This page provides links to where Indie books are reviewed. If you review Indie books please go here and I’ll add your link to the list.
To be on this list the Indie Reviewer has to be:
- Actively posting reviews
- Review eBooks
- Not charge for their reviews
- Not be affiliated to a publisher
- Have submission guidelines in place for an Indie author to submit an eBook
- Putting a link back to TheIndieView on their site
If someone asks you for a paid review let me know and I’ll take them off the list.
I try to keep the list as current as possible, but if you encounter a site that hasn’t updated reviews for a couple of months then let me know. I’ll take them off the list.
Reviewers Name | Website | Reviews Genre/s | Submission Guidelines | Reviews posted | Date Added (y-m-d) |
Aly | What is Life Without Books | All | Contact/Reviews Request | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Librarything | 2017-10-15 |
Angie Carlson | Live to Learn Books | "I review Children's Picture books that align with the mission of mental, emotional, social wellness for kid by promoting resilience, self-confidence, and personal growth." | Book Submission | Blog, Facebook | 2024-11-02 |
Anne Clarence | The Reading Life | Young Adult, Dystopia, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance. "I would not accept Erotica. Also, if your book has insta-love, that's a no for me too." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2018-03-04 |
Annette | Queen of Books | Fantasy, Science Fiction and Action/Adventure | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2016-07-10 |
Ant | Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Reviews | SciFi & Fantasy | FAQs | Blog | 2011-08-07 |
Autumn | Fallen Over Book Reviews | Crime, paranormal, paranormal romance, post-apocalyptic, demons, witches, horror, murder mystery, thrillers, dystopian, urban/dark fantasy, YA/Teen, suspense, humor | My Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2017-08-04 |
BigAl | BigAl's Books and Pals | All | Submission Guidelines | Blog, Amazon, and at their option, reviewers may post their reviews to Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Amazon UK, and other review sites. | 2011-05-07 |
Books to get lost in | Bookworm1102 | LGBTQIA+, Erotica | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon(Germany), Goodreads, Librarything | 2015-08-03 |
Bruce Miller and others | Team Golfwell | All. "We particularly like to review children's books" | Free Book Reviews | Amazon, Goodreads | 2025-01-19 |
Caley Gredig | As the Pages Turn | "I read and review primarily Cozy Mysteries but am open to other genres as well." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2022-02-20 |
Cat Strawberry | The Strawberry Post | All, but "I do not want to review erotica, gory horror/violence and books with excessive searing or sex. Please check review submissions to see if a book is a good fit. 🙂 " | Book Review Submissions Guidelines | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2024-11-09 |
Catherine Hsu | Ethereal Pages | No Erotica, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction, Middle Grade, memoirs or biographies/autobiographies, Political books, Manga / Comics, Self-help books / “How To” Books, or Religious Fiction please! | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Library Thing | 2016-09-25 |
Chantale Ferguson | Canadian Book Addict | See review policy. | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2021-03-04 |
Clemency Crow | Crowvus Book Blog | "My favourite genre is middle grade and YA fiction, and I'll sometimes post suggested lesson plans for any books that I think would make good class novels. I do, however, enjoy reading a wide variety of other genres. I'm generally open minded about books, but I'm not interested in erotica." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2018-08-21 |
Cody Sexton | A Thin Slice of Anxiety | All | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads, Facebook | 2019-01-29 |
Destiny Bridwell | From the Book Reviewer's Desk | Romance, fantasy, action, mystery and more. (See submission policy.) | Book Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2018-06-17 |
Dusty | Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog | Fantasy, Science Fiction. "I'm a big fan of books that feature some element of mythology. These days you'll find me reading stories mostly in the fantasy and sci-fi genres, between the middle grade and mature reader age levels. I also occasionally read contemporary romance books. While these are the genres I tend to drift to, I'm open to giving most books a chance." | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2021-12-18 |
Elena Linville | Elena Linville's Tower of Winds | Science Fiction, fantasy, horror, prarnormal. "I don't review erotica or books with excessive and gratuitous violence. I'm also not a big fan of graffic depiction of sexual assault or other physical abuse. I can review an occasional romance, but it's more of an exception to the rule than a consistent reading choice."Science Fiction, fantasy, horror, prarnormal. "I don't review erotica or books with excessive and gratuitous violence. I'm also not a big fan of graffic depiction of sexual assault or other physical abuse. I can review an occasional romance, but it's more of an exception to the rule than a consistent reading choice."Science Fiction, fantasy, horror, prarnormal. "I don't review erotica or books with excessive and gratuitous violence. I'm also not a big fan of graffic depiction of sexual assault or other physical abuse. I can review an occasional romance, but it's more of an exception to the rule than a consistent reading choice."Science Fiction, fantasy, horror, prarnormal. "I don't review erotica or books with excessive and gratuitous violence. I'm also not a big fan of graffic depiction of sexual assault or other physical abuse. I can review an occasional romance, but it's more of an exception to the rule than a consistent reading choice." | Submission Guidelines | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, LibraryThing, Facebook | 2015-01-02 |
Elizabeth Tabler | beforewegoblog | Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Horror | Review Policy | Blog,Goodreads, Facebook | 2019-01-12 |
Epic | Epic | Fantasy, Sci-Fi | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2023-03-30 |
Esther | Cozy with Books | Fiction: Preference towards contemporary fiction, sci-fi and cyberpunk, and legal/police/detective or PI/mystery/forensic/medical thrillers. However, will consider all genres except for erotica. Nonfiction: Will consider humor, travel, medical, auto/biography, and memoir nonfictions. | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2023-01-07 |
Gayathri L | Elgee Writes | All | My Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2017-07-21 |
Gina Mitchell | Gina Rae Mitchell | All. "I do not do horror, gore, or erotica. These books do not resonate with my readers." | Book Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2019-01-29 |
Heather Barksdale | Heather's Bookshelf | "My Book Review Preferences: I only review fiction to include YA or adult fiction. Please do not submit children’s books for review. Here are some of my most-read genres: Historical Fiction (especially with a strong female lead or with romance) Literary Fiction Thriller/Mystery/True Crime Science-Fiction/Fantasy I will not read: erotica or anything discriminatory" | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2020-09-13 |
Heather T | Just Geeking By | Fantasy, Sci-fi, horror, urban fantasy, disability, LGBT | Book Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2022-07-30 |
HeidiLynn's BookReviews | HeidiLynn's BookReviews | Mystery, Psychological Thrillers, True Crime, Romance Suspense, Memoirs, Erotica, LGBT. "I WILL NOT READ Historical, any Science Fiction, Paranormal, Political or anything to do with Abortions." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2019-03-23 |
Jane | Dear Author | Romance | For Authors | Blog | 2011-01-24 |
Jo Linsdell | Jo Linsdell | All. | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads, Facebook | 2021-06-06 |
Julia Lewis | Julie C. Lewis | Horror | Contact and Review Requests | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2022-05-07 |
Kat | The Lili Cafe | Refer to submission guidelines. | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2019-07-15 |
Laura Smith | Laura's Books and Blogs | Children's Picture Books, Middle Grade, YA (Do not review books longer than 350 pages). | Contact Me | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2020-06-06 |
Lauralee Jacks | History from A Woman's Perspective | All genres. (The books that I will accept to review should feature female protagonists in historical eras. The setting may be modern if it ties in heavily with history.) | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2016-07-10 |
Laurie Nguyen | A Lighthouse in the Dark | "Self-help, mental health, counseling, children's picture books, poetry, memoirs. Anything mental health related. Will not review young adult or adult fiction." | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2024-03-17 |
Lilly | Lilly's Book World | Romance, YA | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads, LibraryThing, Facebook | 2016-05-06 |
Literary Titan | Literary Titan | All. | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads, Facebook | 2021-12-18 |
Literature Approved | Literature Approved | All except horror and erotica. *** Be sure to read the submission guidelines and make sure your book is a good fit *** | Rating and Reviewing | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2021-03-04 |
Lynne Barnes | Barnsey's Books | “The main genres I focus on are horror, action & adventure, crime & mystery, science fiction and thrillers. Other genres will be considered. I don't review children's books.” | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2017-02-10 |
Mandy Parmenter | MP Book Reviews | Science Fiction, Paranormal. “I love books with Vampires, Weres, Magic, Dystopian Worlds and Fantasy. I also like reading books with Seals, Billionaires and Aliens.” | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2016-12-26 |
Mom and Kimber | Pages and Paws | Action-adventure, Historical Fiction, Humor, Travel, Biography/Memoir, Christian Fiction. "We only review books rated G to PG-13. No profanity." | Rating System & Submission Guidelines | Blog | 2023-01-29 |
Multiple Reviewers | Underrated Reads | All. “We don't review children's or YA. Each of our reviewers have their favorite genres.” | FAQ | Blog, Facebook | 2016-05-08 |
Multiple Reviewers | Whispering Stories | All | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2016-05-07 |
Multiple Reviewers | Long and Short Reviews | All genres | Request a Review | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2013-09-20 |
Nick T. Borrelli | Out of This World SFF Reviews | Fantasy and Science Fiction | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2018-08-27 |
Paula Phillips | The Phantom Paragrapher | All. "I review most genres and when submitting I prefer reviewers to send a synopsis and then I decide from that to whether or not I will read. I am not a fan of profanity and will take the occasional erotica- heavily depends on the blurb." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2013-08-21 |
Rachel Simons | Stressed Rach | All No WesternsAll No WesternsAll No WesternsAll No WesternsAll No Westerns | Contact Form | Blog | 2011-12-18 |
Reading Nook | Reading Nook | “I review most genres but if you want to check out what I have already read and reviewed then have a look at my category listings.” | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2017-02-10 |
Renee Giraldy | Reading Renee | Romance, mystery, drama, erotic romance, suspense | Request a Review | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2012-09-17 |
Robin Goodfellow | Hollies, Happiness, and Healing | All. | About/Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2023-05-20 |
Rose Auburn | Rose Auburn | Romance, Historical Fiction, Horror, Mystery. "No overt erotica, children's, YA, Religious, Political or Self-help." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2020-06-28 |
Rosemarie Cawkwell | Rosie Writes | All. "I review crime, fantasy, detective, historical and science fiction, I also review non-fiction books, particularly history, true crime, biography and science related books, but I am open to suggestions. I'm not interested in romance or erotica." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads,Facebook | 2017-06-29 |
Rosie Amber | Rosie Amber | See submission guidelines. | Your Book Reviewed | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2020-01-25 |
Ruei Wang | Ruei's Reading Corner | Fantasy, YA, contemporary, mystery | Review Guide and Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2020-12-20 |
Simona Moroni | Dark Thrill | Crime, Detective, Thrillers, Spy, Action, Suspense, and horror | Submit Your Book for Review | Blog, Goodreads, Facebook | 2020-03-14 |
Stephanie Phillips | Stephanie's Book Reports | Romance. “We have a large review team. All requests are submitted to the team to see who is able to review then the author is notified.” | Review Requests | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2015-05-21 |
Stephen Reeves | S.D. Reeves | Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical | Contact Us | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2023-10-07 |
Tales from Absurdia | Tales from Absurdia | "I will consider most requests, as Tales from Absurdia is not a genre-led blog. However, please do not send me erotic literature, horror, or content with gratuitous violence. I am particularly partial to the following: Literary Fiction Philosophical Fiction Contemporary Sci-Fi Fantasy (excluding grimdark) Metafiction Non-Fiction" | Review Policy | Blog, Goodreads | 2021-02-06 |
Teatime and Books | Teatime and Books | All genre. | Book Review Submissions | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Librarything | 2019-11-07 |
The Kindle Book Review | The Kindle Book Review | We have dozens of volunteer reviewers who simply LOVE to read. We review all genres except erotica. | Book Reviews | We post our reviews on Amazon ONLY, although our reviewers are free to post their reviews anywhere upon the author's request. | 2013-08-27 |
Tony Riches | The Writing Desk | All except erotica and horror | About | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2014-08-01 |
Tonya | A Book A Day | Fantasy Other Genre sci fi, romance, mystery, historical fictionFantasy Other Genre sci fi, romance, mystery, historical fiction | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2012-01-28 |
Various | Book Review Crew | All | Review Request | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2021-10-03 |
Yvonne Kanu | BooKecCenTric | Romance, YA, Fantasy, Inspirational, Christian, Self-help. No erotica. | Request a Book Review | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2017-12-17 |
Yvonne Wu | Women Connect Online | All. "We are looking for content that targets women. Talks about parenting, has women as the main character in fiction books or talks about information that would interest women." | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook | 2020-04-20 |
Zaheerah | Reading and Reviews | All. “won't review erotica or biographies” | Review Policy | Blog, Amazon, Goodreads | 2015-09-28 |
Disclaimer: I get nothing from the above reviewers, except the pleasure of seeing their work succeed.
The site is looking good Simon. Please feel free to add my site to the list of people that are happy to do Indie reviews. I also interview new authors.
Thank you Suzie. Your site has been added to the list.
Riddles, Rumors and Rhymes is no longer a review site. It is an aspiring author’s promo site.
Do you review children’s picture books? If so, how do I send you one?
Lois, you need to look at the list of reviewers on this page and follow the submission policies for those that review children’s picture books. This site doesn’t do reviews.
Thank you for including us! Our hope is to highlight all of the wonderful independent bookstores people can visit.
My pleasure Kim. Please spread the word about the list through the independent bookstores. I know that many of the independent bookstores have blogs or websites. Thank you for your reviews of Indie books.
This is a very helpful list. Thanks for taking the time to pull all these sites together in one place.
Thanks Markus.
Holy cats! I was literally just wishing for a list like this. Thank you!
Hi MeiLin. If you find it useful, please stick a link on your blog, so that your readers know where they can find quality reviewers of Indie books.
This is a class list! Thank you, thank you, Sam I am.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for this great list, which I discovered because it is sending traffic my way, thank you. Regarding my own Kindle Nation site at, I appreciate being included, although I should say that we rarely do reviews. What we do are sponsorships, and in the course of it we often say positive and truthful things above and beyond the copy submitted by an author or publisher, but we always identify a sponsorship as such so that nobody will think they are reading an objective review.
All that being said, I wonder if you would mind if I included your list on our indieKindle site and newsletter for authors and publishers at, as a resource. Of course I would link back to you.
Steve Windwalker
Good to see that the page, and its intended purpose, is working. Kindle Nation is a fantastic site and a great resource for Indie writers. As soon as my book is finally ready I’ll be taking one of your Gold Sponsorships. A rare review is still a review. Frankly, putting out up front that you have sponsorship is refreshing, and that’s why you’re on the list. A link to the list from your site would be great and much appreciated.
Not to mention an excellent reputation. 🙂
Simon, if I were you, I’d book a slot now. Sleight Malice features today and I booked the sponsorship almost two months ago.
Thanks for heads up – I’ve dashed off an email 🙂
I review 1-3 indie books per week over on my site, would love to be added. Thanks, Simon!
Hi Candy, I’ve added you to the Prolific category. Thanks for the great work you do 🙂 seems to be about handicrafts rather than books.
Thanks James, they used to review the odd indie book. However am reworking this list and your input is appreciated. Thanks. is a dead link.
You said to let you know if review sites charge. Well, I contacted one excellent site with a superlative reputation: Midwest Book review. And they wrote back that they charge $50 for a Kindle review.
They are so well thought of that it’s worth it to me. But still…
Unfortunate that they decided to do that – will be deleted on next maintenance round.
I’m number 57 on your list up there, SFandFantasyReviews.blogspot, and Unfortunately I now do not fit the criteria for this list. I’m still free, and I still review Indie books (although I do non-indie books as well). I’m still actively reviewing. In fact, Starting next week, I’m planning on ramping it up to two reviews per week.
But I don’t do eBooks. I don’t know if that’s a new criteria, because I don’t remember it, but since the majority of my site’s traffic comes through this site, I was hoping you could make an exception? I do leave a review on iBooks…
I understand that it may not be possible, but I hope it is. I think that this is a great, and helpful list, and thank you for including me on it thus far.
Adam Bourke
I’d be a real meanie if I cut off the majority of your traffic now wouldn’t I? So I am going to leave you on the list – I’ll make a comment that you cannot review ebooks but have stepped up to reviewing two books a week.
And Adam, thank you, on behalf of us indie authors for what you do – without people like you, we’d all still be struggling to get the word out. So thanks and I hope the traffic builds for you even more – in fact I’m sending you the indieview guidelines so that you can be indieviewed and increase your traffic 🙂 Have a great day.
I recently received a review from a blogger who is not listed on your site. I’ll contact him and give him your link and let him initiate contact.
Thanks for doing so much for the indy authors.
Thanks Bob 🙂
Thank you! What a time-saver! charge $35 for reviews.
Yep, so they do and they’re off the list.
Hi Simon!
Just thought I’d add my thanks to that of all the other indie authors who must be foaming at the mouth to get hold of a list like this! It’s really going to help me out with my promoting, which often seems to guzzle time out of my life. I got here via a link from Dave Gaughran’s blog – he’s a newcomer with some interesting stuff to say about his self publishing journey, hopefully he’ll send a few more eager newbies (like me) here, to the betterment of all! Wow. So betterment really IS a word…
Hi Tony,
Thanks 🙂 I checked out Dave’s blog – a good read with lots of good information.
Hi! Just wanted to point out that when I clicked I got a page that says the site has now moved to
Thanks, Karen. I’d changed the name of the link but not the link itself.
Hi Simon
Just to say thanks for this list of indie reviewers, its indispensible!
Catherine 🙂
Thanks Catherine, it’s a love of labour…
I have several comments here.
First thank you for this list.
Second if anyone on her wants to be a part of my book blog tour and do reviews they can email me at if this is ok. if not I understand.
Third I want to be a part of the indie authors list. Do I approach the reviewers or do I request through you? My book is non fiction paranormal ebook
All of this is just GREAT!!!
Thank you
Hi Bertena,
Thanks for the kinds words. To get on the Indie Authors List, as it says, you need at least 1 three star review from one of the reviewers listed on the Indie Reviewers List. If you have this, then head over to the Join menu on the right side bar. If you do not, then you’ll need to contact the right reviewers for your type of book, follow their submission guidelines and wait to get your book accepted for review by one of them. Best of luck, Simon
Hi Simon,
you’re offering a great service for us indies.
Here’s another excellent review site for your list (well, they liked my book… ) The New Podler. They post a review every week or two.
Paul Collis.
Thanks Paul,
I’ll add the new podler and see if they want to post to Latest Indie Book reviews. Bit pressed for time at the moment but I’ll be adding your review a little later today. I also have about 15 reviewers to add. Never enough time in a day…
What a great site! I am in a quandary; as a self-published indie writer, like many of us denied by Big House publishers who do not want to take chances , I am in search of reviewers. My book is fiction; black market antiquities traders in 1960s Italy. It has all the elements–love, hate, duplicity, revenge, murder, infidelity and contains the history of Etruscans and early inhabitants of pre-Roman Italy to set up the reader for the grave goods found in cities of the dead. It is an exciting read from all reports, and I would be very happy if a reviewer on this esteemed list would offer to take a read and comment. If someone sees this post, kindly contact ANITA F> VENEZIA author Crosswinds at Campo Carcasso.
Hi Anita, thanks for the compliment. Your book sounds very interesting, however, waiting for reviewers to contact you for a review is setting yourself up for a very long wait. Most, if not all, of the reviewers on this list have a TBR queue that is longer than the River Nile and none, to my knowledge, have ever written an author asking to review their book.
If you want reviews I suggest you start emailing, personally, each of the reviewers who are likely to accept. Read their submissions guidelines carefully and then write about 30 emails. Address each personally and mention the reviewers site personally – an impersonal mail merge is NOT going to stand out enough for a reviewer to accept.
Good luck!
Simon, I could not find Babs World of Books anywhere, I kept getting redirected and ended up with ‘this website cannot be found’. Just to let you know.
Hi Catherine, Thanks for pointing that out. Babs has changed the name of her site to Bab’s Book Bistro. We’ve updated the links and got the universe back in alignment – thanks again 🙂
There’s something fishy about Daily eBook Reviews. They solicit your email address and your joining their newsletter. Then they ask you to confirm by clicking a link to an incoming email that invites you to join a contest to win 1 million euros. Sounds spammy to me and I backed out.
That sounds ugly. I’ll check it out – thanks for the heads up. [EDIT] Update after checking it out.
