Today, the concepts raised in the Pulstar trilogy and Nerve are my belief and my way of understanding the cosmos and existence.
Giancarlo Roversi – 16 May 2023 Continue reading
Today, the concepts raised in the Pulstar trilogy and Nerve are my belief and my way of understanding the cosmos and existence.
Giancarlo Roversi – 16 May 2023 Continue reading
The terror of the bear and the sense that I would never be big enough or smart enough to protect my children began my thinking about mortality—safety and peril. The experience of the bear was far more real to me than to them.
Ann Putname – 13 May 2023 Continue reading
I was shocked by the severity of abuse staring back at me from the page, and deeply troubled that I had dismissed it for so long. But perhaps the worst part to grapple with was the shame I carried.
Francesca Miracola – 11 May 2023 Continue reading
Tarot enthusiasts, Gilded Age followers, and theater history buffs will enjoy this story, but I’ve found that people who are interested in the spirituality of an artist’s calling are also interested.
Susan Wands = 0 <au 2-23 Continue reading
I have never outlined. I am a stream of consciousness writer; I pry open a portal and let all the nonsense and mess spill out. Eventually, characters, or places, or ideas take shape.
Antonia Deignan – 6 May 2023 Continue reading
I have been influenced most by my own experience as a physician-scientist and educator and my view that our collective future depends on instilling in our children a sense of curiosity and interest in discovery and innovation.
Bruce F. Scharschmidt – 4 May 2023 Continue reading
I actually struggled with the parts of the book that were close to my real life. I needed distance, which is one of the reasons why this book took so long to write.
Corie Adjmi – 2 August 2022 Continue reading
I usually write more mature heroines, which I hope regardless of age can resonate even with the younger generation. My main characters are usually in their mid-thirties, who have mostly experienced the many pains of life’s journey.
29 April 2023 Continue reading
Telling what really happened was a very slow, painful process. I could complete only a few sentences before being overcome with emotion. Eventually, I put his death into words and began to accept that he was gone in his magnificent physical form.
Jeff Seitzer – 27 April 2023 Continue reading
I don’t think that any author’s characters are entirely fictitious, especially in historical fiction. There must be a kernel of truth, or it would not be realistic. All my characters are composites – borrowing from the real world and my imagination.
Meryl Ain – 25 April 2023 Continue reading