interview for my 2nd published book TALES FROM THE DEEP END TWO
also for the collection to be reviewed
Dean, we don’t do reviews on this site. For reviews we maintain a list of indie friendly reviewers that meet certain criteria, but each site is independent and has their own process and rules for getting reviewed. Refer to the entry on the “The Indie Reviewers List” page for those sites that interest you for more.
For an interview, follow the directions on this page (email admin@theindieview.com and express your interest).
Good afternoon,
I am an author and I recently published an indie book. I am interested in exploring ways to promote via indie view. I hope to hear back soon.
Per the directions, send an email expressing interesting in doing an indieview to the email on this page.
I am self-published, and not working for any publisher. But, I consider myself a failed author, as I do not have the RL income to fundadvertising, promotion & marketing.
I am available in most major online stores, but my publisher sites are:
Right now I am still tired from the recent wave of rip-off, the pay $ 99,- or more for useless stuff and vanity sort.
My regards
Andre M. Pietroschek
My latest book was released October 29, 2021, and I’d be interested in an IndieView. I’ve never requested one before, so I’d like to know the details.
Thank you,
I assume your book fits our definition of Indie (either self-published or published by a small publisher). If so just send an email to admin@theindieview(dot)com and express your interest and I’ll respond with instructions and questions.
How do I submit a book for an IndieView review?
You mean an interview? (We don’t do reviews as such, just author interviews about specific books.) As this page says, send an email expressing an interest in doing an indieview to admin@theindieview.com and we’ll get back to you.
please let me know next steps to do an interview. thanks
Candace, assuming you’re an indie author with a book currently out (or soon to be) send an email as the page indicates to admin@theindieview.com and express your interest in doing so. You’ll get a reply with the details.
I’m a first-time published author who would like to broaden the horizon of my potential readers, and I was told this site was an excellent place to start.
Alison, it potentially could be.
If you’re interested in doing an IndieView about your book send an email to admin@theindieview.com expressing an interest and you should get an email back with details. The other thing that can help in getting the word out is the list of reviewers that meet specific requirements. Click the link for “The Indie Reviewer List” at the top of the page to go there. Look through the list of reviewers and check out the sites for those that seem like a good fit, genre wise and based on your feel for the site, then follow their instructions to request a review. (Each of the reviewers on the list are independent, but we’re trying to help facilitating hooking authors and reviewers up.)