I target those who aren’t afraid of the subgenre dark fantasy. Morally gray characters and things not always going to plan is where I like to settle in.
Haley Anna Marie – 1 November 2023 Continue reading
I target those who aren’t afraid of the subgenre dark fantasy. Morally gray characters and things not always going to plan is where I like to settle in.
Haley Anna Marie – 1 November 2023 Continue reading
I have read a great many children’s books since starting this process and have found in every single book there is value. There are lessons to be learned, fun to be had, and tears to be shed. I feel richer for having read them.
W.B. Murph – 29 October 2023 Continue reading
I was deeply invested in large-cast multi-pov books/series like George RR Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” and Brandon Sanderson’s “The Stormlight Archive” because I loved how with so many perspectives you could truly explore the same fictional events through different lenses.
Tim Facciola – 27 October 2023 Continue reading
I think I’ve always had a fascination for stories of people sent to alternate worlds, going back as far as “The Wizard of Oz” and “Through the Looking Glass” when I was young. So I think it just came naturally out of wanting to do something interesting in that vein.
David Scidmore – 26 October 2023 Continue reading
I do hope to convince a few people about the futility of ever investing yourself in a cult or its leader or in any belief system where an enterprising individual promotes their connection to a benevolent deity or claims enlightenment or promises spiritual advancement.
Clark T. Carlton – 25 October 2023 Continue reading
I write with the thought that anyone can gain something from the work, even if certain kinds of readers would be more likely to purchase the book. That being said, readers of historical fiction or romance will find a lot they enjoy about “The Gardens of Byzantium.”
J.F. Hughes – 24 October 2023 Continue reading
On the other hand, fans of time-travel, reincarnation, Jewish mysticism, feminism, the publishing industry and lovers of a really great story that’s NEVER been told before will really enjoy this novel!
Raven West – 23 October 2023 Continue reading
It’s a deliberately unsettling book, harshly realistic at times, deeply cryptic at others. These stories are designed to leave you staring into space and wondering.
Tod Foley – 20 October 2023 Continue reading
It wasn’t quite a broken heart, but a heart full of longing that spurred this book.
Harker Jones – 19 October 2023 Continue reading
My work is categorized as women’s fiction, which simply means that the focus of the narrative is the emotional journey of the protagonist. I tend to write character-driven fiction, too, so my target reader is one who enjoys learning about the characters and their thought, motivations, and desires.
Christina Consolino – 15 October 2023 Continue reading