James, I checked out the link as it is in the database and I subscribed to the newsletter. I got a totally legitimate email and link back. No lotteries or scams. Site looks 100% genuine indie to me. Probably you have a redirect virus or worm happening within your own system. Check it out. Good luck.
Hi! My listing only says I post to my blog but I post to Amazon and Goodreads as well as a matter of course, other sites on request. I can’t see how to change it. Would you mind updating for me?
Information is taken from the submissions page on your blog – however will update for you on the weekend. Probably should change the form to include this item 🙂
I filled out the form a while ago (maybe a week?) but have not as of yet heard anything. I do book reviews for Indie and Self-Published authors @ Please add me to the list! (We do fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, and horror).
You have been listed and an email sent to you asking you to check your listing – suggest a peek at your spam folder. Meanwhile, type Maria in the search box :).
Um, oops. Heh…..
Really useful site, thanks for putting it together Simon
Pleasure, Harry, thanks for stopping by.
Looks like the link to Red Adept is broken.
Thanks – and fixed.
Thanks so much for this list.
I’ve invested so much time into publishing my books with a professional level of editing, art design (getting a redo for first two covers, this time w/ a pro), etc., that I haven’t done much legwork in marketing. I am grateful for a list of vetted reviewers. A gift!
Looking into the future, reviewing “good” ebooks is one of my plans for an upcoming blog. I wrote Sunday book reviews for the Des Moines Register in a previous incarnation and had a book review column in a regional mag. I love reviewing (sometimes more than writing my own books) and realize just how important it is to have sites where readers can trust reviewers to steer them away from poorly written books. Cheers!
I also do author interviews and book reviews. Please add me to your list as well!
I review science fiction, fantasy, chic lit, anything with an amusing plot line. I do not review anything with excessive violence, sex etc. All my reviews have a section for cautious readers and I don’t like posting anything that would make my mom too uncomfortable.
Here’s the link to my guidelines:
Hi Sabrina, Please use the form called Join the Indie Reviewer’s List – thanks
I’m just about ready to publish an ebook, and am so thankful for this site. It’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for doing this.
Glad it helps Kirsten 🙂
While the 4 sites you list up front under “Prolific Indie Reviewers” are indeed prolific (and kudos for that!), indie authors might also be interested to note:
1. BigAl’s Books and Pals: Has not been “accepting unsolicited review submissions” since May 17, 2011.
2. Candy’s Raves: Has a backlog of over 90 books to review as of September 25, 2011.
3. TC Booked Up: States at the end of his review guidelines, in bold, “Please note I am not presently accepting new requests.”
4. Wading Through Electronic Ink: Reviews only “YA fantasy/paranormal novels”.
In other words, these sites may be of limited use to general eBook authors at present.
However, I look forward to perusing the rest of your list…
…and thank you for compiling it and providing such a valuable resource.
Hi Foxtrot,
Yes your observation is true, however the list is also for readers and at the moment the reviewers listed are the only one’s who fulfill the criteria for “Prolific”. There’re another 131, reviewers on the list. One of the challenges with the list is the speed with which reviewers come and go, and the speed with which their TBR queues fill up.
This site does not review self-published works.
Thanks for the notice, Stan. Just removed them – people change… We check the site’s review policy at time of inclusion in the list and then rely on our readers for notice that they have changed – so thanks again for letting us know 🙂
Just to let you know, Allie is no longer reviewing books, either.
Thanks, and keep ’em coming. The goal is to keep the list as current and accurate as possible – the good news is that I have ten reviewers waiting in queue to join the list 🙂 You lose some, you gain some…
Hi, I have a new blog for reviewing books (focus on Indie) and short fiction. I filled out the form to be added a while ago, and I wondered how long it took to be added to the list.
Great concept!!!
Hi Ravenous,
No fixed time on that it depends purely on when time is available. Usually we wait till we have a block of ten to add (which is now) and then update. Soon and thanks for your patience.
Marina Scott, Writing Unhooked, appears to be deleted by the authors and I did a Google search of the blog name to see if it maybe moved, but no dice. Just trying to help curate. It was a random first click.
Thanks, Elizabeth, much appreciated :).
Thanks for adding me! If I ever start having links to other sites on my blog, I’ll be sure to add yours. 🙂
Simon: I was hacked and lost over 2/3 of my site. Here’s a new link to my review policy.
Also, I’ll post reviews to Amazon, GoodReads, Smashwords, and B&N. Right now, you have me listed as only posting to my blog.
Thanks for the update and for all you do!
Sorry to hear that, Susan. I’ll get that sorted for you some time today.
I would like to take my name off the list? How do I do that?
Done. Thanks for contributing Cathy.
Just discovered your group on Absolute Write Water Cooler. Is there a way I can get my new cozy mystery, MOTHER, MURDER AND ME, reviewed by one of your reviewers? It’s just been published by a small, indie publisher, Swyers Publishing, and is now available on, B&,, and from the publisher. ps you can read more about the book on one of those sites or on my face book page: Sandra Gardner (
Sandy Gardner
“Is there a way I can get my new cozy mystery, MOTHER, MURDER AND ME, reviewed by one of your reviewers?”
We do not have any influence over what reviewers read and review. All we do is list where they are. The best way to get your book reviewed is to find those on the indie reviewers list who might want to review your book by writing to them and asking them.
This list is incredibly useful. Thank you so much for compiling it and sharing it with us indie authors.
That being said, I approached
for a review and they replied that they now charge $7.99 — although they offered to do mine for free because I approached them “before the change” (I approached them today and the email felt automated) — and then they evidently list your book on their website for sale with you “keeping all the profits”.
Although I could easily be wrong, this doesn’t quite feel “right” to me. Needless to say, I politely declined their invitation.
In any case, I thought you should know.
And thank you again so very much for the obvious time, effort, and attention you put to this. Greatly appreciated.
Yes, looks like they have changed and are charging – they will be removed immediately.
Thanks for the heads up.
Hi, just stepping into this… have set up a review blog for bizarro only. Would you mind including on the list? Thanks!
Please fill out the form to request this. (Link is on the right side of the screen in the “For Reviewers” section”).
I cannot thank you enough. Literally within minutes of applying to one of the reviewers listed I got an offer to review my 4-book series! Now this might be for several reasons, but I would like to think that this reviewer liked the look of them. Thank you so much for this list, its biggest strength is its currency.
Thanks, John.
What a great service! Thanks so much~
Thanks, Anthea.
I am an indie author and would love to put my book in the hands of a reputable e-book reviewer. Any suggestions or tips? Many thanks for your time. Beth
That’s what this list is for. The definition of reputable may be open for interpretation, but all of those on this list appear to be. (If anyone finds that not to be the case, let us know.) Each reviewer has different submission policies, but you can search the list for those that seem to be a good fit for genre (or accept all) and follow their guidelines or policy which is linked in the list.
First, thank you for the great and very helpful list!
One nitpick: the list would be even more helpful if the view didn’t default back to the first page and the 10-at-a-time view, every time one uses the browser’s (at least, Chrome’s) Back arrow. (A few of the links opened in a new window, which made things much easier — but most didn’t.)
Thanks for the suggestion, Karen. I’ll look into this. At a minimum, if some links are opening to another tab I should be able to get them all to do that.
How do I get my books reviewed on this site?
This site doesn’t do reviews, although we do have our IndieView feature (the majority of the posts you’ll see on the home page) that are a combination of interview and book promotion. If you’re interested in that, email and say you’d be interested in doing an “IndieView.” However, the page you commented on has links to a couple hundred review sites that either specialize in or open to reviewing books the are independently published. The list is provided to help author’s find review sites that might be willing to review their books.
Another excellent review site for your lists. Thanks for taking the time to compile all these sites together in one place. It’s such a big help for those indie reviewers.
Science Fiction Book
My review guidlines for indie/self-published authors has changed. The genres accepted are now as follows: non-fiction, crime, mystery, thrillers (including medical thrillers), action/adventure, dystopian, zombie, suspense, espionage/military and sci-fi with a strong science/technology/medicine focus
Tome Keeper, I’ve made this change.
Tome Keeper, I’ve made this change.
This is a wonderful thing you’re doing here, and an exceptionally useful list.
Below are some observations that may help you maintain it:
– Anagha Uppal and Ana Uppal are one and the same person, but she appears twice
– Jane Kalmes (Indiebook Podcast) may not be active any more: last post is dated March 2012
– L.E. Olteano – neither of the two links in the entry resolve in a website
– Malachi comes up as a ‘private blog’ and requires a log-in
– Pavarti K Tyler – the review policy link resolves in ‘page not found’ whereas the main link works but nothing on her website suggests that she’s still reviewing books
– Rebecca Abey – review policy link resolves in dud page
– Red Adept – review policy link resolves in 404 not found; main link announces the end of the blog in March 2012
– Lisa ( – resolves in a generic ‘contact support’ page
Hope this is of some help and wish you all the best.
Many thanks
Thanks, Sebastian. I knew about Red Adept and should have caught that before now. I’ll investigate and fix the others as appropriate.
Sorry, just also noticed that the link to the review guidelines is out of date for Tomes of the Soul. The static page is now:
Tombe Keeper, I’ve updated your review guideline link.
1. Thank you SO MUCH for this resource. It’s wonderful and your work is greatly appreciate.
2. FYI: The website for Abbey of Bittersweet Books states that as of 6/20/2012: they are “NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING BOOKS for review.”
Thanks Elias. Regarding #2, we don’t try to keep up with who is currently accepting or not accepting books, because, depending on the way that particular blogger handles such thing, it could change very often.
Thanks for the info, but I fear that much of it is already out of date. I contacted a lot of the listed indie reviewers with my new novel “The Legend of White Eagle”, and have not received a single review, despite providing free copies. I expect that most if not all are swamped with requests, but many seem to have quit reviewing altogether for some time!
I can guarantee most, if not all, are swamped. No reviewer will be able to review every book submitted or will be interested in reviewing every book where they receive an inquiry, depending on their submission policy. However, if there are some on this list that are no longer active, I’m interested in knowing which ones so they can be removed from the list.
I would like to get started reviewing books. how do i go about setting that up?
Sorry to be a downer but we are no longer accepting books for review. It became too much too quick so we shut our site down. Please delete my listing so no one gets confused.
I’ve deleted your entry, Brina.
I have just signed up to the indie list and I am accepting all genres of books to review. Please send an email to with when you need the review by and if you would like a copy of the review. If for what ever reason I stop reviewing books I doubt this would happen but if it does I will contact all of the authors on my email list to let you know. Thank you for reading this and look forward to working with you in the near future.
I just wanted to thank you for this site–it is a gold mine of review opportunities for Indie authors that are trying to get out there. 🙂 I was able to submit many requests that were listed all here in one handy place.
Thanks a gazillion!
My book review blog is one of the Indie reviewer blogs on your list–for which I am greatly appreciative. However, I would like to update the categories that I am currently reviewing. How do I do about this?
Thanks in advance,
Gerry B.
The best way would be to email wth the specifics. You could also just put it here. Be sure to include the name of your site as it appears in the listings.
Hi Guys, amazing work here. I’ve sent my material to some reviewers and waiting for feedback. Want to say Ana Uppal (above) doesn’t work. Link not successful. Check it out. And check out my stuff just for a read, worth knowing I’m an Indie Author. Hope to have another reply as soon as I get reviewed.
Thanks Sandeep. I investigated the non-functioning link and fixed it.
I would love a book review from you! My name is Robyn Hill, and I am an author on Amazon Kindle with a 5 star review status. My number one book is a pre-teen read, beginning with grade 4, but even adults love it. It is a magical bubblegum adventure through several fun, delicious and hilarious mishaps. I have included the smashwords link where I offer it free of charge.
Here is my Amazon Kindle Link
I have also included an attachment and would love a review. 🙂
Here is GRUM! facebook page as well.
We don’t do reviews here. This is a list of reviewers that you can potentially submit your book to for a review
Hello Simon,
Just to let you know that for the time being I am not accepting review requests for the enovella review.
According to her guidelines Ana Uppal/Book spark is no longer accepting ebooks.
On 10-Sep-12, TC Booked Up was stating that she was not accepting new books for review (for an unspecified period) due to back-log.
This author very much appreciates your maintaining this list of reviewers. Have been through the first 100 names. How do I access the remaining 85-150?
John, I’m guessing you’re seeing the first 100 by setting the number displayed at a time to 100. To go to the next 100 (or back to the previous 100) use the little buttons with arrows just below the bottom right corner of the table displayed.
Could you please update my listing regarding the genres I accepted at my site, as we’ve never accepted all genres. Like the submission guidelines box, could you have genres listed as “Please visit website” or your standard message?
If this is possible, thank you, I’d greatly appreciate it because I receive a high number of requests referred from your site who see “all” here and never read my guidelines apparently so I have to reject the majority of them as they fall outside our acceptances.
Red, I’ve updated including changing the link for your submission page. Thanks for your suggestions as well. This was something on my list of changes I was considering and your comment validates my thinking on the need for that change.
The Bookhound’s Den states on the main page that he is not accepting any books for review. The last post on the blog is January 27, 2012.
Thanks, Becki. Although I won’t drop someone from the list if they are currently closed to submissions, because that is constantly changing with many bloggers, a situation like this where they are no longer actively reviewing, is another matter. I’m removing this reviewer from the list. Thanks for letting me know.
Hello! I run There for You. I’m sorry, but could you please remove me from the list? I’m unable to review. Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know, Melissa. I’ve removed your site from the list.
I have asked twice without a response as to whether or not it is possible to access the names of the reviewers in addition to the 100 available on this Website. I understand there to be 85+ additional ones. I have been through the list of 100 and have found it very useful.
Also would appreciate knowing what other lists are available regarding the romance, literary and general fiction genre and what category-genre contemporary love stories are assumed to be in.
John Henry Brebbia
John, I responded in the comments to your question the last time. What I said then is below:
“I’m guessing you’re seeing the first 100 by setting the number displayed at a time to 100. To go to the next 100 (or back to the previous 100) use the little buttons with arrows just below the bottom right corner of the table displayed.”
Received a duplicate notice when asking for names of remaining reviewers on the list in addition to the first 100. Is this message getting through to you?
Hi. I’m on the list under The Peacock Flock. However the name of the website is actually “Danielle. Wife. Author. Mother.” Not just “Danielle” as it currently states. If you could please change that? Thank you.
I think I have it fixed, Danielle. Make sure it is how you want it.
Hello there!
I wanted to make sure I was at the correct website. I am trying to have my books reviewed and hopefully to deliver more traffic to my website or possible book purchases. Please let me know if I am in the wrong site. 🙂 I do appreciate your time.
Thank you.
John, the page you were on contains a list of reviewers who meet specific qualifications (or at least did when added to the list).
1) They’re willing to review books by “indie” authors.
2) They’re actively reviewing books on their website or blog.
3) They don’t charge for reviews.
4) They have a page that outlines their guidelines for submitting a book for review.
5) They’re willing to accept books in an electronic format for review (don’t require a paper book).
We don’t do reviews on this site (more about that later), but are a starting site for you to find reviewers from the list who *might*. It is up to you to look at the list, find those who based on the information we give appear to be a good fit for your book (most listings have genre preferences), and look at their submission page for additional information and details and, if all looks well, follow their submission policy.
One thing I should note is that book blogs are constantly closing and then reopening for submission. Different blogs have different policies. We don’t remove a review site from our list that is closed to submission and add them back when they reopen because, depending on the blog, this could be happening often.
Although we don’t do reviews on this site, we do interviews with authors and reviewers which serve to promote one of the author’s books or the review site. If you (or any author or reviewer reading this) is interested in doing an interview email me at expressing your interest.
This website is no longer running thought I’d let you know so you can take it down.
Thanks Adele
Thanks for letting me know, Adele. I’ve removed it from the list.
To whom it may concern
I am an artist working on an ebook on the internet everyday since 3rd September 2012. I have been working quite passionately on it, so I am looking for indie ebook reviewers to perhaps review my humble blog.
Feel free to contact me at my email address (it’s public so feel free to share it) listing above for any questions and whether or not what I am soliciting is possible.
Thank you for your time.
Chris Polydorou.
PS I am also on twitter @EatArtDaily
PPS And I have a wisdom blog on tumblr but that’s just stuff I’d normally write on Post Its and litter my art studio
Thanks, Simon!! I’m really finding a whole new set of bloggers here to email about my new book here 🙂
the following URIs in the list (retrieved Nov-18 2012) are dead:
All Book Reviews;;;
Thanks, pjwakawak. One of them (darksideofthecovers) tried to open up, but my virus detector cut it off part way. That’s good enough for me. I deleted the first three. The last one, they’re still there, but the submission page was changed and the link broken. I’ve fixed that.
Thanks for letting me know.
I am a writer and independent publisher. I encouraged writers of all ages to publish works written for children and am looking for reviewers to review some books.
I notice that some reviewers mention that they review all genres, some mention young adult, and yet others mention the various genres that they prefer. I wonder if there are any on this list that review children’s categories too. If so, I would like to submit these books for review.
By the way, I must say that this is a great list to have online. It makes life so easy for indies like us.
Thanks a ton!
Hi Admin,
By mistake I added my email address in my first post. Can this be edited?
I got it, Jyoti.
This is a wonderful blog. I am glad that I have found it to help with my book submissions.
Thank you,
Thanks, LeRon
Dear Admin,
Are there any reviewers who would be interested in reviewing books written for or by children? Please let me know via email. 🙂
Novella, you need to look over the list yourself and contact each reviewer that looks like a possibility. We only maintain the list.
Hi Simon,
This is brilliant. Two things — as I’m going through it I’m seeing it needs some updating as several have stopped. Do you want me to mark which ones to let you know? Also the when I click to any of the sites and come back, I wind up on page 1 of the site. That’s kind of clumsy.
Yes, Marion. If you find any of these are no longer reviewing or fit the other criteria (accept ebooks as submissions, willing to review indie/self-published books, or charge for reviews), we want to know about it to investigate and remove them from the list. Just comment here or email
Hi Simon,
Just want to let you know I am going through this and will write you with the results of who is no longer doing reviews. It might not be a complete list as I’m only looking at pages that look like potentials for my work. Also I’m noticing that sometimes when I click on a site, I lose the Indie Review link. When reload it I have to find where I left off which gets to be kind of a pain.
Thanks, Marion.
Can you give me an example of the last thing you mentioned? I think I know what that is and what I’ll need to do to fix it, but want to make sure.
Please review my book.
Mike, you need to contact the reviewers on this list that appear to be a good fit for your book individually. Their requirements for getting reviewed vary, so follow the link to their submission policy to determine which might potentially review your book and how to go about submitting your book for review to each.
Waw! This list is incredible. I don’t even dare to imagine what time it would have taken me to find all these review sites. Wonderful job. Thanks.
We’re happy it helps, Jos.
Someone posted your site on Twitter for me. Trying to get the word out about my husband’s new series The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo. Thanks for providing such a wonderful resource for indie authors!
Wading Through Electronic Ink is no longer accepting books for review.
Thanks, Tracey. I’d removed them from the main database, but neglected to do the same in the “prolific” list. I’ll take care of that now.
We are now accepting YA Christian fiction at our new review blog!
Just landed here so haven’t touched the list yet, but had to give you an acknowledgement and big thank you for putting this together. My husband and I do everything ourselves (from creating the products to designing our web sites) so any outside help is greatly appreciated. 🙂
Great list of book reviewers. Getting someone to review your book in a timely manner is sometimes a uphill battle. Hopefully some of these reviewers will consider my book.
Hi Simon,
Thank you so much for the list. What a wonderful job you are doing! I just wanted to let you know that you are truly appreciated. I just published my children’s ebook on Amazon and was struggling to find people to review it. When I came across your site, my book review prayers were answered. Thank you again! Have a wonderful weekend.
Link to Amazon:
A fantastic list but I am overwhelmed by the numbers. And still they grow! I write little ‘eBooks’ of vignettes/short stories/parfables/fictional essays and publish on Amazon, Kobo etc under the name of B F Moloney. I really enjoy what I do but I’ve got an uncomfortable feeling they defy genres and as a result are unreviewable. On saying that, would any reviewer out there like to have a crack at it? It might be challenging. Thanks for the great site.
Have had a browse and found a couple of reviewers who might be interested. Thanks again for the great site.
My eyeballs hurt. Spet the past four hours going through all 213, filtering for genre, availability and posting to Amazon (my desired launchpad), etc. Ended up with 21, which, considering, isn’t bad.
