IndieView with J.D. Rasch, author of The Quasi-Crystal

For all of my books I have a theme that guides the narrative. In this book the idea I wanted to address was ignorance and denial of science. 

J.D. Rasch – 25 February 2025

The Back Flap

The Moment changed everything. But was it enough?

Bracat has changed since the Moment—the collective joining of minds—opened up new possibilities of peace for its people. Even the rogue wizard Malzus is seeking forgiveness for his past sins. But this new feeling of unity is tentative, and the future is never certain . . .

In the midst of this change, gem cutter Theb discovers something curious: It looks like an ordinary stone, but he knows it is something extraordinary. A crystal that exists in two realms at once, but only Theb can see its uniqueness.

Then Theb begins to have dreams of a woman, calling for help from a deserted island far away from Bracat. An impenetrable fog is threatening the island, and the strange crystal seems to be the only answer.

There are others who hear the woman’s call. To find the source, Theb joins with a reformed wizard, a former thief, and an old enemy. Together, they vow to find the voice, braving the turbulent ocean to discover what is hidden behind the fog.

The Quasi-Crystal is a literary fantasy adventure with themes of magic, morality, and self-determination. It is the third book in The Wanderer series, which uses the structure of the fantasy genre to explore social justice issues.

About the book

What is the book about?

The book is about relationships, but not just interpersonal ones, it’s about the big issues we face in society. How we interact with each other. More specifically, the book is about two lands, Bracat and Ognita. Bracat has changed since the Moment—the collective joining of minds—opened up new possibilities of peace for its people. Even the rogue wizard Malzus is seeking forgiveness for his past sins. But this new feeling of unity is tentative, and the future is never certain . . .

In the midst of this change, gem cutter Theb discovers something curious: it looks like an ordinary stone, but he knows it is something extraordinary. A crystal that exists in two realms at once, but only Theb can see how unique it is.

Then Theb begins to have dreams of a woman, calling for help from a deserted island far away from Bracat. An impenetrable fog is threatening the island, and the strange crystal seems to be the only answer.

There are others who hear the woman’s call. To find the source, Theb joins with a reformed wizard, a former thief, and an old enemy. Together, they vow to find the voice, braving the turbulent ocean to discover what is hidden behind the fog.

When did you start writing the book?

This is the third book in the series called the Wanderer. The first two books took ages to write as I was working full time and doing this on the side. I also had to find the right editors to help me move it along. This book, The Quasi-Crystal, I started probably about three years ago.

How long did it take you to write it?

It probably took about a year to write the book and then there was the editing and the formatting so it could be sold on Amazon.

Where did you get the idea from?

For all of my books I have a theme that guides the narrative. In this book the idea I wanted to address was ignorance and denial of science. I wanted to use some of the characters from the first two books, but not the main characters. So, I thought what symbolizes ignorance and that’s where the idea of the fog came from. The quasi-crystal came out of the world of science. There is actually an object called a quasi-crystal. It is both a crystal in some respects and a rock in others. I liked the idea of something being two things at once. So I used that concept of the quasi-crystal being able to exist in two worlds at once and being able to break the fog of ignorance.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

It may seem trite, but I always find the first draft the most difficult. Once that is done it’s easier to go back and edit and add, but starting with a blank page is the biggest challenge.

What came easily?

The concept is what comes the easiest. If I know how the book begins and how I want it to end, then I know I can write the book.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

The characters are entirely fictional. I want each one to represent a concept, such as the seer, the evil character, a conflicted ruler. But each character has to be nuanced. An evil character can’t be all evil. There needs to be a rational explanation for what they do. So, the characters are obviously based on my worldview, but not based on anyone specifically. However, the names of some of the characters are based on physicists or religious figures. For example the character Ruvbain II is an anagram of Urban VIII, the pope that excommunicated Galileo.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

The authors who initially influenced me were Frank Herbert and how he created such an intricate world in Dune, weaving social and political concepts. Also Ursula LeGuinn for similar reasons. I also like Isaac Asimov for how forward looking his novels are. More recently I’ve been looking at literary fiction such as Fredrik Backman (A Man Called Ove) and Toshikaz Kawaguchi (Before the Coffee Gets Cold). I enjoy their imagination and quirky characters. Finally, I’ve read a lot of Alexander McCall Smith, but less for inspiration and more just a fun escape.

Do you have a target reader?

Even though the book falls into the fantasy genre, it really isn’t meant just for fantasy readers. There are many themes of social justice that are explored, so readers of social justice are certainly a target. I think people who are interested in interesting characters and literary fiction will also find a lot in the book.

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it?

My process is pretty simple, when I’m writing I try to write at least three pages a day. I do this because if you figure about 200 pages for a book then if you write 3 pages a day it’s about 66 days to get through the first draft. That makes it seem very manageable. After the draft is in place I’ll work on a second draft before sending it out to a reader.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

I have done outlines, but I rarely stick to them. They do help give a trajectory to what I’m writing but things occur to me as I write and that’s why they are just a general guide.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

I will write the first draft fully before going back to edit. I need to get the story down in full before I start making changes. I will usually follow this process for at least the first 2 drafts before going on to the next step.

Did you hire a professional editor?

I have hired a professional editor and I also have a reader who I like to work with. The reader gives me feedback of what she thinks is missing from the narrative and what she feels works. I usually use her after the first couple of drafts. I now have an editor that I like a lot, Patrick LoBrutto. Not only is he a great editor, but he is a real supporter of what I’m doing in the books. He even gave me a marketing quote that summarized how he feels about the series “Engrossing, spiritual, thought-provoking and unique.” He’s worked with authors like Isaac Asimov, Stephen King and even on the Dune novels.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

I don’t listen to anything when I write, I find it too distracting. I’m just alone with my thoughts.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to agents?

I submitted the first two books in the Wanderer series to editors, probably over a hundred. I got a few expressions of interest, but nothing came of it. Because the first two books were fairly long (originally it was one book) I was told that it would be very difficult to find a publisher because the cost of printing a long book goes up exponentially and that nobody is willing to take that type of financial risk on a first-time author.

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

If I wanted to get the books published, I pretty much had to go it on my own. I did get some offers from hybrid publishers, but it never seemed like a great deal as they invested very little in promotion and took a big chunk of royalties (if you get any). Also, if the book doesn’t catch on right away you have very little control.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

You have to really believe in what you’re doing, especially if your genre is fantasy or science fiction. Some other genres it’s a bit easier to go indie, such as romance or how-to books, but, unfortunately that’s not where my interests lie. Also, you either need to have a lot of time to promote you book on your own or a lot of money to pay people who know what they’re doing.

About You

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in New York, mostly in the Bronx.

Where do you live now?

I never moved too far from my roots, currently I’m living in Westchester, NY with my wife and chihuahua.

What would you like readers to know about you?

In addition to writing, I’ve been a fine artist for over 40 years ( and I serve on two not-for-profit boards. One is a dance company that does cultural diplomacy (Battery Dance) and the other is Woodstock Farm Sanctuary that takes in rescued farm animals and gives them a good life.

What are you working on now?

Right now I’ve gone back to school for a Master’s of Fine Arts. I should be graduating in May (if I get my thesis done!). But I’m also working on Book 4 in the Wanderer series. The tentative title is The Golden Tree. That should be available 1ST quarter of 2025. I also have outlined Book 5, but don’t have a working title yet. I’m hoping to finish that one by the end of 2025.

End of Interview:

Get your copy of The Quasi-Crystal from Amazon US or Amazon UK.