A month or two ago we had an IndieView from author Lisa White about her first book, a children’s picture book. Today we’re featuring a poem by her about her experience self-publishing that book.
A quick note by way of disclaimer, everyone’s journey is different and the right decisions for one author getting their book to publication might be different for another. Research before committing time, money, or publication rights to anyone in this endeavor. I’d also recommend Indies Unlimited (the link to the “resources” pages at the top will help point you to the articles especially applicable to this).
The Process:
An Autobiographical Rhyming Account of a First-Time Self-Published Author
You are divinely struck with an idea that you must with others share,
So you put pen to paper and fashion with such great care
A story, a poem – something beautiful to behold.
And you have to get the words just right so this inspiration can be told.
You’ve done it! You’ve done it! Many congrats to you!
Now you’ve got to publish it, and you thought you were through…
Through with the hardest part, the baring of your soul.
Nope! The writing, though important, is but one piece of a greater whole.
How do you bring this message to the world? How do you even begin to know?
Do you buy a self-publishing package in order to give it a go?
Yes! But how much will it cost? How will it turn out to be?
Such an education did you not at all foresee.
And it was very clear, indeed, that you absolutely must engage
With potential readers inviting them to like your Author Page.
Never mind your inexperience with posting; it’s never been your “thing” before.
But now you’re attracting followers, so you’ve got to keep up with it – and more!
Your book has finally been released! What a happy, happy day!
You never thought you’d get here with these dues you’ve had to pay.
Once again, however, you believe that the most difficult part has passed.
But, no, it has not. The realm of marketing you still have to grasp.
You send out tons of books, query an agent, and even walk around
Distributing the flyers you’ve created to places all over town.
You ask to do readings, enter contests, and request reviews
In hoping that any one of the above will bring some favorable news.
What about Instagram and Pinterest or that alien Twitterverse?
You’re told you must befriend social media for better or for worse!
How many hashtags should you use? How many tweets a day are best?
Will the research ever stop? Will you ever get any rest?
And then there’s the very long wait for book sale numbers to arrive,
And when they finally do, it’s all just a big surprise!
Month to month you’re wondering what the future is going to hold.
Is your success to be measured in the number of books that will be sold?
When the process makes you crazy and your thoughts go astray,
Remember back to the beginning and what led you on your way.
That initial flash, that revelation that chatted you up from the start?
That was the magic of the universe speaking directly to your heart!
Oh, right! Enough said. My bad!
End of Poem:
For more from Lisa like her page on Facebook.
Check out Lisa’s IndieView about this book.
Get your copy of the book that inspired this poem, Did Your Know? love-light, from Amazon US or Amazon UK.