But if you hadn’t put this list together I’d still be four hours in, Googling my ass off and would have submitted to maybe 5.
Thanks a ton for this resource.
You’re welcome, Tony. Good luck with the reviews.
my name is karl allen. My book ‘the golden virtues of jesus christ’ was origionally published by trafford publ feb 2010. but later by createspaceit is sold on amazon. i recently received 2 amazon reviews a 3 star, and recently a 5 star review. i would like to receive more reviews for my book. please email me if you can assist me in this. thanks for your kind consideration, karl allen.
Karl, posting this here is unlikely to get attention. Going through the reviewer list and contacting those who appear to be a good fit for you book is more likely to bear fruit.
Hi! Great job with the list!! I added my name and website/blog a while ago but still no listing, just wondering if my changing from to would affect? How could I change that? Thanks so much!!
Shamira, I need to catch up submissions to the list for the last week or two, which should happen in the next few days. If it has been in that time frame then I’ll look out for it and adjust the links accordingly.
Hi, I hate having to bother you again – so sorry! but I can’t find my site listed and I havn’t had review requests coming in even though I know there are many out there – I am very keen to help indie authors and I am able to do reviews on several sites. Please let me know if I didn’t fill in anything properly or you need more info or something. thanks!
Thank you for the list. An easy way to get started in just one spot.
You have a million messages all saying much the same – thank you for the list. You probably don’t need another. But let me add mine – thank you. Fabulous resource.
We never get tired of hearing it, Russ. 🙂
As a newbie author, I’m devouring the useful information on your list! Just wanted to update you and say that the Bookish Brunette is NOT accepting review requests right now. 🙁
Thanks, Ellen. I don’t try to keep up on the sites that are temporarily closed for submission. That would be close to impossible to do and could change often. As long as they are still reviewing, which seems to be the case here, then I’ll leave them on the list. Man reviewers will open for a short time, build up a back log, then close again until they’re caught up.
Just letting you know SpunkyReads Reviews is now being changed up. So you can delete the info you have up for it currently. Will let you know about the new info!
Taken care of it, Athina.
I am completely lost. I am trying to get onto a page that will tell me how to register my books for review. I clicked on reviewers list but see nothing about listing my books. Am I missing something or what? Please help an ignoramus.
Douglas, you’re looking for a page that doesn’t exist. We list indie friendly reviewers, but it is up to you to research the list to find those that appear to be a good fit and submit/query each depending on the particular system and rules each site has as explained on their submission page.
OneTitle Reviews and Bronsen Earl
have confirmed they will review, but after two months, no response at all.
I appreciate their time is best spent reviewing, not e-mailing, but some progress report would be helpfull. Afterall, if they decide not to review, how will I know?
Just wondering if any of your reviewers include Christian fiction…
AGB, the short answer is yes. Do a search by entering “Christian” in the search box just above the table of reviewers. It will narrow what is shown down to those that have that term in their listing. You’ll see several that specifically mention they don’t (stay away from them, obviously) and several that specifically mention they do (if everything else seems a good fit, check out their submission page).
If anyone is interested in free reviews, interviews, or guest blogging to gain more exposure e-mail me and visit the site for guidelines Feel free to add me to your list for free reviews. Thank you.
I am no longer accepting book reviews and will eventually be deleting my blog after I have fulfilled all my review requests. Can you please delete my blog, A Bit of Dash, from the list? Thank you.
Sorry to hear that, Natasha. I’ve removed you from the list.
Hi Simon
I recently started posted my review on Goodreads and Amazon, could you update my reviewer listing to reflect this please?
Thanks in advance!
Updated your listing to reflect that.
Hey, I have a brand new indie and self published book review/recommendation blog, and I’m just trying to get my name out there. I will absolutely add a link to your website and would love it if you could add my blog to the list.
Krista, could you fill out the form linked at the top of the page (or click this to get there)>?
Oh yeah, following the simple directions, that would have been good. I got distracted by the shiny comments. I’ve filled out the form. Thanks!
First Off – your site is brilliant, so thank you.
Secondly – is no longer available, just wanted to let you know.
Thanks Thomas. And thanks for letting us know. I’ve removed that site from the list.
Thanks. Also – The Elderly Geek – does not seem to do reviews at all. At least I cant see any and no way to submit books either. Looks like just his own books are on there.
Thanks again, Thomas. I’ve also removed his listing.
Thanks for the great list, Simon! (I found your site through Goodreads).
I have sent in the form for our site and wanted to let you know that I have already posted the link to your site on the book reviews listing page. It is good to share the love!
We are fairly prolific (we seem to have been meeting our goal of a minimum once per week since there are three of us who review), so it would be great if we could go on the prolific list. But since we don’t have a long track record yet and may run out of steam, perhaps not 🙂
Thanks Jill. I’m a bit behind updating the reviewer list, but plan on getting the more recent submissions added in the next day or two. It’s up to you. If you’d like to be added to the prolific list now, I could do it, or if you’d prefer I’ll wait until you’re more confident in being able to keep up the pace.
Go ahead and assume that we will be prolific. I promise to get back to you if we start to falter! We were spending a lot of time working out the kinks in the site for the past couple of months, so we didn’t have enough time to write. I think we will actually be able to keep up now that the site is fully settled.
Thank you so much!
Defective, a novella by Joan Hall Hovey is now available at Amazon, Smashwords and Omnilit. Coming Soon to Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple.
Hi all,
My publisher is Books We Love and they are an independent Canadian publisher, so I guess that makes me indie too. My latest (6th) suspense novel ‘DEFECTIVE” has just been released and I’d love to have some reviews since it has none at the moment. Thanks so much.
I am actively posting reviews to Amazon, Goodreads and other sites, but don’t do ebooks. Why are ebooks required?
This list is designed to help link appropriate book review websites with indie authors (which I’ll define as self-published and small press). A large portion (possibly a majority, but definitely a non-trivial number of them) don’t even have a paper version of their book available and when they do their promotion budget wouldn’t allow sending paper out to reviewers anyway. A reviewer who is unable to accept an ebook is not appropriate for the list. Even the largest publishers are using electronic versions as one method of distributing review copies (possibly their preferred method although I’m sure they still send paper as well). Google a site called Netgalley and you’ll see what I mean. While I’m sure paper books will be around for a long time to come, the wave of the future is electronic.
One word…. Awesome!
Thank you so much for doing this list. It’s a tremendous help.
I’ve noted down a few things that need changing as I’ve gone through.
Site gone/moved with no forwarding address: Snarky Spinster, Five Alarm Book Reviews, All Things Books, Just Another Rabid Reader, Darling Chick Reads, The Romance Writer’s Reads, Sexxy Blogger, West of Mars, Getting Naughty BTS, Selkie Reads Stories, Flip Flops & My Pearls, Magic Faerie, Deb Simpson.
Site moved: Dz’s Book Talk, Reading Romances
Review policy page moved: Bitchy Book Blog, My Life. One Story at a Time, Book’d Out, Workaday Books, Rachel Cotterill, Book Wormz, Cup of Tea, Brainy Bookshelf, To Read or Not To Read, Indie Writing Blog, Reading Renee
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly is asking for money. The review policy link for GA Bixler Reviews goes to a different site. First7500 words is only to invited readers only. Bark Less, Wag More is now ‘Fetch Me My Fainting Couch’ and has a review policy.
Thank you again.
Thanks for letting me know, Jennifer.
Jennifer, thank you so much for this list. I think I’ve got them all updated. Hearing back from those who use the list is the only way we’ll hear about many of these things, especially those blogs that have been deleted or have started charging.
Oh My GoD!!! Where have you been all my life? This is by far the best book blogger list I have come across in two years. I cannot thank you enough for the work you’ve put into this. I will be telling as many as I can about this site. Again, thank you so much.
Bittersweet Books appears to not be active anymore – just an FYI!
Thanks for this page! I am quite excited about it as an author!
Thanks, Hillary. I’ve removed this one from the list.
Am I missing something on the following page? It is about knitting and I don’t see book review information –
Hillary, although a large part of the blog is about knitting, she also does book reviews. Currently the 2nd or 3rd oldest post is a book review and her submission page was updated roughly a month ago.
Hi all,
A fantastic list:)
I’m Adrian, author of two books and by one I’m really proud…
I would like very much a review at my book, I do not have one so far.
Mason Adventures in the Mystical Kingdoms.
Tomorrow 17.06.2013 will be free on Amazon, will be a good opportunity to get it.
Here’s a link:
Mason and Ava found themselves in the middle of a land that they never knew it existed. Their adventure takes them into lands where strange creatures live, Centaurs, Giants, Minotaurs and flying vampires will compete against them or with them during an extraordinary journey on their way to winning the King’s Tournament.
The only chance the boy has to find the way back to the human’s lands and see his love again is to win the crown. But even though he won respect of many, Mason is in big danger as El Magico is looking for him.
I wanted to share with you a site which is designed to offer free advertising to self-published authors, as well as bloggers and small businesses related to indie entertainment:
I love TheIndieView because it does so much for the self pub community. Keep up the good work!
Alright just submitted my blog Book N Tech (not website I attached) but the book part is new. I had a book blog The Fireplace I submitted but that I killed. I think I submitted The Fireplace I know I submitted Book N Tech and the reviews will be coming soon so please know it is active and if you could delete THe Fireplace if you indeed did put it there.
What an incredible resource. Thanks so much for this!
date added doesn’t work right
Ezekiel – explain?
when you click date added it goes to August first 2012 everytime not like now July 2013
Just want to thank you for adding me to the reviewers list. Looking forward to exploring Indie View more deeply and using the resources you’ve gathered.
Can I please update my listing?
The Brainy Bookshelf
Reviewing Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy. No longer reviewing YA books.
Thank you so much!
Changed it, Alisha.
Great list though I would love to add Peter Church’s book Added Value-the life stories of Indian business leaders. Amazing insight on some truly inspirational people. The book is an excellent primer for anyone seeking to do business.
Thank you for the great list of websites that do reviews for indie authors like me. It is extremely important for any new author to get a constructive feedback, about his new book, so once again, thank you for the effort to put up the extensive list!
Best Regards,
Betty Jay
Thank you for this list, really useful and very much appreciated.
Thanks so much for compiling this list. It has been a great help. I would suggest that all the links open in a new tab, because often it opens in this tab, says ‘not accepting books’ and then you spend a few minutes finding your way back to where you are in the list.
Thanks to all these wonderful Indie reviewers.
Cheers, Kasper.
Thanks, Kasper. I agree, that it is better opening in a new tab and began setting new entries up that way. I need to go back through the older ones and fix them too. Thanks for the reminder.
Anastacia Knits has been reported as an attack page and is blocked by firefox
Thanks for letting me know, Robby. I’ve removed that site from the list.
Would you please update my listing with my new URL? I just made the move a few days ago. Thanks!
Elizabeth, I’ve updated it. Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks for adding my blog! This is a great site.
One thing, though I am not sure if you have this and I just didn’t find it, but it would be great if you had like a button or a small banner for us reviews to put on our sites. It doesn’t have to be big or anything, but I know I like having graphics on my blog and something small to add to my indie reviews that would link back here would be awesome.
Blogger Book Reviews is the world’s first & only comprehensive Online Review Management firm. Bloggerbookreview is the #1 resource for book reviews
Please add this site it is another Book Reviews Site Free of Cost
Nice long list but when I go through the pages and back-click it returns to default and it’s driving me crazy.
Hello. I recently co-authored a book (with many other educators) and was interested in submitting it for a review. The book is entitled “Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class” and is a book about educational technology ideas and implementing them in any classroom.
Although many of the reviewers above state they review “Any” or “All” books, I wanted to see if any of the reviewers had an interest in this type of book? I could send an eBook or a hard copy. Thank you for your help.
Could my listing be removed? Unfortunately, I’m getting way more requests than I can handle (or even respond to in a timely manner!) — frustratingly, most from folks who haven’t checked to see if I read their genre. Thanks!
I’ve removed you, Audra.
Thank you — I appreciate it!
Hi, Simon.
I’m a self published mystery writer with two books now on Kindle, and I am of course seeking reviews.
So after opening up to your site, I downloaded all 40 pages — but there are just a few reviewers listed at the outset, with the balance of the pages devoted to back and forth comments.
Since I’m a Neanderthal on the computer, I suspect I’ve missed some step here, in order to get to the full Indie List of Reviewers, so I can download it.
Can you please help me?
How do I connect to get the list?
Thank you very much.
The list is not in the comments where it sounds like you’re looking. You can’t “download” the list, but can view the list. The table (which I think is your comment about the reviewers you see “listed at the outset”) can be paged through. You’ll see just above the top left corner of the table that you can increase the number shown at a time to as many as 100 (the default is set to 10 and a drop down gives other choices). At the bottom right of the table are previous and next links to page forward and backward in the table.
Is it possible to get my e. book ‘eye doctor out of the box’ ISBN: 9781301878284. science fiction-medical, reviewed by any body? It is a fusion of imagination with knowledge dealing with cancer,youthful life, and death.
Bibliophile Book Reviews is no longer active.
Thanks for letting me know, David. I’ll remove it the next time I update.
As there’s so many potential book reviewers on here I am trying to narrow down the field to those that are interested in intelligence, security, terrorism, current affairs, et al. Anybody interested in covering this subject matter I would like to hear from. My e-mail is: .
Nicholas Anderson is the author of The NOC Trilogy:
NOC – Non-Official Cover: British Secret Operations (available in paperback and eBook)
NOC Twice: More UK Non-Official Cover Operations (completed, not released until early-2014)
NOC Three Times (not completed)
Can my listing be removed? I am unfortunately stopping my reviewing — I no longer have the time to commit to reading each week. My blog is Here’s The Story (
Thanks for letting me know, Nickie. I’ll remove your listing on the next update.
Hello, do you review audiobooks as well as e books? If not, could you suggest a good site to have reviews done on audiobooks?
Thank you,
Alicen, we do do reviews here at all, only maintain a list of other sites that do. Possibly some of them review audiobooks, but I’m not really sure which. Sorry I’m not more help.
Hi Simon,
Been a long time the site is looking great. I added myself again as the site and all had changed a bit. Hope that is ok.
Thank you immensely for this site. It’s a huge help for Indie authors. I’m worn out because I sent review requests to every one of them who wants thrillers.
Richard Ferguson
Can you please remove me from the listing? I just cannot keep up!
My site is Gilded Page Reviews.
Ashley, I’ll drop you the next time I update the list.
Hi, I can’t figure out how to contact you to have my listing removed. I will no longer be running My Holistic Soul. Current book reviews will be transferred to a new site (which has no submission page). If we set up a submission page I will re-apply with that site for a listing. -Yvonne Stegall
Yvonne, I’ve removed you from the listing. Thanks for letting me know.
Could you remove IndieHeart from the prolific reviewers list? We have been unable to keep up with a review a week for the past few months as we were previously able to do. We would like to stay on the regular reviewers list.
Thank you!
Jill, I’ve taken you off the prolific list. You can, of course, continue to add your reviews to the latest reviews list.
hey i am a newbie blogger. Add my blog in the list =)
Mahak, to be added to the list fill out the form. (The page to do so is linked from the first sentence of the page you commented on.)
On your next update would you kindly remove my site (Sweat, Tears and Digital Ink) from the list? Due to an increase in workload as a freelance writer and determination to write more of my own fiction, I am no longer able to dedicate so much time to reviewing books.
Thank you!
Will do, MGMason. Thanks for letting me know.
Many sites in the list didn’t post any updates for more than a year and others charge to do reviews. You said to let you know if those things happened, but I don’t know how to contact you in order to do so.
You can either post in the comments here or send an email to If they haven’t posted in over a year or charge to do reviews I definitely would want them off the list.
This entry:
Amanda Peake Enchanted Endpapers Romance, YA (Young Adult) and NA (New Adult) My Review Policy Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Librarything, Facebook 2013/08/21
seems out of date. The web site does not load.
Thanks for letting me know, Karen. I just did an update and dropped this entry.
Could you please take my Book N Tech down temporarily due to high traffic? I’ll be back in summer just have to start off fresh.
Ezekiel, it will be removed the next time I update the table.
Thank you for this wonderful resource!
Great list! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Much appreciated.
Letters Inside Out doesn’t seem to be a review website anymore. (Just one of those generic web search pages for “book reviews”)
Thanks for letting me know, Hedy.
could you please take down A Drip of Truth… I am unable to keep up with the reviews and would like to be removed… thank you
RG, I’l remove it my next update
We are only able to access the first page of review sites (10 sites). When we click on “next” it simply brings us to comments at the bottom of the page. Is there something wrong, or are we doing something wrong?
Thanks. Great site.
Ken, I think if you scroll back up you’ll see it displaying the next set of sites. I’m fairly certain what is happening is your focus is at the same distance down the page, but the table takes less space to display the next set of reviewers. That’s what happened to me when I checked it just now. One thing to do to make it less irritating would be to change the display to show 100 entries (the drop-down above the top left of the table). Then you’ll be going to the next page much less.
Thanks for adding me to the list!
Wanted to let you know that “Marla Miller’s Marketing the Muse” site charges $100 for reviews.
Thanks, Aaron. That site will be dropped in the next update.
$100 for a review? Is this for real? And I’ve been doing it for free all this time . . . I hope no one actually paid this!
I know. My bank account would love this idea. Look for an invoice in your inbox, Laurie. 🙂
“Indie Reviews” says he is no longer doing reviews.
Thanks, Phillip. I’ll remove it in the next update.
It seems to me that Wanderlust is a charge only site. Unless I wasn’t finding the right section.
Thanks for letting me know, Robyn. I’ll remove it on the next update.
I would highly recommend this book, A Light on Islam, to you for your site/blog:
I do weekly reviews of Indie books on my two blogs plus place them on Amazon and or Goodreads. There is no charge for this service. I would appreciate anyone that is willing to follow my blogs. A very good article. My two blogs are “Lightning Chronicles” at which is my primary blog my other is called “Lightning” at drop by and your book could be on my next post. Allow two or three days to read most books. A.G.
Try Chiliad by Simon Otius, on unhappened [dot] com. Not for everybody, in fact almost for nobody.
I am actively seeking FREE book reviews of my fiction which is on CreateSpace as print or amazon as kindle. I seek fair reviews that can be posted on goodreads, amazon,l createspace and other websites. If interested in giving me this fair stuff write to me at with the subject heading FREE BOOK REVIEWS. The books to be sent will be in kindle or pdf versions only. Thank you for you co-operations. Please spread the word.
I started a book review site this month and I requested to have it posted on this site, but I have yet to see it on the reviewer’s list. Is there a waiting period, or does it automatically show up on the list? Warm regards.
Crystal, sometimes I’m slow doing the updates. I looked and saw your submission and will add it tonight if everything is in order.
I am humbly requesting for a review of a fiction book that is available from both CreateSpace for print and Amazon for kindle by your readers. Reviews can be posted among others on amazon, googlebooks, shelfari or goodreads to name but a few. The story is of love without sex scenes.
My other works are free on wattpad and timbooktu.
I am most at liberty to send it as a kindle or pdf version.
reply to writa1966 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Simon, please remove my listing as a reviewer. Family circumstances have created the need for me to let go of some things, and this is one of those things. I didn’t see another way to let you know so I hope this works.
It’s no longer Simon, but I’ve removed your listing. Sorry to hear about your situation.
Can you please remove my entry listed under Laurie for my blog titled “Fetch Me My Fainting Couch”. I just don’t have the time to maintain a blog and am going to review only on Goodreads, Amazon & Booklikes. Thank you.
Laurie, your entry will be dropped the next time I update the list. Thanks for letting me know.
I organise virtual book tours for author and we are always on the look out for reviewers. If anyone is interested in being a host and taking time to read and review for us, please pop by our book tour site at or if you have any questions, please reply to this message.
Thanks for reading.
Dark Scream Book Tours
Hi . I have written a Children’s Book called “The Little Bear That No One Wanted” ..
I just turned seventy, live in Florida, and have a book to promote. How cool is that !!!
The little bear in the story was made with a crooked nose and mouth, and no one wants to take him home from the store. He isn’t as pretty as the other bears, and they are perfect, and he never will be ! He knows it will have to be someone very special who would accept him just the way he is .. Near the end of the day, a little girl comes in and sees him. She says, “Mommie, do you see what I see ? ” .. Her Mommie looks and sees that the little bear has a crooked smiled — just like her little girl. She buys him for her, and the little bear hears the child say .. “Oh, Mommie. He’s perfect. He is just perfect.”
