IndieView with Thomas R Weaver, author of Artificial Wisdom

I want to write sci-fi and technothrillers for people that wouldn’t normally read sci-fi and technothrillers but have vivid imaginations and like imagining the future! And, as such, I want to make them accessible, action packed and combined with other genres they’d normally read, like crime thrillers and murder mystery. 

Thomas R. Weaver – 5 April 2024 Continue reading

IndieView with Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg, author of Daughter of a Promise

My first close reading of David and Bathsheba left me with so many questions. The debate as to whether their coupling was consensual felt incredibly modern and #metoo. What was more striking to me, however, was that Bathsheba did not have a voice in the story. I was inspired to give her one.

Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg – 2 April 2024 Continue reading