Lenore Borja, author of The Last Huntress

When living in San Francisco, my husband discovered a linen closet hidden behind a mirror in our apartment. We’d lived there for over a year, never realizing the mirror was actually a door. It inspired me to create a world where every mirror could potentially have something to hide, even another dimension.

Lenore Borja – 4 November 2022

The Back Flap

The Last Huntress is a story of redemption and sacrifice, the bonds of true sisterhood, and the impossible, sometimes frightening, things we’ll do for love.

About the Book


What is the book about? 


The Last Huntress takes place in a world where mirrors are portals to another dimension, one in which demons have lurked for centuries, infecting humanity through its reflections. On her 18th birthday, Alice Daniels learns she’s a huntress, someone gifted with the power to enter this realm and fight the evil within it. With the help of her three huntress sisters and their protector, she finds herself in a race against time to save humanity and her true love’s soul. 


When did you start writing the book? 


I sat down to write the opening scene in January of 2018. It’s been a long but rewarding journey!


How long did it take you to write it? 


It took about ten months to write my first draft, which came in at over 160K words. So, it took another year of revisions, and then countless edits after that, to get it where it is today.


Where did you get the idea from? 


When living in San Francisco, my husband discovered a linen closet hidden behind a mirror in our apartment. We’d lived there for over a year, never realizing the mirror was actually a door. It inspired me to create a world where every mirror could potentially have something to hide, even another dimension. 


Were there any parts of the book where you struggled? 


I think the Mirror Realm was the most challenging to create but also the most fun. It’s a character in and of itself, so it was important I get the visual right.  


What came easily? 


The dialogue between my main character, Alice, and her love interest, Colin. I had a lot of fun with their banter and enjoyed bringing their relationship to life. 


Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?  


Just Alice’s cat, Boop. He’s modeled after my own cat, Maximus. My human characters are all fictitious, though I may have had a certain Vampire Diaries actor in mind when I created the character of David. 


We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you? 


I don’t know if they influenced how I write, but they definitely inspired me to write. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Austen, Diana Gabaldon, Amy A. Bartol, Neil Gaiman, and Stephen King all come to mind. I try to find writing inspiration in every book I read. Even if it’s not my genre or ‘jam’, I still appreciate the time and love every author puts into their work.


Do you have a target reader? 


The Mirror Realm series is YA, so the target audience is 15+ (15-18). That said, I love reading YA, and I’m much older than that! So, I would say my target reader is anyone who likes fantasy, books that celebrate female friendships, and epic romance. 


About Writing


Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it? 


My husband works from home, so I try to write during the same hours he’s working in his office. Consistency is key. If I show up every day, then I have a better shot at making progress. Well, maybe not every day, but at least M-F, sans holidays! 


Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?  


I roughly outline, but it’s minimal, and it often changes when my characters decide to take matters into their own hands. 


Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished? 


I used to edit as I go, but I’ve since forced myself to get the story out and worry about editing later. Chances are it’ll change anyway. Spending an entire day editing one page feels less productive than getting ten more pages written.  


Did you hire a professional editor?


Yes, I worked with a professional copy editor my publisher assigned me. 


Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping? 


No. I’d be too distracted. My cat is distraction enough!


About Publishing


Did you submit your work to Agents? 


Yes. That was fun. (j/k!)


What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?  


I gave myself a set amount of time and number of agents to query before deciding to go a different route. A friend of mine published her first novel through a hybrid press, and she’s done very well, so I decided to give it a try. I’m delighted with my experience so far! 


Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself? 


It was professionally designed by one of my publisher’s designers.


Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it? 


I hired a publicist and a marketing company to handle all the heavy lifting. There’s too much I don’t know about marketing a book, and I needed the help!


Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?  


Don’t give up. Keep querying. Keep submitting. If it’s a book you believe in, you’ll find your way to publication. Many successful self-published authors are out there doing it all on their own. They are the true MVPs, in my opinion! But if that feels too intimidating, research your hybrid press options. They still require submission, but acceptance is based on literary merit vs. author platform and book marketability. It’s a more significant financial risk, but the benefit is usually traditional distribution and a team of publishing industry experts who are there to help you on your journey.    


About You


Where did you grow up? 


Phoenix, AZ


Where do you live now? 


Fort Collins, CO


What would you like readers to know about you? 


I’m obsessed with my cat, and I eat way too much popcorn. I also love a good Renaissance Festival. Pints of ale, turkey legs, and jousts? Sign me up.


What are you working on now? 


I’m editing Book Two of the Mirror Realm series and in final edits for a standalone paranormal romance set in New York City.


End of Interview:

For more from Lenore Borja, visit her website and follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Get your copy of The Last Huntress from Amazon US or Amazon UK.