Would love it if you could help me figure out a way to get the word out on my book. Tate Publishing is my publisher, and it is on their website for sale, and also Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.
I wrote it for children who are scarred, or who feel scarred in any way, or who may feel unloved or unwanted …. like little bear.
Thank you for your help. I do have a Facebook page you can access for the book called …. Barbra G … be careful how you spell Barbra. Please, at least, visit it and Like it for me.
Barbra Griffin
I have written a book called New Beginnings and was wanting to get some reviews of it. Just leave a comment and I will get in touch with you. I also have all formats.
SN Williams
Thank you for a great site. I believe most indie authors are benefiting a lot. Stay blessed.
Please note K. Nowinsky whose email address is is a reviewer who no longer accepts free reviews.
Thank you.
Could you rem0ve from the list for the time being? We won’t be accepting new review requests at least until the end of the year. Thanks! reports they are closed indefinitely.
Geeky Girl Reviews no longer reviews books on that blog and offers a different URL where she focuses on YA fantasy reviews
Chibi Neko My Book Goggles no longer reviews books
Dawn Breakout Books is temporarily closed to submissions
Indie Paranormal Books Reviews Indieparanormal Books Reviews is closed
Frida Fantastic is now
Sift Book Reviews closed permanently is temporarily closed
Marcie and Steve To Read or Not To Read – domain no longer resolves
Flying with Red Haircrow has been closed for 10 months now.
Jennifer Goehl Can’t Put It Down – closed these last two years
Trevor Price The eNovella Review Domain Not Found
Ant Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Reviews Temporarily Closed (5/11/2014)
Ron C. Nieto – closed since 2012
Marina Scott Writing Unhooked closed
Sue Owen Paper Mustang closed
CathyS Cath ‘n’ Kindle Book Reviews temporarily closed
Tammy Gaines Novel Opinion closed down
Rachel Simons Stressed Rach – Does not review books anymore
Smart Lit Smart Lit | Savvy Book Reviews permanently closed (password protected)
Published by a small Indie Canadian Press, Books We Love Ltd. I do most of my own promoting and would love to have my latest suspense novel ‘The Deepest Dark’ reviewed. Thank you.
Dark Readers says on their site they don’t take self-published.
Thank you for compiling this list. Sure some of the links are dead but hunting down all these individually would have taken much longer. (:
Hi. Please remove my listing. I am no longer able to review books. Thanks!
Will do, MIshael
Hi there! Is there a way we can update our information? I’d love to add some genres to my review list and also I have a different last name now :).
Jessica, email admin@theindieview with the details.
Dear Admin,
Thank you so much for this website – it helped me as a book reviewer so much. Life has changed for me and I am no longer doing reviews. Please remove me from the list.
Again, thank you for the work you do here, and to the Indie authors – keep it up, you all ROCK!
Can you update mine please? I’m still accepting books but my book review policy link is no longer active. Thanks.
Alicen, I’m not seeing anything on your site at all except for your announcement. What am I missing?
Hi Admin,
I just made a new site and my reviews will be there instead. I have already sent you the information in an email. Thank you.
Hello. I would love to get reviewed. Please check out my book:
If possible I would like added to your list. I prefer fantasy, horror, and science fiction, but I am willing to read and review any type of novel.
Kris, there is a link on this page that takes you to a form to fill out to request to be added. Please fill that out.
I would love to see a list somewhere of reviewers who review non-fiction self-help books or awareness raising books? I am searching all over the internet and their are literally about 2-3 .
Who did you find. I am having the same problem
Hi, I’d like to enlist my site as well (The Reading Bud).
Heena, follow the link and fill out the form there.
I regret to inform the writers that have been sending me request for book reviews that I no longer accept them. As promised in one of my post I am writing this to inform all writers that even though, I enjoyed writing reviews due to personal reasons I must stop. Thank you for the trust I was given by the writers and the chance to improve my writing skills.
I wish to report that the reviewer at the site called Sparkin Arkie, Dm. L. Carter, is asking for $250 a pop for each review, not to mention requesting each such review via snail-mail. I believe he’s violating your policy in this wise. It should be brought to your attention, as far as I can tell.
Thanks, Ross
Elizabeth Marie Enchanted Scroll is no longer reviewing books. The blog/website has been taken down. Same with Elizabeth Marie Enchanted Read. May be the same person.
Here’s another reviewer site that is down, the reviewer is no longer reviewing:
Joe Ducie Cedar Sky Publishing
Thanks for both comments, Jane.
Have you ever thought about writing an e-book or guest authoring on other
sites? I have a blog based on the same topics you discuss and
would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my subscribers would appreciate your
work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to send me an email.
hi, it’s August 2014, last month I sent out emails politely making review requests to 82 blogs that were listed here and at other reviewing lists. I received one affirmative reply, maybe 10 negatives, and the rest didn’t answer. Just bear this in mind that getting a review has become really a challenge. It’ll likely take 2 years or longer for the current huge reading queues at reviewing blogs to come down. So, if you’re a writer looking for a review, don’t waste your time sending out dozens of requests. Try maybe 10 at most, see the lack of response you get, and move on to more gainful ways of spending your time.
I’ve had similar experiences. OTOH I have also found a few reviewers and did get a small number of reviews for a couple of my books.
I would like to have my new novel, Lightning Flight!, reviewed by someone who enjoys a techno-thriller that is topical, thought-provoking, entertaining and well-written. My book was published by Friesen Press in August 2014.
Hi Admin,
yesterday I went through the entire list of sites reading review policies to see which ones would be suitable for my books and there were a few that don’t seem to exist any more. Thought you might like to know which ones.
Andrew Veda Andrew’s Readlist – blog removed message
Drako Drako’s Den Romance – “Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain.”
Esther Maugo Novel Junky Romance – blog removed message
Frankie Blooding Blooding Book Reviews – WP blog no longer available message
K.P. Ambroziak Fields of Twisting Phlox – GoDaddy holding page
Kate Good My Daily Romance – Hostgator holding page
Kym Lawrence 1 Book Lover’s Opinion – blog not found message
LB Whittington Books and Broomsticks – webpage not available message
Melissa Nacinovich we’re all mad here – WP blog is no longer available
Michael Alexander Trapped in Juxtaposition – WP blog is no longer available
Mredria Books Are Better – blog with no posts
Opal Kiehm The Akamai Reader – server message
Paperbook Princess Paperbook Princess – blog with no posts
Rebecca Graf A Book Lover’s Library – holding page in Japanese or Chinese
SarahKat Kitties Like Books Too – blog not found message
Terra Whiteman The Lucid Pen – blog has been removed message
The Bookish Brunette The Bookish Brunette – domain name expired pending renewal GoDaddy holding page
The Indie Book Blog Database The Indie Book Blog Database – server index page
The Sunday Book Review The Sunday Book Review – domain name holding page
TinaMarie Gibbons Tina Marie Says – blog with no posts
Marie Drake Marie Reads and Reviews – blog with no posts (same address as above)
Also meant to say, thanks for the awesome site – so incredibly useful.
Thanks, Tasha. I’ll update these.
There was a mistake with my submission to this list as it does not list the genres I will review.
The following are the specific genres that I am interested in reviewing/have the most experience with:
Fantasy (Most of my reading – and writing – in this genre has been Epic Fantasy)
Science Fiction
MA (Middle school age) or YA Adventure (Percy Jackson books, Hunger Games, etc…)
Mystery (love a good mystery)
I will not accept review requests for the following genres:
And please no books with heavy use of foul language
I will reply to every submission and if I review your book the review will be posted to my site, Amazon, and Goodreads at a minimum. Thanks,
Thanks, Mark. I’ll do this update tonight.
Thanks! I am 98.4% sure it was my fault…
Simon, do you know of any French reviewers who review books in English?
Off hand I can’t think of any, Gene.
My Avast warns me that the link to Just Another Rabid Reader is malware.
Serban, not sure what to make of that. I’ve gone to the page and everything seems okay.
I am a new author and am interested in having my book reviewed. I’m combing through the list of reviewers and notice a large number of them are not reviewing anymore because they are backed up on their reading. Can you not mark the ones who aren’t currently reviewing so I don’t spend all my time clicking fruitlessly on to websites? I have yet to find a reviewer who is available.
Susan, the short answer, if I understand what you’re asking, is no. My interpretation is not that they aren’t reviewing (if informed, I’ll remove sites from the list that have stopped publishing new reviews), but that the site isn’t currently accepting submissions. Depending on how the rules of submission for a site works, it is common for that status to be constantly changing. If I removed them, I’d never know when they were again open for submission.
Dear sir,
I need to get my Book reviewed. How can the same be sent to you? I am based at Mumbai, India
Sachin, this site does review books. However, each of the sites listed on this page does. You’d need to evaluate each of them and those that look good for your book follow their instructions on the submission page for that site to inquire about a review.
Obsidian Poet needs removed from the listing, as the blog is no longer active.
Thanks for letting me know, Elizabeth. I’ll take care of it.
Thanks for this wonderful resource. 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this incredible resource. I did notice a comment from roughly a month ago advising indie authors not to bother submitting requests to as many relevant reviewers as possible – instead to send 10 or so and not to bother continuing if you do not receive acceptances. I have to say, I wholeheartedly disagree. I’ve already received several acceptances (in a day or two), and authors need to understand that there are actual live people on the other end of this, with families, lives, jobs, etc… so if you don’t get immediate responses, becoming discouraged and moving onto something else probably isn’t the wisest choice. Requesting reviews from a random 10 out of potentially over a hundred relevant bloggers seems counterproductive to me as well. You could be (and probably are) weeding out those reviewers that may have just been the right reviewers for your book, by random selection. If you were querying agents/publishers would you just select the first 10 on a list, and then stop if those particular 10 either did not respond or declined? Of course not! Certainly review and revise your request/summary/message if you feel it’s been ineffective, but you should never give up on trying to generate reviews for your book, especially from known, reputable reviewers like those listed here. Just my two cents! – Danielle Pearl, author of NORMAL
I agree, Danielle.
This was invaluable in helping me contact reviewers! Thank you so much!!
Hello. I joined theindiereview several years ago, when my blog was first getting started. However, I now do not fit the criteria for being an indie reviewer. I currently work in publishing and professional reviewing (which means I do accept monetary compensation for certain reviews.) I also can no longer accept digital review copies. I was trying to find a contact email for you, but could not find one listed. I am still receiving review requests from authors who have found me through this list on a regular basis, and I feel terrible having to turn them down. If you could remove me from the list that would be great. Thanks so much, and this really is such a great site and resource for the literary minded!
Jill Marie, I’ll remove you on the next update.
Thank you very much. I also wanted to let you know that I have made a permanent spot for The Indie View’s banner on my blog. It links directly back to the site. Since so many indie authors visit my blog, I wanted them to be able to get connected with this site!
I’d like to request you to please remove The Reading Bud from the listing, as I am no longer accepting review requests.
I will definitely let you know as soon as I’ll start accepting books again.
Thanks 🙂
Will do, Heena
That’s a great and so helpful list.Thank you so much for your sweet information.This is a really nice and helpful list. best seller
Your oldest-running reviewer, Ashley’s Bookshelf, is doing something I don’t exactly think is kosher here. She’s taking books to review through gifts from Amazon; you have to send your book to her as a gift via, like you were giving it to a relative for a Christmas present. Is that allowed here?
Thank you soooooo much for this fantastic list! What a great resource 🙂 Tera
Krista’s Picks seems to no longer be doing book reviews. She seems to have turned it into a fashion site now..
The following site hasn’t had any reviews or new entries (even checked the RSS feed) since 2012:
This site is DOWN: Kyle Wylde, The Book Brothers.
This site is no longer accepting submissions: Knightengale Books.
This site is no longer accepting reviews: The Busy Bibliophile
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll remove them the next time I update.
The review form at The Bearded Scribe has been disabled. I think this means they are no longer accepting submissions.
Hello Simon,
I’ve consistently used your list to find reviewers, so it’s a useful tool in my indie book business. However…
I’ve been trying to find reviewers for my new ebook The Collector and have discovered several closed sites plus one site that’s charging for reviews. The one charging is: Elizabeth Los. Closed sites are: Found Between the Covers (Sherry Meyer); The Wallflower Reviewer (Sherrod Wall); Shhh Mommy’s Reading; Paper Mustang (Sue Owen); The Writing Desk (Tony Riches); Voracious Reader; Mary Whipple Reviews; Cath ‘n’ Kindle (Cathy S.); Cynthia Shepp Book Reviews; and D A Bale.
I don’t have anything against these people, but if they’re no longer accepting books for review, it would make my life a bit easier if they removed themselves from your list. Maybe other authors would agree.
Yours in reading and writing,
r/Steve Moore
Thanks for the comment. I’m glad to hear this list is providing value. I’ve removed Elizabeth Los from the list. Before adding a review site to the list I they are vetted to make sure they meet the requirements at the top of the page, however, the only practical way to know they’ve changed policies (as in Ms Los starting to charge for reviews) is to have it pointed out as you have done. I (and all your peers coming behind you looking for reviewers) appreciate it.
The others you listed appear to be a different situation. If a blog goes inactive for a period of several months (not meeting the “actively posting reviews” requirement at the top of the page), I’ll remove them. This is often a judgement call and I tend to err toward keeping them if there are indications that it is a brief period of inactivity, but if it looks like they won’t be back, I’ll delete those, too. But in these cases, the situation appears to be active bloggers who have temporarily closed to submission. Opening and closing submissions is a normal course of events for most blogs. If I were to delete a blogger from the list, I’d never know when they reopened for submissions short of checking ever blog for their current situation periodically and that status could change the next day.
The review blog called Reading Bifrost isn’t working. I tried to fill out the form for a review request—twice—and twice, it said it couldn’t go through because “the CAPTCHA field was incorrect,” and there’s absolutely no evidence of such a thing there. I think Reading Bifrost should be taken down.
The Pankhearst Review is deceased. Says, “We regret to inform you this is now an ex-website.”
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll removed them with the next update.
All in all a great list … will be very useful to authors.
I have released a new book with Kindle, The Chronicles of Moses – The Man who’d be Phraraoh – an epic Biblical fiction narrative.
And, I would certainly approach some of the reviewers on your list. If any of the guests on your blog would like to review it, I will provide a free copy.
Meantime, my very best o you and all
Hello and I hope this finds you well…..I would like to amend my review genre to make it read..’Children picture books through 2nd grade’. I find with added clients I can not do justice to those requesting reviews of books over 30 to 40 pages. Thank you, cbauer
PS I am assuming you are the administrator who does this as I have not been able to change it myself. Let me know if there is a way I can as I could be having ‘one of those’ days.
Christeen, I’ve made a note to make this change as part of the next update.
I just had to say thank you. I am a nonfiction, indie writer. I have spent many hours trying to find bloggers, over the past week. This is totally absolutely THE best list I have found. I have been through it from page 1, to the very end. I have been to so many other listings but this rates top in terms of identifying potential bloggers , active sites etc. Again, thank you!
Thanks, Meryn.
I must say this a fantastic list, but I wonder what will be the response since most book reviewers are normally busy-bees. Anyways, here’s hoping we strike the right chord with some of them. Cheers!
Hello Simon,
Thanks for the great list! Just a quick question – anyone else confused with Kate Policani’s site, Compulsively Writing Reviews? She gives a definition for Indie books but then gives a link for independent authors to get on a review list. That link is looking for reviewers (some paid in fact) and does not contain any information on getting your book reviewed or getting your book on a review list. On Mrs. Policani’s site she states “if your book is traditionally published I will still consider it.” Then, further down she states “if your book is not traditionally published, I will not accept review requests.” I’m confused. I am self published, not traditionally published. It appears she only reviews traditionally published books, which is fine, but isn’t this list primarily for Indie authors? I agree that Indie authors should conform to the same standards as the big name professional publishing houses. It seems to me this is the premise that Mrs. Policani proposes. But, it doesn’t seem that my book falls within her policies for reviewing. What am I missing or misunderstanding?
Thanks for your help!
Regards, Noel Thomas Fiems
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It appears this is a change to her policy. The first part (referring indies to the Awesome Indies site to submit for review) might be okay as it appears she does post reviews of indie books on her site as well as the Awesome Indies site when a book is reviewed. In essence, to get her to review on her site, that’s the process.
However, the Awesome Indies submission process is problematic. As you point out, there is a charge involved. It can be argued that their fee is not for the review (in fact, they do say that), however, I always try to err on the side of not including in the list in these situations. I’ll be removing this site from the list as well as the Awesome Indies site which is also listed, the next time I update the list.
Hello Indie View,
I just wanted to bring to your attention the review policy of Malka Ahmed of Contemporary Books. In their review policy they state they will only review books that are on listed on Book Club Reading List, Cheap e-books, Cheap Kindle books, and NetGalley. All these sites require payment to list your book with them. I think this is a backdoor to your “paid review” policy.
Thanks for your time!
Sincerely, Noel
How do we get our listing removed or edited? There appears to be some confusion about what we’re looking for. We’d rather people visit our submission guidelines page ( than read what’s in the table.
DED, one way (the best, quickest and easiest) is to email admin(at) and explain what you want. However, this way can work, too. The next update I do (sometime this weekend) I’ll change your listing to point them to your submission guidelines rather than a listing of genres.
I didn’t know that email was even an option as I couldn’t find any contact info on your site. Thanks for making the switch.
Afternoon! I submitted my information to be added to the reviewers list a few days ago. How long does it take to post? Or at least hear back? Many thanks 🙂
It can take as long as a week to ten days. (But odds of hearing tonight are very good. 🙂 )
Okay, great! Thanks 🙂
Thanks for this list !
For Indies By Indies. We’re serious about providing Indie’s with
tough love. Our greatest revenge is success.
I just think I aught to be able to put “crime” in a search box and have your site show me all people who review specifically crime novels. It could also show people who view all, however, being specific would save a whole lot of time and effort that is needlessly wasted. Thank you. Of course you may have heard this before and in equal fairness to all probably wouldn’t change anything, still I just thought I would ask. Cheers!
Thanks for the comment, D. Jay.
In response, I don’t think I’ve received this comment before. Based on how the genre question(s) typically get answered by review sites asking to be added to the list, I’m not sure it would work out as you hope. If you search for ‘all’ you’ll obviously find those already. If a site specifically mentioned crime as a genre they specialize in, you’ll uncover them searching for ‘crime.’ But the only way I can see to catch everyone willing to review crime novels in the way you’re proposing would be to have an exhaustive list of every genre and subgenre with the blog owner either picking every one they’ll consider reviewing or even a yes/no for each. The list, if it could be defined, would be very long. Plus, it still wouldn’t capture every variation. For example, some romance blogs are interested (or not) depending on how spicy the book is.
I’d just published a UNIQUE astrology book after 35 years’ research and using 24,000 famous/infamous DOBs. Its title is: ZODIAC GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS & CAREERS. Please contact me via my website or kwan(at) if you have the relevant knowledge and interest to do a review for amazon, facebook, goodreaads, blog etc. As a relatively unknown, self taught astrologer, I do face very stiff competition. Thanks.
I filled out the form to be added as a reviewer on your site a few days back- but I don’t see my name listed.
Does it normally take longer than a few days?
Yes, Nagendra. It can sometimes take several days.
It surely would be nice to see more reivewers who post to the following wonderful indie store sites as well as the conglomerate…
publisher, Cypress House, Lost Coast Press, QED Press
This looks like a great and helpful site Simon, thanks for setting this up. I just found it today and started to look for reviewers for our new novel. You asked to let you know about fees – well, the first reviewer listed A Fae at Truth About Books does charge for their reviewer services.
Bruce, I just scanned their site and don’t see anything about charging. Can you point me to what I’m missing?
Never mind, Bruce. I just found it. Will remove this site on the next update.
I’m loving your list. I just wanted you to know that I contacted the first reviewer on the list, The Truth About Books and when they emailed me back saying they do want to review my book, but I have to pay 30$ first. I would consider paying them if it were much cheaper, but I thought that was kind of high. And you mentioned to contact you if the reviews aren’t free.
Thanks for your awesome website!
Thanks, Jillian. I was notified the other day that they were charging and because of that will be removing them from the list the next time I update it (most likely later today or tomorrow).
This site has vanished completely:
Vanessa Carmichael, Book Review Blog
Thanks for letting me know, JC. I’ll remove it on the next update.
