Reading can serve as a welcome escape to any level of chaos taking place in the external surroundings. I love escaping to different worlds and learning new things along the way.
No Labels Unleashed – 20 January 2015 Continue reading
Reading can serve as a welcome escape to any level of chaos taking place in the external surroundings. I love escaping to different worlds and learning new things along the way.
No Labels Unleashed – 20 January 2015 Continue reading
I think there is a new found respect for independent work. Personally I don’t mind independent or self published authors. I feel like when I read their books I’m discovering a hidden gem.
Alexandra Unwin – 13 January 2015 Continue reading
I would imagine it would be quite challenging to write a completely fictitious character without borrowing to some extent from people one has known.
Chase Blackwood – 21 December 2014 Continue reading
We setup camp in the back galley, passed around the jars of olives, mixed our own drinks, and generally made a party of it. People in coach avoided using the restrooms. But we had a heck of a party.
BigAl – 9 December 2014 Continue reading
If I ask for a specific format to read and you’ve sent me a different one, I’m not going to lie, I will immediately reject you. Reviewers have a policy for a reason, and you’ll have a better chance of getting a review if you respect that.
N.M. Sotzek Continue reading
I honestly don’t understand why there is still such a stigma against writers who have decided to ditch the traditional route and self-publish. Those authors shouldn’t be scorned, they are being brave and should be lauded.
Malka Ahmed – 1 November 2014 Continue reading
It’s great when I review a book I would never have normally chosen – and discover a whole new genre to add to my portfolio.
Tony Riches – 23 September 2014 Continue reading
Reading for me is really just an escape from my own life. Being able to lose myself in a good novel for a few hours really helps me get through my days.
Bee – 2 September 2014 Continue reading
At the end of the day, a reviewer is just another reader and no two readers are alike.
Kim Dyer – 8 August 2014 Continue reading
I read a lot of reviews and based on the reviewers reviews of titles I have liked I may pick up an unknown just because they liked it and I probably would too.
Paul – 19 August 2014 Continue reading