Of course, members of my family may think they can recognize one or more characters in one or more stories, but almost every character is based on my experiences and imagination.
Bentley Wells – 12 September 2018
The Back Flap
The Question and Other Stories contains several stories about young people who have to deal with hard-nosed teachers, fickle girlfriends, and the death of family members, among other topics. Other stories concern adults who have to confront loneliness, rejection, and mental illness.
About the book
What is the book about?
The collection contains thirteen stories featuring pre-teens, young adults, and/or adults. For instance, one story focuses on a pre-teen’s experiences during a late-afternoon class at school. Another concerns a Vietnam veteran who is confused about his place in the world. Still, another examines a president of a small-town bank who meets a possible female companion through a local publication’s personals ad. Other stories concern individuals of various ages who experience different aspects of life―from having unusual pets, to the death of a family member.
When did you start writing the book?
I wrote all of the stories―at least, the first drafts―in the 1960s and 1970s. At least three of the stories―the first drafts―were published in literary magazines. However, I put the stories away for several decades primarily because of my career and other writing interests (I’ve written a lot of nonfiction over the years). After I retired, I revised each story.
How long did it take you to write it?
Like I mentioned, I wrote the first drafts in the 1960s and 1970s. Then I spent time revising each story. I would say it took several years―off and on―to polish all of the stories in the collection.
Where did you get the idea from?
At least eight or nine of the stories are based on experiences that some people have in their lives. This includes me. These stories―at least, the first drafts―were written for either literary magazines or courses in creative writing. Other stories are based on my imagination and the question, “What if?”
Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?
Yes. Although I experienced problems when I wrote The Paradise Coven, a mystery that was published last year, I experienced numerous problems when I wrote and revised each story. Of course, some stories presented more problems than others. For instance, several stories in the collection are considerably longer than others. These stories presented more problems because they contain more characters and situations. The shorter stories, especially those that focus on one or only a few characters and situations, did not present as many problems.
What came easily?
Overall, the primary character or characters in each story. That is, who they are, how they act, what they think.
Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?
Of course, members of my family may think they can recognize one or more characters in one or more stories, but almost every character is based on my experiences and imagination.
We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?
I’ve enjoyed reading numerous writers over the years―from Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, to John O’Hara and Erskine Caldwell. Whether I’m influenced by any, well, I can’t really say. However, I certainly appreciate Hemingway’s style and I like O’Hara’s ability to depict locations.
Do you have a target reader?
My mystery, which I mentioned above, was targeting young adults and adults who enjoy reading police procedurals. This collection of stories should appeal to young adults and adults who enjoy reading about young people experiencing hard-nosed teachers, fickle girlfriends, and the death of a family member, among other topics, and about adults experiencing loneliness, rejection, and mental illness.
About Writing
Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it?
My writing process consists of trying to get the first draft written, which may take months and months. Then I go through the draft and make countless changes. I have thrown out scenes and chapters. In other words, if I don’t like something, I’ll change it or delete it until I do. And then I’ll go through the manuscript again. Writing fiction―at least, for me―is not easy.
Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?
Generally, I do not use an outline. (This may be the reason it takes so long to write a story or novel.) I usually go by an idea I have in my mind. Sometimes, the idea works out. When it doesn’t, I have to come up with something else, which takes time.
Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?
Actually, both. I’ll light edit after I write a chapter. Then I’ll heavy edit after I’ve finished the story or novel. I’ll go over the manuscript several times.
Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?
No, I don’t listen to music while I write. I would be distracted by it.
About Publishing
Did you submit your work to Agents?
No, I didn’t. I learned that many agents will not consider collections of short stories unless the writers are well known.
What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?
The editor at Black Opal Books accepted my mystery for publication. When I finished revising the stories making up the collection, I sent the manuscript to her. She accepted it.
Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?
The publisher was responsible for the cover. I merely provided feedback about it.
Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?
I have a brief marketing plan.
About You
What are you working on now?
I’m working on another mystery that includes the investigation and the ultimate trial of the accused.
End of Interview:
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