Such a great website. Looking forward to submit my reviews soon! 🙂
I’m puzzled by the “small press” requirement in your reply to P. J. Sullivan, May 20, 2013. My books–seven novels of various genres and a collection of short stories–are self-published and available on Amazon’s Kindle, but identical copies are printed by Amazon’s Create Space, hardly a “small press.” So, does your list exclude reviewers of Create Space paperbacks? Access to your list sounds like a “must” for me, as reviews seem vital to gaining readers.
I think we have a terminology disconnect. When I used the term small press it was using the term as it is commonly used to mean a small publishing company. (Something like Red Adept Publishing – – as opposed to the Big 5 and their imprints or some of the larger independent publishers like Kensington or Baen.) If you’re self-published, you’re fine.
The comment you’re referring to is the requirement that the listed sites have to be willing to accept an electronic format for review. Some of them state that they will accept or even prefer paper, but if paper is a requirement then I won’t list them. I think the aside about publishing method (self, small publisher or large publisher) got confused in your mind with the production method. Create Space is your printer, not your publisher.
That first one on the list Bibliophile is not accepting submissions for review.
I am looking for people to review my books! 🙂
Please remove “Malka Ahmed” from your list – their website forces you to pay $50 on another promotional website (1 of 3) in order to get a review.
Thanks for pointing that out. That site has been removed from the list.
Love the site! Thank you! And Mary C. Moore is currently closed to reviews.
Thanks for the clear explanation of requirements for submitting books to your listed reviewers. My seven novels and short-story collection are self-published and printed by both Kindle and Create Space. I’ll start contacting appropriate members of your list to see if any are interested in reviewing the e-book versions. Thanks too for providing this promising opportunity. –Bill
What a great site. But we are in a bit of a conundrum; we have some non-fiction books, on some serious topics–one of them is a history of racism, another an expose of Liberty University–and are having trouble finding reviewers on this site who review such non-fiction topics. Any thoughts?
Mike, I’m not sure that I’ll be of much help. If you haven’t already, entering all in the search box, then scanning for those who say they accept all genres *might* point you to some possibilities. However, much of what you’ll find will be a notation saying “all except …” with non-fiction a frequent no-go. You might also find that when you look at a site that appears might be interested, they won’t be. (Many of these reviewers are so focused on fiction genres that non-fiction might not have even entered their though process when defining their genre preferences.) You can also search for non-fiction and look down the genre column for those who specifically mention non-fiction (obviously beware of those that are saying “not non-fiction”).
My review site (Big Al’s Books and Pals) is listed as all genre. We do review non-fiction. If you look at the submission policy you’ll see a note that says “Non-fiction is also acceptable if it is on a subject of general interest and targeted at a layperson.” But generally non-fiction is a hard sell because it tends to appeal to a small segment of any particular blog’s readership, unless the blog is focused on a particular non-fiction topic – for example, we do have one review site that only reviews travel books. One thing you might consider is approaching blogs that specialize in topics that are close to the subject of a particular book For example, the expose of Liberty University might be something that a left-leaning political blog would consider reading and reviewing, even though reviews isn’t their normal thing.
You can still send me a request, but just know that I will not be prioritizing it.
She should be removed from the list.
I’ve removed this one, Rick.
Currently I am not able to accept e-books,I broke my ipad and need time to fix it. I will not accept them until a later date, but feel free to email me your info to hang onto until I am accepting them.. I would greatly appreciate a physical copy sent to me for review.
This is extremely fishy. I don’t think you should be allowed to list here unless you can accept E-books.
Rick, I’m not seeing that on her submissions page. Where did you find that note?
Are there review writers willing to consider books written by children? I can’t find anyone willing to review my book. My readers are my friends and classmates – they are kids too and don’t have amazon accounts. My review requests are either unanswered or rejected because I’m a kid 🙁
Sarah, Are you sure it is because you’re a kid? I think most of the adult authors would tell you that they have a lot of review requests rejected or unanswered. The reasons why often have nothing to do with them or their book. (Most reviewers get many more requests than what they can handle.) If you’re positive that is why, don’t tell them. 🙂
Thanks for your good advice, I will take it – mom won’t tell her age, so why should I? And yes, me being a kid was stated as a reason, I guess no one wants to tell a kid that their book sucks 😉 (hey, mine doesn’t, whose does?!).
Thanks much again for taking the time to answer my question and thanks for the list.
Sarah, send me the book; I’ll give it a quick review.
Rick Chapman
Author “SaaS Entrepreneur: The Definitive Guide to Success in Your Cloud Application Business”
Read Excerpts from all 10 chapters at
Author “Rule-Set: A Novel of a Quantum Future.” Just Released. More info at
Thank you so much! If the review is a bad one I don’t mind. I will keep writing (my plan is to finish a book every year – I figured that the more time I spend writing, the less it’s left for math practice), it would be so helpful to know what I’m doing wrong.
For a child your age you are a very good writer and I hope you continue. Look for your review.
Rick Chapman
Author “SaaS Entrepreneur: The Definitive Guide to Success in Your Cloud Application Business”
Read Excerpts from all 10 chapters at
Author “Rule-Set: A Novel of a Quantum Future.”
Hi Sarah,
I’m just starting to do reviews on my website, so I’d certainly be interested in giving yours a read also. Is your book self-published currently, or is this a manuscript?
Go to and select Reviews->Request a Review and fill out the info. I’ll give you my feedback as soon as I possibly can. Not sure if it will be in my genre interests, but I’d love to offer some help if I can!
I can’t believe this! Thank you so much! My book is self-published:
I submitted the form but I couldn’t figure out how to attach the book . Thanks again,
What a great resource. Just a quick note to say thanks for taking the trouble to compile it.
Thanks, Marcus.
Are you interested in your book being reviewed?
I am currently open to receiving Advanced Reader Copies and review copies of books. I can not promise to accept all books for review but I will do my best to accept as many as possible.
My preferred genres are Horror, Thriller, Fantasy, Children, Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Erotica and Romance. I am open to other books of different genres of course so just contact me.
Currently I am not able to accept e-books,I broke my ipad and need time to fix it. I will not accept them until a later date, but feel free to email me your info to hang onto until I am accepting them.. I would greatly appreciate a physical copy sent to me for review.
Time to review:
Depending on length of the book in review, we can discuss this more after I accept your book for review.
If you are interested in doing a Q&A that would be great! I love getting to know more about the author and their writing process.
Contact me:
Please visit my contact me form or contact me via e-mail @
Under the format heading.
Rick Chapman
Author “SaaS Entrepreneur: The Definitive Guide to Success in Your Cloud Application Business”
Read Excerpts from all 10 chapters at
Author “Rule-Set: A Novel of a Quantum Future.” Just Released. More info at
Thanks, Rick. Not sure how I missed that. I’ve removed her. You’re right, to be on the list a reviewer has to accept ebooks and this obviously doesn’t meet that criteria.
Review Policy
At the moment I am currently not accepting any more books for review UNLESS I have reviewed a previous book by you or your a publisher who I have worked alongside.
I apologise for this but with a baby on the way and tons of books to review I want to concentrate on my current books.
Feel free to email me if you would be interested in writing a guest post for Books for Company.
Rick Chapman
Author “SaaS Entrepreneur: The Definitive Guide to Success in Your Cloud Application Business”
Read Excerpts from all 10 chapters at
Author “Rule-Set: A Novel of a Quantum Future.” Just Released. More info at
I also removed this one, Rick. It was borderline. I usually don’t remove a reviewer from the list just because they are currently closed to submissions. Many blog open and close every few months. They accept all they can handle and turn off the faucet so they won’t drown in queries. Then when they are close to being caught up they’ll open again. I can’t keep track of those and arbitrarily removing a site that is temporarily closed means I’ll never find out when they open again, not to mention the work of constantly adding and deleting sites. This one, it felt like her closure was going to be fairly long.
Thank you for putting this together! Hopefully I can get my act together soon and be listed as well. There just aren’t enough indie reviewers out there!
Maybe you should recruit some people here to help you keep the list fresh and up to date? Perhaps divide it out by genre?
Just a thought.
Rick Chapman
Author “SaaS Entrepreneur: The Definitive Guide to Success in Your Cloud Application Business”
Read Excerpts from all 10 chapters at
Author “Rule-Set: A Novel of a Quantum Future.”
Hi A. Fae of Truth about Books:
Was all set to send you a reveiw request but could not find your email. The
email link did not reveal your email, just went to my inbox.
Please advise.
Morpheus, have you clicked on the email link on the first line under “How to submit a review”? For me, that caused my email client to open a new pre-addressed email. In case that doesn’t work, I’ll email her email address to you.
For some reason, that doesn’t work. Please send the email address:
I sent it to that email last night.
I am seeking to find good book reviewers interested in Biblically relted titles:
My two books to date are ,The isrel Deception which is a Scriptural overview
of Old and New Testament leading to some Scripturally based conclusions converning the Zionist phenomenon from both Scriptural and secular perspectives. THe second book is a complete and in depth discourse on Biblical prophesy based on Daniel and Revelation. The title is These Prophets and the REvelation. If you are interested in prophesy you will findthis book to be more informative than anything available at Bible bood stores.
One piece of advice I can give is make sure they are thoroughly proof-read first. I have come in for some stinging criticism for failure to make sure my books are properly proof-read and I noticed that your short message contained numerous errors ( relted, isrel, no space after a comma, THe, REvelation, findthis, bood stores).
I totally agree with formatting the Indie Reviewers into Genres and not alphabetical order. For example, I attempted to scroll through a number of reviewers to seek someone to review a true account book called “Teacher: One Woman’s Adventure Teaching on a Remote First Nations Reserve in Northern Canada and EVERY link to EVERY reviewer NO LONGER EXISTED! So I thought I’d scroll by most recent – surely they are active? But, no reviewers had recently reviewed a memoir genre… anyone out there? It has received 8 reviews with a 4.4 average under the title of i Teach, Travel and Love by Hillary Phillips.
You can sort on genre. However, even though I knew you were exaggerating that every reviewer no longer existed unless you were extremely unlucky in picking random reviewers, I did a test. Between those that didn’t exist (more than a few) and those who are no longer actively reviewing, I thought there were way too many. Typically I find out about these from authors who discover a site is no longer active who email or post a comment here (or so I thought, since I do get a lot of both). But based on my experiment I discovered I wasn’t finding out about enough of those. I’ve gone through the entire list and cut it down a lot. (About 30%.)
Hey thanks for this valuable information
hi there,
I have submitted six of my new novels to six various reviewers from your site recently, but i haven’t heard from one, and wondering what should be the normal period of response? Thank you for your comments.
It depends on what their submission policy says. As a general rule, if you don’t hear anything it probably means they aren’t interested.
Hi Tim,
You’re welcome to send me a couple (I’m not on the list yet, but trying to …).
Check out my review policy on , to find out if your novels could match my interests.
Thank you, they should at least drop me a line so I could understand and move on. Thanks!
Thank you Larry, it is very kind of you, maybe you can visit my official website at and comment. Thank you!
Does any one from this platform please guide me how shall I approach these bloggers.
Emily, every blogger is different. Look at their submission instructions and follow what they say.
Hello 🙂 🙂
My name is Linga Munthali.
I’ve written a book “WHY Lewis” Its a thiller with illustrations.
Raised by his aunt, Lewis grows up believing he has no parents. The truth is hidden from him, not a word is said about his parents in front of him. Lewis searches for the truth and the mystery lies behind the grave he believes belongs to his sister. On the mission to find a man he hopes to find refuge and comfort in, he later finds out that the man he always called a friend is actually his father….in the end Lewis is buried alive for suspected murder.
This is the link
If you think you might be interested in reading and posting an honest review of my book on amazon, i will gladly send you a free copy of it. (Ebook)
Email me at :
Thank you 🙂 🙂
this link was blocked by my antivirus program because of malware:
Dear all,
I will review books from anyone who can meet the following terms:
-Literary Fiction only.
-Send the cover in .jpeg file and the content in .pdf file through my official website,
-I will write the review on my blog, amazon and goodreads.
-It will be done in 2-4 weeks time depends on the workload.
Thank you all.
Books Are Magic:
Review Policy and Request
I am no longer accepting review requests. Except if you already know me, contact me via the email that we already communicated with.
I think this should be removed…. Or at least specify “Except if you already know reviewer…”
Thanks for letting me know, Jane.
Contact me if you want to read and review my book for free. Here’s a brief description:
“The Void Threatens is a fantasy novel of epic proportions where impossible cities exist and violent racism thrives. Slavery plagues the land and a mysterious people threaten the fate of an entire world. The first novel in the People of Vapor series,The Void Threatens is a tale about overcoming darkness and evil that exists both on the outside and within. Written in the vein of classic high fantasy novels like The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Wheel of Time, The Void Threatens is a dark and intriguing tale done in a creative and entertaining way that promises to keep you coming back for more.”
Can you please remove my blog Poetic Parfait from The Indie Book Reviews List?
Thank you,
I am on the verge of releasing my second novel, but my first is still a bit unknown. It is slowly building a following and I believe some reviews will help push the boundaries of my book. It is a superhero novel called Tigerman, my target audience is definitely the comic book population. I have provided a link the website where you can download the e-book for free. So please read and enjoy.
Wanted to take a look as I was a huge comic book fan, but it’s not free.
I do not see any book reviews on this site on your list. I do not think they do book reviews although they have a page about submitting a request. ??????
Noel Maurice indieberlin All Book Reviewing Policy Blog, Facebook 2014/12/11
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Angela.
When I click on the review for this listing on your list, I get an error message.
Sydney Peters The Cunning Owl Reviews All Submission for Review Blog, Amazon, Goodreads 2014/09/04
502 Bad Gateway
This listing implies a “donation” will speed things up.
The Schwartz Reviews The Schwartz Reviews All genres Policies and Processes Blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook
Please note: donations are NOT required to have your book reviewed and if a donation is included it will NOT change the outcome of your HONEST review. A donation however may mean a faster response and acceptance and would be greatly appreciated for the amount of time put into my reviews.
Hi there,
We would love to ask you to read and review our book. It is a short guide (about 30 pages) to finding balance within yourself, meant to help addicts and their families and anyone struggling with any kind of addictions or disorders. So if that is something of interest to you, we would love your honest opinion. Also please keep in mind the author of this guide is not a writer, just someone trying to reach out and help people.
So far, it is available through Amazon as an E-book. (Audrey’s Guide to Happiness)
If interested, email us and we will forward you a copy!
We thank you for your time!
I am no longer accepting any requests for review, please do not write to me, thank you!
Thanks for hosting such an amazing resource!
When I first wrote my eBook, “Floyd & Mikki: Zombie Hunters,” I struggled to get a review. All the articles I read said to contact reviewers at Amazon, which was almost impossible. Since finding this site, I have had several reviews posted for the book (and its sequel). Since my book crosses genres, I make it a point to visit each reviewer’s web page first and read their submission guidelines. Even though the book is very funny and has lots of action (as well as a love story), I won’t submit if someone says, “No horror” or “No zombies.”
Again, thanks for providing such a terrific online resource! And thanks especially to all those who have reviewed my books!
NOTE TO AUTHORS: Remember that no one is obligated to read or review your book. Please always be respectful of reviewers and follow their submission guidelines. Respect and professionalism are always rewarded. If more authors read and followed the submission guidelines, then reviewers would be a lot happier (and possibly more flexible) with all of us.
Thanks for the comment and you’re absolutely correct, Joseph. The guidelines for submission are there for a reason and make the process smoother for all concerned.
How do i submit my book for review? Can i use your review for my book promotion?
Follow the links to the sites on the list. Each one has different rules for submission.
Thank you for your website. very informative.
Promo date: May 5-9
This is Rolly Dominguez, author of the book “A Business Wise Advice”.
It contains several advices in managing business, finances, and investment.
All the wisdom I’m sharing from this book are inspired from my 2 favorite best selling authors Robert Kiyosaki and Harv Eker.
The last page of my book also contains links of best selling books from my favorite authors in the field of BUSINESS
Best resource I’ve found so far!
Any author here tried contacting top reviewers on Amazon? My eyes hurt from going through hundreds of these people’s profiles, after dwindling them down to a few dozen, not a single reply. Not even to say, “sorry, not at this time.” So far, an absolute waste of time. 🙁
I tried that right after I released my novel. Found about 50 potentials, sent to the 30 that had any contact info and were “accepting” requests (looked at top 2,000 because there weren’t enough matches at 1,000). 1 repsonse, zero reviews to date. That route is a lost cause, man! This site has been extremely helpful to me.
I do accept some (but not listed here since I only do about 1 or two a month if I’m lucky), but you’re welcome to give me a try if you’re writing what I’m reading. Link should be in my name. Best of luck with your book!
Thanks Brent. Every single resource I found said… “Contact top reviewer’s.” Sounded so easy, I pictured reviewers falling from the sky, and so many reviews it would take several pages to sift through them… Like most things, reality has been harsh… How exactly can we compete with a free blue tooth speaker or a free Ninja Blender? 🙂
Thanks for the offer, I’ll take a look at your site.
Brett and Will F.,
I’ll throw in my two cents worth on the strategy of contacting Amazon top reviewers. There are a number of things working against that strategy and a few ways it can go wrong for those who try.
As one of you mentioned, you need to figure out if there is any chance the reviewer would even be interested. Many of the top reviewers don’t review books or very seldom. Even if they review books, they may not be into your genre. A large number shouldn’t even make your cut to contact for one of these reasons to begin with.
As you can see from the submission policies on the reviewers listed here, every reviewer has their own rules to follow for querying or submitting a book for review. If a reviewer’s process is different than the norm, there is a reason. The quickest way to have your query skipped over (deleted) is to not follow those rules. As you’ve noted, every reviewer is swamped with requests. The first way of dealing with that is to throw out those who don’t follow instructions. Tying this back to top Amazon reviewers, if they have a blog or other place they review, not following the instructions (or if they have any clues in their profile where you’d go to get contact information) following those are gong to be key to having a chance.
The last reason why Amazon top reviewers are a tough way to get reviews has to do with what it takes to become and remain a top reviewer. Put bluntly, reviewing indie books is going to cause the reviewers ranking to fall. Review a lot of indie books and it will plummet. Becoming and remaining an Amazon top reviewer is a little bit luck and a lot of strategy, knowing how the “game” works. I (largely due to a fluke) was ranked as high as the low 80s. I’m now slightly worse than 2,000. My ranking has dropped slowly, but surely over about 3 years. Part of that is due to the fluke that got me to that ranking (massive attention to a review I wrote that caused me to get lots of positive votes on a single review). The ranking algorithms give more “credit” to more recent reviews and votes than older ones, so the massive injection of votes shot me to the top and the aging of those votes is one of the reasons my ranking has slowly fallen. The other reason is that the reviews I’ve written since (literally hundreds) have been exclusively indie books. Becoming and staying a top reviewer requires collecting a lot of up votes on your reviews and not having many reviews without lots of votes. Indie books, by their nature, are going to get less attention and less votes for the reviews on them than James Patterson’s latest ghost-written thriller. Reviewers whose goal is to become and remain highly ranked on Amazon can’t afford to review indies because it will drag their ranking down. (Luckily, that isn’t one of my goals.)
Well, there’s your answer – you can’t compete with the hardware:) Is this your first novel? I don’t want to be a Negative Nelly, but I would venture to guess that a lot of the information we get as indies is outdated. Those are the tactics that worked from 2010-2012, before the market was saturated. The game changes every day, so just keep at it, and if you find something that works, go for it. I think the biggest key to success is to find your fans – they’ll sell the book for you – and start hanging out where those types of people hang out, virtually and physically.
Also, if you’re active on social media, it’s tempting to get in with the writer crowd, which is a really good idea, but also try to start connecting with readers (i.e., “non-writers”). I like to see who’s following my favorite authors and then start following some of those people (the ones that are active, not just random). Who knows – they just might pick up your book…
Great information! It’s interesting because I’m not currently a big fan of fiction. As a kid I loved comic books and then graphic novels. (Frank Miller’s Dark Knight etc.) But when I “grew up” nothing appealed to me. I wrote something that does (and to my 10 year old, the first in the Series anyway). So, finding people like me to actually take a look is proving to be difficult. I may have to change strategies. Target those who are already fans of Sci-Fi and maybe those people (Like my blue collar buddies who don’t normally read Sci-Fi) will follow.
