IndieView with Michael C. Bland, author of The Price of Rebellion

The idea started when I was riding on the “L” in Chicago one day. Everyone’s faces were buried in their phones, and I thought, “I could strip naked and no one would notice.” Yet cameras hung from the subway car’s ceiling, so someone in fact could be watching. That made me wonder, if I was trying to protect someone I loved, how could I do that in a world with an increasing number of cameras, tracking, surveillance, and monitoring? 

Michael C. Bland – 22 May 2023 Continue reading

IndieView with Heather Hendrie, author and facilitator of Awfully Hilarious: Stories We Never Tell

A particularly difficult part about writing stories for this book is that they are, by design, breaking the rules of what we’re taught to share and talk about in our North American society. As such, writing these stories felt at times incredibly tender and poignant, and at other times incredibly raw, and exposing. This is why I believe that contributors showed so much courage in participating in this project.

Heather Hendrie – 19 May 2023 Continue reading