IndieView with Michelle M Pillow, author of Merely Mortal

I enjoyed writing the dialogues and developing the complex relationships that define her world. These scenes allowed me to delve into the nuances of family dynamics, which I find endlessly fascinating.

Michelle M Pillow – 1 August 2024

The Back Flap

A gripping new first-person POV urban fantasy romance series by NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Michelle M. Pillow.

All I want is a simple, normal life.

Unfortunately, normalcy is a luxury I can’t afford as a lowly human born into a powerful supernatural family embroiled in magic. They’ve always been quick to remind me that I have an expiration date. Imagine everyone’s surprise when it’s me standing above their graves, not the other way around.

The fire that took their lives wasn’t my fault, yet everyone is blaming me, especially the vampires. Now I have a target on my back and a bounty on my head. Without the protection of my family, I’m caught up in a tangled web of supernatural dynasties and arcane power struggles.

So when a handsome stranger and his young daughter take pity on me and offer me a ride, I don’t say no. It’s a mistake. One I hope doesn’t cost us all our lives.

Sometimes, being merely mortal really sucks.

About the book

What is the book about?

Merely Mortal is a gripping tale that delves into the life of Tamara, a mortal born into a powerful supernatural family. Struggling to find her place amidst the chaos of a world filled with vampires, soul eaters, and other supernatural beings, Tamara embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resilience. The story explores themes of identity, strength, and the true meaning of power, challenging the notion of what it means to be merely mortal.

When did you start writing the book?

I began planning Merely Mortal years ago. I like to mull ideas over in my head. I started writing this book in earnest last year. The concept had been simmering in my mind for quite some time, and I finally decided to bring it to life when the right inspiration struck.

How long did it take you to write it?

It’s hard to say, as I’m always working on several projects at once. The entire process, from initial brainstorming to the final draft, took approximately a year. This included periods of intensive writing, revising, and the inevitable moments of writer’s block.

Where did you get the idea from?

The idea for Merely Mortal came from my fascination with the dynamics of powerful families and the struggles of those who feel like outsiders within their own homes. I wanted to explore the concept of a mortal living in a supernatural world and how they would cope with the challenges and dangers that come with it. Additionally, my background in social anthropology helped me create a rich, immersive world that feels both fantastical and relatable.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

Absolutely. Writing Tamara’s journey was both rewarding and challenging. One of the toughest parts was capturing the emotional depth of her experiences without making it feel overwhelming. Balancing her vulnerability with her growing strength was a delicate process that required a lot of careful consideration and rewrites.

What came easily?

The interactions between Tamara and her supernatural family members flowed quite naturally. I enjoyed writing the dialogues and developing the complex relationships that define her world. These scenes allowed me to delve into the nuances of family dynamics, which I find endlessly fascinating.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real-world people you know?

While the characters in Merely Mortal are primarily fictitious, they are inspired by a blend of imagination and observations from real life. I believe that drawing from real-world experiences and emotions adds authenticity to the characters, making them more relatable and engaging for readers.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

Several authors have significantly influenced my writing style. Anne Rice’s ability to seamlessly blend romance, fantasy, and supernatural elements has been a major inspiration for me. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice ignited my passion for historical contexts, and John Steinbeck’s Travels with Charley taught me the power of character-driven storytelling. Each of these authors has contributed to shaping my narrative voice and approach to creating immersive worlds.

Do you have a target reader?

My target readers are fans of paranormal romance and urban fantasy who appreciate intricate world-building, strong character development, and emotionally charged narratives. I aim to connect with readers who enjoy exploring themes of identity, resilience, and the complexities of human (and supernatural) relationships.

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so, can you please describe it?

Yes, I do have a writing process. It typically starts with brainstorming and jotting down loose ideas. I often use notebooks and Post-it notes to organize my thoughts. Once I have a general direction, I move on to creating a loose outline to guide the storyline. Writing usually happens late at night when the world is quiet, and I find I can get into a good flow. My cat/manager, Bunny, often keeps me company during these sessions.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

I do outline, but not extensively. I prefer a loose outline that includes plot points and a few sentences to guide the story. This allows me the flexibility to explore and let the characters drive the story while still having a roadmap to follow.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

I tend to edit as I go. This helps me maintain continuity and ensure the story flows well. However, once the first draft is complete, I do a thorough review and make more comprehensive edits.

Did you hire a professional editor?

Yes, I always work with professional editors. Their expertise is invaluable in catching errors and providing insights that enhance the overall quality of the book. The books go through several sets of eyes before they’re published.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

No, I like television on in the background. The sound helps keep me focused. I have a hard time writing in silence.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to Agents?

Yes, I’ve worked with a couple of agents over the years. I initially explored the traditional route and worked with several publishers. However, as the industry evolved, I found the indie publishing path more suited to my goals and creative vision.

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

I’m considered a hybrid author (both traditionally and indie-published.) My past publishers include Simon & Schuster Pocket Books/Gallery Books, Penguin Random House, Virgin Books, Adam’s Media, Entangled Publishing, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Running Press, Robinson Publishing Ltd, and more.

The decision to go indie was a gradual process. I appreciated the creative freedom and control over the publishing process that indie publishing offers. The ability to directly connect with my readers and manage my work’s direction was a significant factor. Though, there are situations where I would consider the traditional route again.

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?

I always get my book covers professionally done. A well-designed cover is crucial for making a strong first impression and attracting readers.

Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

I have a marketing plan for my books. It includes a mix of social media promotion, newsletters, blog tours, and collaborations with other authors. While I do adjust strategies based on what works best, having a plan provides a solid foundation for effective marketing.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

If you have a story inside you to tell—tell it. The world needs your unique voice.

My advice to aspiring indie authors is to be patient and persistent. Invest in professional editing and cover design, as these are essential for presenting your best work. Build a strong author platform and engage with your readers. Most importantly, keep writing and honing your craft.

About You

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the Midwest United States, where a mix of serene landscapes and vibrant communities inspired much of my storytelling.

Where do you live now?

I currently live in the American South.

What would you like readers to know about you?

I want readers to know that I am passionate about crafting immersive stories that blend romance, fantasy, and the supernatural. My background in social anthropology helps me create rich, detailed worlds. When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time with my family, exploring new places, and engaging in creative discussions with my daughter and husband. I also hang with my best friend, author Mandy M. Roth.

What are you working on now?

I am currently working on the next book in the series, Mostly Shattered, which is set to release in October. It continues Tamara’s journey and delves deeper into the complexities of being a mortal in a supernatural world. I’m excited to share more of her story with my readers.

End of Interview:

For more from Michelle M. Pillow visit her website and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Get you copy of Merely Mortal from Amazon US or Amazon UK.


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