I appreciate the suggestions. You’ve given me much better advice than what I’ve found after Googling for hours. 🙂
Almost forgot…. yup it’s my first.
Glad to help! One more tip for this great website – I’ve had my best luck with responses by sorting by date added. The ones that have been around for a while have a huge backlog, so the new folks tend to be in a better position to accept reviews more quickly. But they also might not have as much reach on the web, yet. If you just want the reviews, start with the newer sites and work down the list from there. But, even still, out of the dozen I’ve tried, I’ve gotten 3 so far, I think. Still – 25% response rate is MUCH better than Amazon top reviewers. Good luck!
You have Aparna Singh/Doodles, Doodles Everywhere twice.
Keep pluggin is not really acceptable, especially if your a first time writer. What are we supposed to do keep writing while we wait for a reviewer and then hope to rearrange what we right after we get our first review? There may be very important information coming from a reviewer that can make or break what we do as writers. Next, question, should we count on what we hear from reviewers at all? I think the perception that a book should be reviewed may not be all its cracked up to be especially when you consider people charge upwards of $500.00 for a review. The people who review because they enjoy reading give you what you expect “what they thought of your book,” but how many have the expertise to review well and give functional information? Should we just write and put the material out for the world? Should we campaign for more book readers? I myself would love to find someone who could review using word. For writers who are not savvy on how to get a file showing a kindle book it would make things simpler. Yes, it is true I am sour on reviewers, but understand they can only read so many in a year. I just think there must be a better way than spending $500 for a review of a book that may only sell 100 copies. The same thing goes for editors. The cost to edit negates any real earnings unless of course you have a following of 1000 or more that buy, but to get started, not so much. Sorry for being so grimm on a subject that could seriously cause backlash, but hey it has to be said.
Hi D,
Getting reviewers is tough, and you never know what you’re going to get in the end. However, if you’re trying to write around review results, I would suggest two things – 1) write what you enjoy, and forget the reviewers. Reviewers are mostly a means to further sales, and if you edit your story to suit reviewers, you’ll never make anyone happy (except that one reviewer, who’s already moved on anyway); 2) Find a group of people to critique before you release – it’s a poor man’s editor, and they aren’t reviewers but will help improve your writing before you look for the reviews.
Finally, don’t ever pay for a review. You’ll never get out of it what you wanted. I understand the point of places like Kirkus, but even after getting a really good review from them, I got exactly zero sales. They even featured my novel in their magazine, and still no sales.
The bottom line, though, is if you want reviewers, you just have to keep asking until you get them. Indie authors are invisible, so we have to work that much harder.
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I hope I at least helped you keep some money in your pocket. This is also only my opinion, of course!
I wonder if Dent is your real name? If so its a great one. Thanks much for the word of meaning. I do agree changing a book because of an editor or reviewer could do irreparable damage and if done too much could make it more their book than yours. I make it a point to write what comes out of my head, change it for punctuation and then go over it again to make sure I have said everything I wanted. The rest is up to the reader. After reading what you wrote, I think I will pursue the marketing side of writing because the main reason for writing is to get people to read. I could almost care less whether they bought the book or not, but I suppose, in the end, it would become a statistic for how well I write, if a lot of people bought the book that is. Thanks again.
Poet’s Choice is a poetry publishing brand. We are creating an open platform & a community for poets. Poets from all across the world can get their work self published.We have published three books till now & are on the verge of launching our next book in the first week of June. All our books are available on Flipkart & Amazon websites.Our book launch videos are all viewable on Youtube –“Book launch of Poet’s Choice” & we also have a facebook page called “Poet’s Choice”.
We write to you today because we are interested in connecting with poets,poetry lovers,readers & reviewers .
You may connect with us on
Akshay, since there are so many publishing scams out there, I’d advise you to give more information about your conditions, rates of payment etc.
Hi There, I am a new writer who has just self published a book. If I am in the wrong place for this request, please let me know. If so and you have any suggestions of who I could take my request to, I would be very grateful. I was wondering if you could please review my book “Life on the Inside”. It is a short story Romance I recently published on (as above) and as I am an unknown (Hillary is my pen name), I have had to advertise myself of the impossibly large world wide web (and am feeling quite invisible also 🙂 lol). I have had absolutely no sales and am finding “Free Internet Campaigning” a tad suspicious. I will continue to do all I can and am not ready to give up. Many thanks for your time xxx
Hillary, we don’t review on this site, however the page you posted lists hundreds of other (independent) sites that might be interested. You’ll need to look at the submission policies for each, their current status (are they open for submissions or temporarily closed), and interested in your genre. Then follow the submission instructions.
Hillary, your link goes to – ie the front page, not to your book in particular.
Hi. Like so many others, I’d like to first say thanks for compiling and maintaining this list. It’s invaluable to indie authors.
I also wanted to report Dan Jackson as not reputable. He charges for book reviews. I paid for a package in which I was supposed to get at least five reviews from his network of reviewers. That has not happened. I have followed up with him several times and he hasn’t responded to my last email. I’ve asked that he refund my money, but I’m not holding my breath at this point. When I paid back in March, he guaranteed five reviews. I notice that now he has altered his website to say that paying does not guarantee reviews– in which case, what ARE authors paying for?
Thanks for letting us know, Lauren. He’s been removed from the list.
Thanks guys for sharing your great experience, well keep updating and sharing, it helps a lot to obtain new knowledge…. click here
I’d like to update my details as a reviewer. Do you have an email I can contact you on?
Sue, email admin @
Really glad to have found this list. 🙂 My husband’s book is self published and the stigma is still here!
S.Lilley, Hi – are you handling the promotion for your husband’s book? I am, for my husband’s self-published book, and thought maybe we could network – only if you’re interested, of course! nrbt (at) roadrunner (dot) com.
And a more general note that, as so many others have said, I am thrilled to have found this list!
Great list – I’m very happy to find this resource – thank you for your hard work keeping this up and available!
This site is such a great resource for new authors! Thanks for creating it! There are too many websites out there trying to scam whatever money they can out of people.
Hello, I recently changed my url from to Do you mind changing it or can you delete the old one so I can resubmit?
Cassidy, I’ve changed your url.
you’re just super, thanks a lot!
Thanks for this; it’s a great resource. Unfortnately I’ve found a couple of sites on the list which no longer seem to exist:
The Other Shelf no longer exists at
Writocracy no longer exists at
Thanks for letting me know, Emma. This is often the only way I learn of blogs that shut down. I’ll remove these two the next time I update the list (probably this weekend).
Could you please take Book Reviews by Hildegart off the list? I’m swamped with work and I have a backlog of books to read. I love this list and do plan on getting back on. I just won’t have time until probably after Christmas.
Will do Hildegart.
Hey everyone,
Is it just me or does GABixlerReviews (Book Readers Heaven) have a sense of humor? They state that they accept review requests and that the link is (evidently?) found at the bottom of the page. One minor detail – I couldn’t get to the bottom of the page! They have the longest running page in internet history I’d guess (I sat for ten minutes continuing to scroll).
Anybody know anything? Thanks, Noel
Hello Admin,
The Hungry Monster Book Review is a pay-for-review site.
You might want to give them a look;
Thanks, Noel
Hello Admin,
The January Gray site is not able to be accessed – marked as *private*.
Administrator, I sent this person a request for a review yesterday. This is the email I received this morning. It isn’t requesting money for a review, but it could be someone using this site under false pretenses.
*Hello Richard,
Thank you so much for your email. I’m afraid I will not be able to review Spirit of Magik at the moment. But would you like me to feature Spirit of Magik in a spotlight post on Doodles, doodles everywhere?
As mentioned on the website, a basic spotlight post includes information about your book with purchase links, book cover, info about the author, any teaser or trailer you have. I also cross promote the posts across all my social media channels for full exposure.
Here are a few recent spotlight posts on Doodles, doodles everywhere, if you’d like to take a look:
It’s just $20 USD for the basic spotlight post. I can also include (plus run, manage and promote) a giveaway in the spotlight post or an author interview for an additional $8. I use PayPal for payments.
Let me know what you think. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
I’m very open to any ideas you might have.
Have a good day!*
I don’t see what you’re describing as an issue. They turned down your query, which is okay. Then they tried to sell you something unrelated to doing a review which promises nothing beyond what is offered. *IF* they said “we now charge for reviews” or even “the only review slots currently open are an expedited review that costs $X” then it would be an issue. If signing up for a spotlight or some other promotional opportunity that has a cost *included* a guaranteed review, especially where they’d already turned down your query, it would also be an issue.
The reason I thought it may be an issue is because it follows the model of the “Bait and Switch” con. But I will respect your judgement.
Thanks, Richard. I understood what you were getting at and thought it was a close call.
Hello Simon,
Just a note; Sarah Romano Bookroom Reviews is a paid review/advertising site.
Bookroom Reviews is NOT a paid review site. Ads and affiliates are on the site to generate income for the website. Money is generated through adsense, affiliates, and advertisements. They do not receive money from authors or publishers for reviews. Never have never will.
Writerful Books is open to reviewing books by self published authors as well as those by small press publishers from Australia, Britain and Ireland. We are only accepting literary fiction, contemporary, historical fiction and memoirs at this time.
Please include the following link in your list of book reviewers.
Writerful Books
Writerful Books, to get added to the list, the process is to fill out the form on this page:
Thanks 🙂
I am no longer reviewing books on my website Please remove me from this list. Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know, Jalyn. I’ve removed your site from the list.
Good evening,
I have a children’s fiction novel age 9-12, I would appreaciate if some reviews could review my book on amazon and goodreads, thanks
I have a review of “Animation” (I can’t find how to italicize here) by author and playwright, Evan Guilford-Blake, which I would like to submit.
How do I go about doing that?
Thank you.
Craig, we don’t do reviews here, but if you’ll explore the sites listed, go to their submission instruction page and otherwise check them out to make sure they are a good fit for the book, then you can submit to those sites that following their individual instructions.
I am no longer reviewing books on my site Please remove my from the list.
Thank you
How do I have my completed book. Reviewed?
Tristan, we don’t do reviews on this site. All the reviewers listed on this page are independent and have their own policies and rules for getting reviewed on their individual sites. This list is just to point the way. Look through the list for sites that seem to be a good match based on genre, do the normal due diligence you would with any review site to see if it is a site you’d want to review your book, and then follow their submission instructions.
I am taking a break from reviewing indie books and ask that you remove my site from your list.
Thank you.
Reading Femme, I’ve removed you from the list.
Howdy! I’m so sorry to do this because you so recently added me to the site, but on the spur of the moment I decided to get my own domain name and hosting and while I was at it, I changed the name of the blog as well. Could you pretty please update the information, please? I am going from anastacia reads ( to my new site at Rambling Reviews ( Thank you so so much!
Anastacia, I’ve changed the links to point to your new domain.
Thanks so much for providing this list. I really appreciate the time and effort it took and I made good use of it.
Nancy Hersage
Author of Follow the Dotted Line
Available on Amazon
Thank you, Nancy.
Thanks for such a huge list
It would be great to have niche or topic wise reviewers as I am looking for the health reviewers
Impressive any way
Hi thanks for the list. It is great!
Is there anyway that you can sort this list so the latest comments are on top?
Or remove comments that are 4 years old?
According to the ReaderGirl list website, it is closing up.
Bob, clicking on the heading of any column will sort it in order. Clicking twice will do it in reverse order so the newest add dates are on top. Thanks for letting me know about reader girl. I’ll investigate.
Love, Life & Book Lust “no longer available”
The Mad Reviewer policy state “closed.” While the policy was updated more recently, the comment about the blog being closed to review requests date back to Sept. 2014. It probably should be taken off this list.
The Wicked Bookish is only available to invited readers only and probably should be taken off of this list.
On My Kindle is one of the finest book review sites on the net — competent, honest, and willing to accommodate genre bending. Highly recommended and worth the wait. This reviewer is better much than any that I’ve read by Kirkus reviewers which costs big bucks. Five stars, plus!
This is good. I have been browsing with vain for book reviews online. I must say that this will help me a lot together with my friends.
Dear Simon
I am an author and I have 2 published books.
Nightmare in the limbo of halloween
Kill the palestinian…!!? Kill the Israeli…!!?
How can I submit my books for review.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Behzad Almasi
Behzad, each of the reviewers on the list is independent and needs to be submitted to individually following their rules and guidelines. We just point you the way with the list.
The Cunning Owl appears to be a dead site: no update for over a year and the Twitter account has been suspended. Thanks gains for such a great list!
Did you receive the infomation for my blog, Doc Crabtree’s Book Reviews? I filled out the form but haven’t heard anything.
Doc, Due to being away from the computer traveling and falling ill almost immediately on my return, I’m WAY behind. I apologize. I expect to have those caught up by the end of the weekend. If you don’t receive an email by then, email me (admin @ site domain) and we’ll figure out if there is some other issue at work.
Sorry to hear about your being sick. Just wanted to make sure I hadn’t done something wrong. Look forward to hearing from you.
How could I get someone to review my indie books? I have an adult historical fantasy series (WW2), called The Sanctuary Series, the first two of which I published on Amazon KDP recently. I just started a YA fantasy series and finished the first book. They are what I call “mini-book” (less than 20,000 words). Thanks for any info.
PS: I would happy to review infie books. I read several books a week.
Go through our database (the table on this page) and look for those that seem to be a good fit for you book including the submission requirements for each. They are all independent, have their own rules and decide on their own, but are also all indie friendly. FWIW, I’d advise against “trading reviews.” That can and has backfired on others. is a dead link. Also, John Bird no longer accepts books for review – as of August 2015.
Well, reading most of the comments here, I will try and check out some of the blogs to see whether I can get a review soon. Admin, thanks for your good work.
An excellent resource page, thanks so much for sharing! This page is high up in the rankings of several Google searches.
Am I missing something (always a possibility!) but when I sort the list by “date added” the latest entry has been stuck at 2016/01/18 for a very long time
No, you are interpreting correctly. I was in the hospital for several months and am just now catching up with adding new submissions.
“I was in the hospital for several months”
Ouch! Hope you are on the mend now
Why does this website listed on indieview charge $10 to have your book listed on their website to “possible” receive a review?
Crystal, Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
This is SUCH a useful list. Thanks Simon #IndieHero
Good listing. Be careful of those saying they review all or everything. You will find that they don’t review horror and other genres.
Discovered the PninaBaim links are to a blogspot account where the visitor needs to be invited. You might want to have Pnina “unlock” the door for the guests. … Thanks.
… Dave
David, thanks for letting me know.
I was wondering if my blog could be removed from this list. Only because I’m not taking review requests anymore as not many bother to read my policy and I just wish not to be contacted unless I know the author personally.
Wished to know, how can an author get its book reviewed
This site DOES NOT review books. The reviewers on this list are independent and we have no control over what they review. An author needs to review the list and approach those reviewers that seem like a good fit individually, following the rules outlined in their submission policy which is linked from the list.
So, I’m on the review list, and I’ve moved my reviewing blog to Is it possible for that to be changed?
The Neo Tomes Review should not be on this list. They have posted a total of two reviews and two “come back on to see our review of !” back in May that they never posted. When I contacted them about getting a review their response was basically “Yes, we anticipate it’ll be posted in four days. By the way can you review this book of ours in three days?” and when I said I couldn’t they promptly ended all contact and, surprise surprise, never posted a review.
They do not meet the following standards:
– Actively posting reviews
– Not charge for their reviews (reciprocal reviews are a charge, IMO)
– Not be affiliated to a publisher (They’re with “Neo Tomes Publishing”)
– Putting a link back to TheIndieView on their site
The dates of when reviewers were added is showing 2017. Also, this conversation is getting a bit long.
Thank you for this list.
Ash’s “Love, Life & Book Lust” appears to have been deleted at WordPress.
Thanks for letting me know, JJ.
Thank you for this list. Just thought I’d let you know that I received the following email from one of the bloggers on this site:
Thank you for contacting Reading Other People!
Please note that effective August 1, 2016, Reading Other People will be charging a fee for book reviews.
The following is the price structure for book reviews (regardless of genre) provided by Reading Other People:
# of Pages:
1 – 100 – $35
100 – 200: $50
201 – 400: $75
400+ pages: $100
Reviews take within 4-6 weeks for release. They will be released on all platforms (Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, etc). If there is a platform that you would like your review to be submitted to, please let us know and we will be happy to do that for you.
If you would like to proceed with our services, please reply to this email and you will be placed in the review queue. If we do not receive a reply email, we will assume you do not want to move forward with a review.
Book Review Requests: Due to a high volume of book review queries, we will only be responding to those authors we have selected to move forward with. We honestly wish we could review all of your books, but there just ain’t enough time!
Interview and Profile Requests: If you’d like to be featured on Reading Other People, Toronto’s esteemed culture site, please send us a pitch as to who you are and why we should interview you!
Hey Guest Bloggers! We are also always looking for talented writers. If you are interested in contributing to a really cool blog that has a high readership, please submit a writing sample or proposal showing us what you got and we’ll go from there. What makes you you? What’s your slant? Different points of view are very welcome.
Thank you!
Nick Reading
Reading Other People
While it is common practice for imprints under the Big Five publishing conglomerate to pay for book reviews, I believe that paying for a book review would be the kiss of death if discovered about the vast majority of authors.
Wondering how an author interview is utilized to specifically help with a book’s promotion. Could you elaborate?
It’s a means of selling yourself and your book to potential readers. Those are not only regular readers of this site, but anyone who follows you through social media that hasn’t yet purchased a book that you’re able to attract and close the sale to with the interview.
This is amazing. We are just getting ready to launch our first e-book, and it’s an honor to find good book reviewers who are willing to help us with the launch. This list really helped us build a list of people who are interested in poetry. Valuable resource!
My blog was under J.L. Leslie but I had to close it for personal reasons. I wanted to let you know so you could remove it from your list of reviewers. Thanks!
Hello! I am Reader With a Plan and I was wondering how to get my blog taken off of the list? Not that I don’t enjoy being on it but I have started going back to school and have to scale back on the amount of reviews I am able to provide and I get so many requests and I hate to turn them down. Thanks so much!
Briana, I’ve taken you off the list.
My friends and I wrote and designed a book. I’m a bit unsure how to get our book in the hands of readers but thought maybe I’d just start here. We all work at Disney, Pixar and other animation/film studios. We decided to make this book to brake out of our comfort zone. Here’s our website about the book.
Hi I am an author wanting to connect with people about my book. Could you advise me on what step to take here? Thanks!
Go through this list looking for sites that appear to be interested in your genre of book, review the submission guidelines, and if you fit possibly read a few reviews to see if the site appears to be a good fit for your book. If so, follow the guidelines to query or submit your book for review. It’s a numbers game. Hit enough, follow instructions, and the reviews will come.
Congratulations for hosting a clean well maintained site.
I have twitted your site in the hope it brings together more active members from not only us Idnie Authors; but also builds a bond with reader who seek the type of stories any Author has to offer in their favorite reading selection themes.
Indie Author Ken Donaldson found at offering a range of multi-genre written entertainment.
How do I update my entry to the Indie Review list please?
Send an email to admin (at) Explain who you are (site name) and what you need changed.
Anastacia Zittel has a listing for historical fiction. Her website says: “I specialize in reviewing MEDIEVAL historical fiction.”
Jennifer Garcia’s link goes to HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
Historical is listed for Jessi, here, but not on her website.
Tam Francis, The Girl in the Jitterbug Dress, does exclusively jitterbug-related books.
Ths Bookish Owl is completely DOWN, no site at all.
Lara Girdler’s website says: **FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE ALL REQUESTS FOR REVIEW ARE SUSPENDED, I AM FOLLOWING OTHER INTERESTS** That sounds permanent, for the purposes of this site.
Rhoda D’Ettore is accepting audiobooks only.
Erika M doesn’t do general historical fiction, only sci-fi/fantasy historical.
I was going to list a few others but discovered today they are back up. Good thing I stopped by to kvetch.
Thanks for letting me know. Notes like this are often the only way we find out a site is closed down.
Hello, How do we get our site “” added to your above list?
Go to the link in the first sentence at the top of this page that says “go here.” If your site meets the requirements listed fill out the form on that page.
Does anyone read The Kindle Book Review? They review books, but do readers go there or just authors?! They also offer authors a chance to “sponsor” (essentially advertise)on their site which you pay for; it is reasonable, but I don’t look for books there and wonder if anyone else does? Any suggestions for how I can find out?
Thank you, Cinda
I’ve changed the genre’s I’m accepting to review (was getting way too many requests with just an open to everything approach), is there any way to change my listing on here?
Send an email to admin (at)
And Samantha, I just looked at what is listed here and it isn’t wide open. It shows “Fantasy, historical fiction, anything similar to Stephen King.” is no longer live. just so you know 🙂
readfully hasn’t posted a review since early 2015
Thanks for letting us know on these, Lydia
I can’t seem to access the full list. If you could email me the list and the links it would be greatly appreciated. I do these type of search for my husband who is an indie author and am doing everything I can to push his book.
You should see 10 entries. Just below those before the comments start are next and previous links to page forward and backward a page. Above the
list you’ll see where it says “Show 10 entries.” The 10 is a dropdown list that you can use to increase the number shown on each page.
Bargain Book Reviews is on your list, but the very first post on their site says they stopped taking submission 6/1/2016.
Thanks for letting us know, Jay.
Hey ,
Can you change my genres ? I don’t remember having said ‘All . Ya ‘ . I must have did something stupid while submitting . I would like it to be , ” Open to most genres . I don’t review Middle grade books and Children’s books ” .
Books and Readers –My blog .
Thanks !
Fixed it, Olivia.
Hi Hagit Oron is not accepting review requests. She should probably be removed from the list in that case.
Lawan, the site says “Not accepting reviews at the moment.” Some review sites open and close for submission constantly. Keeping track of the status of every site is impossible. If a site indicates they are no longer going to be doing reviews or have obviously shut down entirely (as in stopped doing new reviews for an extended period) then we remove them. If this is a site that interests you check back periodically to see if they are again open for submissions.
Your list is very good. i like it.
I love this list and use it a lot. It would be AWESOME if we could sort this by genre!! 🙂
Thanks, LJ. The difficulty in doing that is there isn’t one value for each site’s genre. Some say “all” while some have a list of 3 or 4 or more genres and others say “Everything except …” Technically you can sort by that or any other column by clicking on the header at the top of the list. Continue clicking and it will change the sort to go from A to Z or Z to A. That could be of some value in finding all of those that have “all” or all of those that start out with a specific genre that interests you, so if you have a romance book you could zero in on all of those that start with romance. However, if a listing said “Chick lit, Romance, no erotica” you’d miss it. You may realize this, but in case you don’t or someone else reads this and it helps, you can also search for a specific value by entering it in the search box just over the top of the listing. So by entering “romance” it will filter the listing to just those entries that have the word “romance” somewhere on the line. That could help narrow down to those that mention a specific genre. If you want those that review “erotica” you’d get that “no erotica” example above, but even so the search (really filter might be a better word for it) can help narrow things down too.
Hope this helps. 🙂
I didn’t find a review page on Destiny Hawkins’ site. Thought should let you know.
Thanks for letting me know, Em.
Hi. Can you delete my reviewer profile? I am going over to a friend’s site. Thank you.
Thanks for letting me know, Joanie. I have deleted you from the list.
I’m a writer of whodunnit books, I’d like to know how I can contact one (or more) of your readers to review my latest book.
Each of those on this list are independent, have their own website or blog, and their own rules as to how they pick what to review. You should go through the list looking for those that appear to be a good fit for you book, then go to the link in the “submission guidelines” column and follow the instructions for that specific site.
I received this notice when trying to visit Andrea Sicade, The Book Girl –
This blog is open to invited readers only
Thank you!
Thanks for letting me know, Diane.
I started sending requests to reviewers from your site a week ago and have already received an interest in my novel. Thank you so much for making this list available!
I received the following message from The Bookavid reviewer site:
This blog is open to invited readers only
Hi, I am seeking an Editorial Review for my children’s comedy/drama book; HOMELESS HOUNDICAPS. Can anyone tell me, were to locate such a review, as I would like it on the back cover of my book, for selling in book stores and at libraries. thanks,
Hi Pamela,
Most of the authors I work with either pay for editorial reviews or use blurbs from reviews written by indie book reviewers like the ones listed above. In fact, a couple or so blurbs from my reviews have been used by authors on their back covers.
My advice would be to look at the reviews from book bloggers you have now and see if there is a sentence or two from those reviews that could be used for marketing purposes. If so, contact those book bloggers to gain their permission. Most will gladly give permission if you give them credit for the quote.
What a great resource for finding a reviewer. Thank you for keeping it up for so many years.. I haven’t selected any sites yet to submit my indie debut novel, but as I read each reviewer’s site, I have been noticing many are not accepting new submissions, due to overload or illness.
Thanks, Carole. You’re right. It’s common for sites that are still very much a going concern to go back and forth from “accepting submissions” to “not accepting at this time.” Depending on the reviewer they might go through this cycle every couple months. I don’t even attempt to keep up with those because I’d never have time to do anything else. 🙂
Will you instruct me on how to obtain reviews for my book “Not Created To Break.”
Look for reviewers on this list that appear to be a good fit and follow the individual reviewer’s instructions on the submission page.
I am very shy to ask, but I am thinking about it. I’ve published a few books and I struggle to get reviews. I am overwhelmed with work (day job, blogging, writing, volunteering for charities, etc.) as many (or all of us), of course. I used to think that I am a writer, not a business person. However, I don’t write for myself. This list is gold dust. Thank you so, so, much for taking the time to keep it updated. I also want to thanks the reviewers (who might be reading this) who invest their precious time reading and expressing their opinion. All of you are doing an amazing job for both writers and readers. Blessings.
I thank you for your transparency, and the professional honesty of your listed reviewers. Having been forced to restart among the urban homeless, and later minimum wage physical labor, I am far below polishing my poetry and fiction into any major league, so I don’t pester you with it.
Black Magic Reviews has just begun charging for reviews. See:
Also, thank you for making and maintaining the website!
What a fantastic resource. Thank you so much for putting this together. Feels like a labor of love over many years time.
Something wrong with No End To Books website.
Brings you to an Asian online store for alcohol.
Recently published: What has Islam given to Humankind? by Mamdouh Al-shikh (Author), Nick James (Editor), Prof Mohamed M. Hussein (Translator). Available on: Amazon and kindle
The most important thing that Islam has given mankind – after unification – is its vision of the balance between Vim: right, freedom and order.
All the comprehensive visions and ideologies are attempts to regulate this relationship, and because of this, there have been many conflicts between some ideologies and religion.
* Secularism biased to the individual based on the superiority of “freedom” to the right and order.
* Secularism with a holistic and totalitarian tendency was based on the superiority of the regime over right and freedom.
* Theocracy (in fact, it is not sacred) has based its concept of “right” on freedom and order.
How will I submit my novella for review in this forum?
The listed reviewers/sites are independent. Look for those that appear to be a good fit for your novella (start with the genres listed, then review their submission page which is linked in the table, and I’d advise looking at at least a few reviews to get a feel for their reviewing style, likes, etc to make sure they still seem like a good fit). Then follow the submission guidelines for each site that you see as a good fit.
I have just finished going through all the listed reviewers, 1-278. I vetted ten a day. I have written a dog rescue memoir ( so I only contacted suitable reviewers. As a result, I have gotten one review and possibly a few more. If anyone reading this post knows of other reviewers, please let me know. Many thanks for compiling this list.
I am searching for a reviewer for my book Navigating Home Hospice: A Caregiver’s Guide. This book makes home hospice understandable for the caregiver; providing resources, information, and guidance to managing the care of a loved one.
Assistance in reaching the right type of reviewer is appreciated.
Thanks for this great list! I get a bit confused with the wording – I am published by a tiny press (in Australia) rather than self-published but am assuming that means I am still ‘indie?” Can you clarify? Thanks for your assistance.
Different people might have a stricter definition than I do, but I think most people consider small press or self-published to both be indie. I would go on the assumption you qualify unless a specific site explicitly says they only accept self-published books. I don’t remember ever having seen that, but I can’t rule it out as a possibility.
Does “indie review” review books? And if YES how can I send my books to any reviewer?? please do let me know
NO. This site does not review books. There is a list of indie friendly reviewers (look for link to the page at top on home page). page through those reviewers looking for those that are a fit for you from a genre standpoint, then check their other requirements (link to submission page also in list). Then follow those instructions.
Each of these reviewers is independent and has their own rules and procedures for submission. We point you the right direction, but then it is up to you.
Thank you so much for compiling this list!
I did get a response from The Reading Bud that they are charging for their services- thought you might want to know for your next update.
Thanks again!
In case you want to update the listing for “This Girl Reads A Lot,” her website contradicts on two aspects to the blurb here on your page. She says no erotica, even though the blurb on The Indie View suggests she does; and she also has in bold red: “I am not currently accepting review requests at this time.”
I wondered as a self-published author of an adventure book for 7th and 8 graders if there is anyone who reviews this genre? Any recommendations? My emails are My author name is Betty Davis
I really love the site and just added my blog info to the online form. Can’t wait to get listed in the directory!
I have been on this page as a reviewer for a couple of months. I was a bit overwhelmed before but I have been settling in after my move and going through the emails that I get from authors and have been noticing something a little strange. I have been getting messages addressed to Cindi Madsen. When this started I had no idea who she was. Now I know she is an author. How or why does this happen. Because most of them come address to me. With my name, I am just curious. She told me why I sent her message that she has never reviewed books before. So she is just as puzzled as I am.
I’ve got no idea. I’m not sure what you mean by “addressed to Cindi Madsen” but every interpretation I can come up with would be unrelated to this site. Your name in the list of reviewers is correct. There is no Cini Madsen elsewhere in the list. I’m not sure.
These links do not work anymore!
I love this page. It is a wonderful resource – please keep it goin!
Thanks for letting us know. These have been fixed.
It is so hard to actually get a review. Either their “To be read” list is too full. Some charge. Or they aren’t accepting any at the moment.
I am willing to review romance novels. As long as your okay with honesty. I am a proflic reader with high expectations. Reviewing is my hobby. I do not charge. I do not want a fan club. I love escaping in a good romance novel which are very hard to come across.
If you need a review and struggling to find one * Message me on Good Reads.*
Hi I found a few more that don’t work
My site Musings over nothing has moved to
Gayathri @ Elgee Writes
Hey, I’ve been going through your list, and the following review sites are closed:
Cat Ellington –
Mark – Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews –
Courtney Dion – The Violent Vixen – (Not officially closed, but her last review was in 2017.)
Hi there Simon!
Thank you so much for curating this list, and for providing such a wonderful service. I sent the form, and I’d be honored to be included as one who reviews the indies. You are just wonderful!
Donna at does NOT review self-published books so why is she on the list?
Thanks for letting us know, Michael. That is a change in their policy. We’ll remove the site on our next update.
the same for Rachel Jones – had to read the whole policy before getting to the end and told she doesn’t do self-published work.
Hi Simon,
Just wanted to let you know that the following book blogs are no longer accepting review requests:
A.G. Moore
Ambrose Crotts – Permission to view blog denied
Amy Garnet – Blog not found
Anela D – Policy page no longer exists. There doesn’t seem to be any way to contact her that is readily available.
Annette Gisby – Blog is closing.
Thanks for letting us know, Charity. These will be removed with our next update.
Hi, Simon. Please add the I Love Romance Blog to your directory.
I have a new book reviewer doing weekly reviews, and our first post goes up on Wednesday. ♥
New author. I love this list. Check me out on Amazon. I love reviews!!!!
Middle Age Love With Thrilling Twists.
Each book in the series is a standalone about finding love later in life. Not only are they love stories, they are love stories with twists. Sometimes Mr. Perfect turns out to be not so perfect.
This is Erin’s story. A novella.
Erin is a divorced woman struggling with being comfortable with herself. When she finally decides to start dating again, she realizes that it’s not easy meeting a decent man. When she finally meets a man, she finds out some alarming things about his past. She begins to question who he really is. Could he be dangerous? Erin’s life is in jeopardy when the truth comes out.
This is a romance story about finding love and being in love. Not erotica, but there a couple racy chapters. Not for children.
Hi Simon,
I welcome reviews of my just-published novel, Separated at the Border (Myakka Press).
Genre is Contemporary Adult Fiction/Suspense. 290 pages.
In Separated at the Border, Diamond Herrera, a 24-year-old freelance journalist and Jason Taylor, an ex-Army Ranger and journalism professor team up to fight human trafficking and abuse at a privately-run immigrant youth detention facility in the Florida Everglades. Along the way, Di and Jason are forced to take on a Miami-based gang and a corrupt facility administrator while skirting the law and dodging a suspicious Broward County Sheriff’s detective.
Separated at the Border is fast-paced, contemporary adult fiction that tells the story of a young woman’s quest for professional and personal fulfillment while searching for a solution to the plight of incarcerated and abused immigrant children.
I can provide as PDF file. Also avail. at Amazon, iBooks, B&N, etc.
Appears “Underground Book Reviews” has ceased operations.
Thanks for passing that on, Mark. I’ll take them off when I update the list next.
Hi, my website, Forward Scribes, is on the list. Recently, I made some changes and now have a new name and website (QueenJReads and How would I go about making changes to the link and name on the list? Should I submit a new one? Thanks for your help!
Yes, I’ve just set your old site for deletion with the next update. Submitting your new site would be the best approach to get it added.
Is there a way to edit your details? There are some genres I don’t read…so I need to modify the genres I’ve said I accept, but I can’t find a way to do this.
Hi Cathy,
To have modifications like that made the easiest way would be to send an email to admin (at) and specify what you’d like modified.
Jerrica Reads ( and Puddletown ( have both shut down.
This is such a wonderful site and as an independent publicist, we are always on the lookout for new talent but we also want to work with reviewers and collaborations! This site is wonderful for that!
A superb list, thank you. What would be extra fantastic if you could add a query to the header ‘Reviews Genre(s)’ so you can filter by it-
Thanks, William. While maybe not exactly what you’re shooting for, did you see the search box at the top right of the list. You can, for example, type something in there and it will narrow it down to only those entries that have that text somewhere in the entry. For example, you might type the name of a genre and you’ll get only those entries that specifically mention that genre. You’d still need to look at how it is used (lots of entries say “no erotica” for example, so if you look for those that explicitly say “I like erotica” you’d need to also throw out those that explicitly say they don’t) but that functionality can be used to narrow things down a lot.
Since everyone else is sharing their book with the world, I’m gonna hop on this train and share my new book too! I ‘m gonna put my two cents in the hat, and say, “My name is Cory Markert and I just published a book of poetry called The Pizza Toad and Other Poems. My book has sixty full-color illustrations in it, and I like the book enough to talk about it. I think you, reader, will like my book a lot.
It’s got poems about all kinds of things. The poems are written for kids, teens, and adults but you might need to be warned…because some of my poems shouldn’t be read to or by kids without parental supervision and explanation, of some kind or other.” Only time will tell if there will be controversy, and how much.
My website is
Anyone who wants to review my book let me know by emailing me at
Or, if you buy my book and like it , you can go ahead and email me at that secret email I just shared.
Howdy Reviewers:
I am hoping to accumulate more Amazon reviews for my Western novel Unscrupulous.
My search turned up mostly “no westerns” or “except westerns.” Would anyone be interested?
Here’s my pitch: He’s a gunfighter with a bad reputation. She’s the sheriff’s wife he’s sent to rescue. Gritty action-adventure meets raw romance in this Old West tale of redemption, second chances, and forbidden love.
Contains violence, adult language, and sex. HEA for some characters but NOT ALL.
I can provide .epub or .mobi.
If interested, please message me on Twitter or Facebook @morganleewylie.
Thank you,
Morgan Lee Wylie
I went through this whole list, looking for reviewers of memoir. I found a few, but also many broken links, many reviewers not currently accepting review requests and many who listed their interests as “All,” but then indicated in their review guidelines that they do not accept memoir (or any nonfiction at all). In short, I spent a lot of time going through this list, with little payoff.
Sorry to hear that, Nan. Non-fiction of most kinds (including memoirs) are harder to find reviewers willing to read, for sure. I review them on my site (on the list) but just like every other genre get a lot more requests than I’m able to read.
The Reads Banned Books blog also appears to be gone.
Thanks for letting me know about this and the several others, Michael. It took me a while (I was traveling), but have finally checked them all out and removed them for the reasons you gave. Thanks again.
I am a reviewer on the IndieView reviewer’s list but I would like to be removed. I no longer have time to provide this service.
Thank you.
I’ve searched multiple times to navigate this website to figure out how to remove myself with no success. Please instruct me if I can remove myself from the list. Otherwise, do it for me. Thanks again
Done, Mari.
How do I submit my novel to be reviewed? There is no link anywhere. T
Each of the reviewers is independent and has their own procedure for requesting they consider reviewing your book. The list has a link to the page for their submission policy. Look through the list for those that appear a potential good fit for you based on genre, check out the site, and if it still appears to be a good fit follow the procedure in their submission policy.
I’m interested in finding a book reviewer for Christian non- fiction. Thank you.
I am interested in finding reviewers for my new Vietnam War book. I is 590 pages (about 100 pgs. of images) Title is
Hello, I am interested in reviewers for my newly published Paranormal Romance. It’s around 3oo pages and the Title is
The Ghost Convention, which can be found at by B.A.Rose.
Half the links don’t work, probably because the reviewers have deleted their sites. Most other sites are closed for submissions, even the new ones, which sprung up this year. No offense intended, this is a great resource, but maybe someone should go through and remove the inactive links, so we don’t have to click through 300 plus sites in the hopes of finding a half dozen who might be willing to review a book, but state that they won’t reply one way or the other. It would also be nice to see in the list whether or not the reviewer is closed for submissions. Thank you, everyone.
While I have sometimes gone and checked all on the list, we generally find out about sites that no longer exist or no longer meet the requirements from authors commenting here and letting us know. HOWEVER, the “not accepting requests at this time” situation is one that the way many review sites work is one we could never keep track of. That is literally a day to day thing in many cases.
I’ve been going through the list and have come up with a lot of the same issues as StoriesbyDennis i.e. innactive blogs, bloggers that are now charging or ones that simply do not exist. I haven’t reported many at risk of filling up the comments more than they already are, but if there is any way to help the admin cull some of these, I would happily and eagerly donate my time.
Also, thank you for this amazing resource.
Jeremy, emailing would do the trick.
FYI The blog, raeleighreads, is now charging for reviews.
Thanks for letting us know, Jeremy.
Wrote a book about racism. Who gives reviews for this content?
Appreciate any replies.
Liza/The Picture Book Nook, around #200 on the reviewers list, seems to be a dead link.
Also, are you aware of any reviewers who specialize in humorous novels?
Thanks, Patricia. I’ll remove the dead site from the listing on my next update.
As for humorous novels, now aware of any that specialize in them, but if you search for humor in the listing there are 3 that specifically mention humorous as something they’re willing to read. I suspect that anyone who is willing to review whatever other genre fits your book (general or contemporary fiction, if nothing else) would consider it as well. I can’t imagine anyone would not want to read a book because it is humorous.
Thank you for maintaining this wonderful site! It’s very useful.
While writing to some reviewers, I found several that either haven’t added books in many months, or whose sites are gone:
Word Gurgle
Trevor Elder
Tony Riches
Toni Owen-Blue
This Girl Reads A Lot
The Indie Bookshelf
The Book Girl
Tabitha Durant
Striking 13
Sara–The Avid Inspri
Sara–The Page-Hungry Bookworm
R.M. Halterman
No Face
Leigh Holland
L. S. Lynn
Katie Harder-Schauer
Joyce Nance
Jessica Cali
Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Driggers
Hagit R Oron
Geraldine Helen Hartman
Emma Donovan
Elizabeth May Jahns
Elizabeth Marie
Denzil TheBookOwl
Carrie Slager
Bella Lacy
Ashley–Bookish Creature
Angel, Arianna, Michaela, Angelina
Aaryan Rahi
Thanks a lot, Larry. That was very helpful. I’ve verified and updated the listing based on you pointing these out.
I am an Indie AUTHOR lol, and I have an Indie Author Review Channel on YouTube where we review and inter Indie Authors Only. How would I add my site to yours, so Indie authors will know that they have a place to submit for live reviews?
Read the instructions at the top of the page.
I am a voracious reader of self-published books and provide free book reviews of paranormal romance, thrillers, and mysteries.
Would be helpful to update the entry: Gene Roberts – Vigilant Reader Book Reviews
with the note that he only reviews books with less than 10 Amazon reviews.
I would like a list of reviewers.
The list is on the page where you commented.
First and foremost, THANK YOU for creating and maintaining this list. It is an absolute lifesaver for indie authors like me.
Second, I went to all the sites that you indicated accept either fantasy or “all” genres and found a few dead ones:
* Ajoobacats Blog – No longer does reviews
* Barb Taub – No longer does reviews
* By Rite of Word Reviews – No longer does reviews
* Darkness Beckons – Site’s down
* JP Wilder – Site’s down
* K.C. Gray’s Book Reviews – Site’s down
* Reveries Reviews – Site’s down
* Zigzag Timeline – No longer does reviews
Just thought you might want to know.
Thanks again,
Thanks, Bill. It helps us and your fellow authors when people clue us in when they discover these situations. I’ve reviewed all of these and removed them from the list.
I no longer accept books for review. It was fun for a while though!
Removed you from the listing. Thanks for letting us know.
The Lupa Schwartz Mystery Blog is no longer accepting books for review and the blog itself may be discontinued.
Thanks for letting us know.
Thank you for maintaining this site. One thing I strongly wish: that you changed the handling of pages so that a person could come back and continue where they left off without clicking through all the previous pages one at a time. Perhaps a “Go to Page ___” link?
This is Sara from Crazy Curious Reader. Just wanted to let you know that I accept all genres now.
This is a great resource for Indie authors – thank you.
I have registered as a book reviewer but would also like to register as an Indie author to access reviews. I cannot see where to register. I would be grateful if you could assist. Thank you
Deborah, I’ve stopped adding to the authors because those pages weren’t getting enough traffic to make it worthwhile for any of those concerned.
Please have your reviewers NOT say what they do NOT want because when I am searching by GENRE there are so many results saying NOT this GENRE.
I am interested in getting my book reviewed. I looked up Amie’s site but didn’t find any submission guidelines or any way to contact her.
Thanks for pointing this out. One of the requirements to get on the list is to have submission guidelines on the site. This site did have those when first added, but have apparently removed that page. I’ve removed the site from the list.
Thanks again for letting us know,
Adam Smith is not currently accepting books to review
Where can I get my book “A Journey of Souls” by Michael Mckinney free from September 5th through 7th reviewed?
Thanks to Erica for putting the time and work into formulating a very useful collection of contacts for any aspiring author willing to reach out for help in furthering their writing goals.
Thanks, Erica, and like you, I’m also someone who didn’t vote for the current specimen in the White House.
I like reading reviews.
About half of these people are not accepting books.
About a tenth of their pages are non-existant.
Is there anyone on your staff who can police this list?
ALSO, when they say they read it all…… then you get to their page and they say All, except romance and Erotica, they need to rephrase their description of what they read.
Many sites go back and forth from being open to submissions to not frequently. We don’t even attempt to keep up with that. However, if a site no longer exists we take them off the list, normally because someone informs us of this in a comment right here.
Pat, I’ve also periodically gone through the list and weeded out those that were no longer valid sites or not actively reviewing. I decided it had been awhile since I’d done that. Based on what I’m finding it was time for this.
Hello, I am the publisher of Casa Forte Press, a small indie. I would love for someone to review two of our books:
Frankenstein’s Paradox and The Work. Please visit the website:
These are two short novellas. They are hilarious, southern, but of very high literary quality. They’ve even been called “masterpieces” by two reviewers. We need all the support we can get. Thank you!
This has been so incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to compile this list!
You’re welcome, Ericka. Glad it helped.
I am an interesting person , artist , photographer, keen gardener and very proud of my achievements in gardening and also well travelled . I am a practising doctor by profession and well established artist with my artworks and paintings appearing in top websites such as saatchiart and
I have written a dazzling and charming romantic novel set in 2005 Britain. The novel is rooted in reality and encompasses a linear period of just 8 months , that’s it. This charming novel explores the road less travelled and leave a lasting imprint on your soul long after you finished reading it. I don’t have a large network to promote or publicize it but guarantees you a fantastic read and experience. There are no obscenities and no foul language . The Title is ‘ Shades of Endearment’ and there are 204 pages only. I am looking for that someone with passion and zest to read this and give me their honest thoughts, I will be greatly indebted.
How can I submit my book for reviews?
Look at the list and follow the submission requirements for those reviewers who seem like a good fit.
Hi! I’m a little confused. Is this how to register?
I’m an author hoping to have a book reviewed.
Register for what?
I’m not sure why, but recently there have been a lot of authors come by who think they can somehow sign up or register to get on a list to get their book reviewed, That isn’t the case. What we do is maintain a list of review sites that meet our criteria (list on the top of the page here). We provide the list and point the way to the sites. Each site has their own rules on how you request to be conisdered for a review, what genres they are willing to consider, etc. The table of reviewers on this page helps narrow down postential fits for your book, but it is up to you to approach those reviewers following their rules.
Nice list of bloggers.
“Tiberius, Arapaima and the Monster Eel”, is a Children’s Adventure book. The story is about a smart, brave, mischievous 10 year old boy, Tiberius and his adventure with his best friend Sun-Raya into the vast Amazon rainforest. They volunteer on a dangerous quest to capture the magical prehistoric Arapaima fish the only thing that can save their village from the Monster Eel. On their quest Tiberius, Sun-Raya and the rest of the volunteers encounter wild animals and other dangers.
Will they succeed in bringing the Arapaima safely back home? Will Tiberius truly become, as the fortune-teller foretold,
the youngest Grand Chief ever? Tiberius, Arapaima and the Monster Eel is an exuberant tale of ingenuity and bravery, that will delight young readers. In the word of Tiberius:” Life is an adventure every day, listen to your heart, love what you
do. Dreams do come true.
This list has been very helpful as I seek reviews for my yet unpublished book. However, I was disappointed that very few reviewed nonfiction!
I do need more reviews for the five published books I have. I write many genres and presently have two female serial killers, one paranormal, one science fiction, and one collection of flash fiction about real people.
I’d love to register, but I can’t figure out how.
Click the link that says “go here” in the first line of the text at the top of the page.
Good morning, my name is Marsha Rene. I would like to get my book Silencing The Enemy Within reviewed. My book is a memoir of addiction and healing. How do I go about doing this with you?
This site doesn’t do reviews. It only provides a list of other sites that do. You need to contact those reviewers on this list that appear to be good fits, following their submission guidelines, in order to get reviewed.
Great list. These readers must be wonderful people with their hearts in the right place.
Re: Indie Reviewers
Jena Gregoire of has not posted anything book related since Oct 2018.
Arkham Reviews posted in October that it was discontinuing its reviews.
Crazy Curious Reader is disconnected.
Erika Winterlia 404 Not Found
Do you need a good chuckle at the absurdity of human nature? This book takes a wry look at just that through the *eyes* of our alien friends as they have to deal with humans, just being human.
“Humans are Weird: I Have the Data”
A book of human absurdity.
By Betty Adams
Word Count: ~60K
Publisher: AuthorBettyAdams (January 2021)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Author Website: Betty Adams Tall Tales
I love the to the point list approach here, who to contact, what they accept, and on going to their site how to contact them. And perhaps best of all, their clearly stated no nonsense policies that aren’t two miles and eight light-years long.
The website for Lin Ryals is no longer up and running.
Thanks for letting us know, Michael.
Hi Everyone
My name is Lyndon Patrick Berchy, I am the Author of the ” The Flight of Kurrawurra: An Australian Odyssey. The Book is scheduled to be released in June 2021. The Book has already received several four stars- and five star reviews from several independent reviewers. As you are aware how important it is for good literary work to be valued and recognized it becomes extremely important for professional reviewers to offer unbiased reviews. I would be delighted if anyone is willing to review my book and offer some additional reviews.
I am thankful for the generosity and time
Lyndon Berchy
Diane at Donovan’s Bookshelf hits you up for $50 within minutes.
I’m confused, Scott. This site isn’t on our list.
How do I get my book reviewed by your reviewers?
It is controversal black and filipino people discriminating a white guy. Basically the book is about myself facing discrimination how a black guy fired a white guy.
All the reviewers are independent and have their own procedures to get a book considered for review. Look at the list for those that based on the generes listed and any other notes look like they might be a good fit. Then click on the link in the submission guidelines column of the listing, check out that page and possibly even look at a couple reviews, and if the site appears to be a good fit then follow the directions on the submissions page.
I was surprised to find one reviewer who wanted to be paid for services. Though I requested a free review, I’m doubtful he’ll send a response… Sad!
eMarie, could you email (admin@theindieview(dot)com) and give the details on this reviewer (which site and where it talks about a charge that you saw for starters)? Thaks.
Hello I am looking for some constructive, honest reviews of an upcoming fantasy novel I am working on. Any and all help would be welcome, thankyou.
Thanks for the list of reviewers. It’s really a great help from you to the new authors. A BIG thank to you.
Thank you for putting this together. This is wonderful and much appreciated.
Help in uploading my book. Don’t see the link. Are you still accepting books to be reviewed?
That’s not how it works. Go the the submission link on those reviewers in the list that seem like good fits and follow their instructions submitting.
I would like my book reviewed. How would I do this?
Joanna, we provide a list of independent reviewers that meet certain criteria. The procedure to get reviewed for each reviewer is different. Check out the site and if they look like a good fit for your book go to the page on their site that give submission instructions (the link is in the list of reviewers).
What is the process for getting a book review for my new novel titled “Last Mission?”
Each site is independent and has their own rules. Look for sites that seem to be a good fit (based on genre), visit the site and explore however much you want to make sure you see them as a good fit and then follow the instructions on their submission page (linked in the list.
I thnk this list is a wonderful source. Thank you for the Indie View list of potential book reviewers.
Several of the listed sites are no longer taking review requests!
Some (actually many) sites will to through cycles where they accept review requests until they have as many as they can handle for a certain period of time and then they’ll stop accepting requests until they start to get caught up and open things up again. These cycles can be as short as a week or two or longer and unpredictable.
If a site is temporarily not accepting review requests I won’t remove them from the list because they’d never get put back.
However, if you find a site that has shut down, indicates that they’ll not be accepting requests directly from authors anymore, or have started to charge for reviews, then letting me know (commenting here) will result in the site’s removal.
The following reviewers websites were unavailable or no longer active: The Bookwyrms Guide to the Galaxy, Riley Reads Things, The Writer’s Alley, and Pure Textuality. Riley Reads Things was especially problematic. When I clicked on the link, I was re-routed several times and got a flashing security alert, saying my computer was locked up, etc. It was just a scare tactic, but probably don’t want to include that on your list anymore.
Thanks for pointing those out to us. We have reviewed and removed all of these.
Hi – The Best Fantasy Book Series (A. Aaron)
The link to the website goes through to a different page and selecting what are actually ads goes through to another site called dog eared reviews (or something like that – I am old and can’t remember). These are paid reviews. The ‘Request a review’ link is broken.
Thanks for these links and information it’s very useful.
Thanks for letting us know that, Reuben. This site has been removed from the list.
Hello all,
My name is Leslie M. Jasper and I’m a journeywoman electrician by trade from New York City. I’m looking for a review for my first children’s book entitled, “Not All Girls Play With Dolls”. This book is based upon my youth where I was encouraged by my father to join the U.S. Navy Seabees and first become an electrician. My father always said that since I am smart and strong, I’m capable of doing anything. I followed my non-traditional career path and encouraging other young girls to do the same. I would really appreciate a review of my book. It is available as an e-book (Nook, Kindle, iTunes) and paperback.
I am a self-published author. I look forward to making use of this site.
GABixlerReviews is no longer accepting reviews.
Thanks for letting us know. I’ve removed them from the list.
Thank you very much for this list!
Is there a spreadsheet or CSV version of this list?
No, there is not.
Please remove me from the reviewers list. As of Jan. 2023 I am no longer doing book reviews. Thank you
Robert Schobernd reviewing as Gene Roberts at
Thank you for providing this great service.
Email is
Thanks for letting me know, Gene. I’ve removed the listing.
As one of the co-founders of Blackwater Press I just wanted to thank you for compiling this Reviewers List – it’s incredibly useful. As a publisher it’s so difficult to find time to send out our titles for review after review, and it’s fantastic that I can refer our authors to your list so that they can get on with some of the promotion themselves. Thanks a lot!
Electively Page is a broken link.
Thanks for letting us know, Janet. I’ve removed that entry.
More than several reviewers are not taking submissions; in some cases you have to read all the guidelines before you get to the “Not accepting submission temporarily” or something similar.
Hello – I hope all is well. Does The Indie Review currently accepts book review requests? Thank you.
Michael, no, The IndieView doesn’t do reviews. We do author interviews. For book reviews we maintain this list of other sites that meet certain criteria an do do reviews, but in order to get reviewed you need to go through their particular procedure to be considered for review (explained on the page linked in the submission guidelines column of the list).
I am interested in having my book reviewed by Women Connect. I have a book backgrounder I can send you and have an e-copy of the book as well. Please let me know if I can forward these to you for review.
Florence, each of these review sites are independent from us and have their own rules. Go to the page linked on the Submission Guidelines column for the site you’re interested in, make sure you meet their requirements and, if so, follow their directions on that page.
I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but do you also provide review services for non-fiction books?
We don’t provide reviews here at all. We have a list of other sites that meet certain criteria and do reviews (look for the link at the top of the page), but these sites are all independent and have their own rules and genre restrictions. Some of them will review some non-fiction, but you’ll need to review the list and the individual sites to determine if they might be a good fit, then follow their instructions for submission of your book for potential review.
Thank you for posting this list.
Please note Diana Brown’s, Thoughts on Papyrus website is no longer active.
Thanks for letting us know, David.
To whom it may concern,
Hello. My name is Kristofor Hellmeister, and I am a self-published author. I wanted to inquire into how to get my book reviewed. Thank you for your time.
Kristofer, each site is independent and has their own rules.
Look for sites that appear to review the genre of your book, possibly check out some reviews on the site (click on link for website to do so) and make sure they still appear to be a good fit. For those that appear to be a good fit click on the link for submission guidelines to make sure nothing there causes you concern and if not follow their instructions.
Looks like a very good site. Thank you for your time in maintaining it.
Thanks, Bob.
And you’re welcome. 🙂
Am seeking reviewers for my 40K second short collection of fifteen stories. Eleven have been published. Diverse stories ranging from humor to a surreal western with a few surprises. Reviewers must have an interest in short stories.
Thank you for your time
Looking for reviewers for my 40K collection called The Water Trough; Fifteen diverse stories, eleven of which have been published. The theme is expectations. Some of the characters achieve their expectations some don’t.
Thank you for this list! It has been very helpful.
This appears to be a wonderful place to get reviews. My publicist insisted I not pay for reviews, including from Kurkus, and I’ve been trying to locate good, honest reviewers for my debut historical novel.
Thank you for this amazing resource for indie authors like me! And thank you to the generous reviewers for their time and effort!
What a marvellous list. I’d of course love a review from any of them of my recent non-fiction self-help cookbook which is very funny and also “a life changer”:and ‘a delight” according to some reviews and “ just the book I needed”. including laugh -out-loud cartoons but also some very serious anthropological stuff on the taken for granted rituals around cooking and food and some amazing unexpected information about the far back origins of many of the food stuffs that we eat just without thinking where they first began . The book is to help people relax and stop being so uptight and perfectionist about their cooking. The ebook is currently on a discounted offer of $.99.
It’s “How to be a BAD cook.”
Anyone interested ( readers interested in a discussion not just reviewers)? I can be contacted at
I’m not sure what’s going on, but the first reviewer, A Look Inside, switches from what I think is supposed to go to a reviewer site to a Russian porn site.
Thanks very much for pointing that out, Stephen. I’m taking that as a sign that this site is no longer doing reviews and have removed it from the list.
Amanda Bend, Roses and Reviews is no longer valid
Hello, I would like to see if I could get my book reviewed. Could someone let me know how to do that? Not sure what it says about me but I cannot figure it out. Thank you in advance!!
Mr Oliver,
The short answer is that this is just a list of review sites that meet our criteria and have asked to be included. Every site has their own preferred genres and procedure to be considered for a review. My advice would be to go through the list looking for sites that the genre column seems to fit your book. When I find one I might also check out the site and possibly read a few reviews to make sure you think you’d like to have them review your book. Then click on the link in the Submission Guideline column, review their rules for submission, and if you’re still thinking they seem like a good fit follow the instructions for submission.
^This blog no longer has a review policy page. Clicking on the link provided just gives a page saying “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.”.
^ Blog is no longer accepting review requests and hasn’t posted a review in months.
^Hasn’t posted any new reviews since May.
^Only accepts reviews if they are part of a sale/discount/promotion. If not, you cannot submit anything to them.
^Entire website no longer exists
David Korson’s website is gone.
Am I doing something wrong to cause all of my comments to be removed? I thought we were supposed to let you know about these things so they could be taken off the list. If that is no longer a thing I’ll stop.
Casper, no, I appreciate it. This is your first time commenting and the comment has to get approved before it displays. I’ll be evaluating each of them, updating the list, and approving the comments as I go.
As well as David Korson, you can add Indie Author Book Reviews ( to the list of dead websites. Also James Tivendale ( literally says the following on that link: “I’m not accepting any book review requests.”
So, uh … yeah.
Jasmine B ( has become an invitation only blog.
Jeff Kivela is closed to submissions and hasn’t posted a review in a year.
Michael Cattigan no longer has a submissions guideline/policy page.
There’s so many that are just plain closed to submissions. I’ve only been able to send submissions off to handful so far 🙁
Nikki Mitchell only accepts print copies, not ebooks.
Sally Altass, the contact form doesnt work, leaving no way to send a submission or even raise the issue with them.
Samantha Grubey, closed to submissions and no new reviews posted in a year.
Sarah Romano, can’t find a submission guideline page or any way to submit, link in list just goes to an advert page charging money for services.
The Future Fire Reviews has no submission guideline page.
That’s all, I’ve gone through the whole list and sent submissions to the ones that I could.
Thanks again, Casper.
Went another round with my new book. I understand that just being closed to submissions wont be enough to have a listing removed, but I went ahead and noted a few that were anyway. It honestly seems as if everyone is closed to submissions now, even ones that say they’re open. I cannot get a single review from anyone anywhere.
Alicia Jeanne – closed to submissions, only seems to accept physical copies, hasn’t posted a new review in months
Aly, What is Life Without Books – seems to be sending auto replies to all submissions saying they are closed to submissions
Blessing Obiahu, d’litreview – says the following on website: “A physical copy of the book (required for review)”
HeidiLynn’s BookReviews – doesn’t have submissions guideline page
Hines and Bigham’s Literary Tryst – site has moved, link listed as new site is dead
Jane Cairns, Mostly Mystery Reviews – doesn’t have a submissions guideline page, hasn’t posted any new reviews in months
Jim Mcleod, Ginger Nuts of Horror – link to submisions guideline page doesn’t work, searching around on site and found the following: “Do not send any books for review unless you have made prior arrangements with The Ginger Nuts of Horror Website.”
Luke, Fourteenth Avenue Presss – The Avenue Book Review – closed to submissions, not posting new reviews
Lynne Barnes, Barnsey’s Books – Closed to submissions, no contact details
Mandy Parmenter, MP Book Reviews – says the following on website: “Please note I am only accepting books for review from authors I have already read and reviewed a book from already”
Mike Siedschlag, Books are Theater of the Mind – closed to submissions, no reviews in months
Whispering Stories – closed to submissions
Musing of Souls – closed to submissions
Nick T. Borrelli – closed to submissions
Olivia, Books and Readers – no submissions guideline page
Portia Mukherjee, Life as we know it – seems to be closed to submissions, no new reviews in almost a year
Reading Nook – Says they’re open to submissions, but responds to all submissions saying they are not accepting any submissions
Rosemarie Cawkwell – closed to submissions
Ruei Wang, Ruei’s Reading Corner – closed to submissions
Sadie Forsythe – says the following on site: “I am only accepting review requests for femme-authored Monster and Why Choose Romances of the fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi (etc.) variety. That’s it.”
Sandra Lopez, Sandra’s Book Club – no submissions guideline page
Shari Sakurai – closed to submissions
Tales from Absurdia – closed to submissions
Tonya, A Book A Day – submissions guideline page is blank
Valerie, Cats Luv Coffee – no new reviews posted in months
• I read everywhere: Closed to submissions!
Is there anybody left inclined to have a look to a SF fantasy graphic novel (young adults) ebook?
At least the first volume of a trilogy? OUREA NOSSIS Tale by Lyskegle Karblix
Thanks to your answer.